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Sri Lanka government orders removal of Dambulla mosque

read perya puram about gnanasambadar where 16000 innocent people were killed by kalumaram .stomach pain is burada.do you know about analvadam? these hindu saints are fakers.
rig veda has detalis only about brahma indiran sarswathi padma.name like shiva vishnu muragan are not mentioned in vedas.
there was no temple worship in vedic times .everything was copied from buddhism.murgan is known as skanda in china which.is main boddisatta.so how did buddhist skanda or kanda became kandaswamy in india.for tripathi read what swamy vivekananda said about vaishnavam.as i said tirupathi palani sabarimala was buddhist temple.kanchipuram nagapattinam
were buddhist centers.
before 7th century there was no hinduism. only buddhism and jainism were religions all works in tamil were created by buddhist and jain monks only after 10th century hindu books were witten.so all custom tradition folled in hinduism is taken from buddhism.head tonsuring is also buddhist belief.
Barua's are brahmins.these brahmins are know way connected to buddhism.they were top on the society why should anyone convert to become equall among masses.
read perya puram about gnanasambadar where 16000 innocent people were killed by kalumaram .stomach pain is burada.do you know about analvadam? these hindu saints are fakers.
rig veda has detalis only about brahma indiran sarswathi padma.name like shiva vishnu muragan are not mentioned in vedas.
there was no temple worship in vedic times .everything was copied from buddhism.murgan is known as skanda in china which.is main boddisatta.so how did buddhist skanda or kanda became kandaswamy in india.for tripathi read what swamy vivekananda said about vaishnavam.as i said tirupathi palani sabarimala was buddhist temple.kanchipuram nagapattinam
were buddhist centers.
before 7th century there was no hinduism. only buddhism and jainism were religions all works in tamil were created by buddhist and jain monks only after 10th century hindu books were witten.so all custom tradition folled in hinduism is taken from buddhism.head tonsuring is also buddhist belief.

Nee solradu elaame fantasy stories maadiri iruku...
But y less historians and archeologist share ur opinion?
Elaarkume theriyum hinduism is the oldest religion...
Rig veda brahma, vishnu saraswati are hindu gods right?
Apram yen ipadi solura no hinduism till 7th century?
And Stomach pain story is buruda?
Well i find u posting burudaas here like many others...
Strange that a 50 year old mosque is suddenly found to be in the wrong place.

Had this happened in India, the heavens would have fallen, since it is SL post # 2 seems ok.. eh ??

" main karun to sala character dheela hai !!'

I was thinking the same whilst going through the stuff and the lame excuse was a lesson learnt from a BABRI mosque....OUR ISlam condemns and admit the rights of minorities and if some muslim has raised a mosque by demolishing a temple then it is condemned (even if Babri) and resuming temple would be suggested by ISlam (I'm no expert, but I hardcore believe as Islam says not to even abuse non-muslim gods, in turn if they do then you will be sinnful for provocating them and hence bringing bad towards your Islam). BUT A STRONG EVIDENCE WOULD BE NEEDED NOT JUST BASED ON THE MYTH.......I'm sure it was not a temple and we are holding good relations with SL and we terribly condemn the act of Buddist (though friend of us in China..) some conspiricies agaist muslims going on the world level I must say...people who were involved in this violance should be arrested and punished so as to avoid the future problems of such a sort....Same happened after centries they remebered that it was temple....a peaceful and justful slution in such a way that majority may think twice the next time to go for a violation...if you will relocate and unjusticely then I believe then everytime people will assume that by going violence will be accepted...

Aha, one of my colleage here was to SPAIN and was telling that there were very beautiful mosques there but their is police standing there and treating harshly and would not allow to offer prayer there...as they tried to go in without shoes but they scolded....
I was thinking the same whilst going through the stuff and the lame excuse was a lesson learnt from a BABRI mosque....OUR ISlam condemns and admit the rights of minorities and if some muslim has raised a mosque by demolishing a temple then it is condemned (even if Babri) and resuming temple would be suggested by ISlam (I'm no expert, but I hardcore believe as Islam says not to even abuse non-muslim gods, in turn if they do then you will be sinnful for provocating them and hence bringing bad towards your Islam). BUT A STRONG EVIDENCE WOULD BE NEEDED NOT JUST BASED ON THE MYTH.......I'm sure it was not a temple and we are holding good relations with SL and we terribly condemn the act of Buddist (though friend of us in China..) some conspiricies agaist muslims going on the world level I must say...people who were involved in this violance should be arrested and punished so as to avoid the future problems of such a sort....Same happened after centries they remebered that it was temple....a peaceful and justful slution in such a way that majority may think twice the next time to go for a violation...if you will relocate and unjusticely then I believe then everytime people will assume that by going violence will be accepted...

Aha, one of my colleage here was to SPAIN and was telling that there were very beautiful mosques there but their is police standing there and treating harshly and would not allow to offer prayer there...as they tried to go in without shoes but they scolded....

Yes its not only Mosques, stop thinking only you are targetted and raise ur cards.
to many indians plz plz dont make this thread pakistan and india just leave this one aside.......

i am reminded of a great story when i was a child i cant remember much of it but will try to bring it into an account before the independence of pakistan and india there was an empty land in a muslim community area. the muslims decided to build a mosque over there. when they were building the hindus protested and said this land was theirs. this led to an arguement and the case was taken in court. the judge decided to ask a man who was muslim and was famous for telling the truth( cant remember the name). he brought in court and when asked he said the land belonged to hindus it was theirs. the muslims in court shouted but to no avail the judge sided and claimed that the land belonged to hindus and thus even in such a pressure situation he stayed true to islam and spoke the truth.

plzzzz plzzz indians dont exploit this and troll about this knowing your nature
hinduism is 2000 years old.pali is mother of sanskrit.before 7th century in south india buddhism and jainisim are prominent religion.brahminisam (hinduism) might have followed by only andhnars.
in history you cant say that sivan cured stomach pain.or i would say buddha cured people as it will become religion.only historical facts included
just think about read from books and internet
please read this superhindus.wordpress.com/how-brahmins-killed-buddhism-in-india/
Thank you for your posts. I have always wondered about this part of Indian history. Do you want to open a thread about this or is it ok if I open one. The topic will be: Decline of Buddhism in India.

In Southeastern part of Bangladesh, Chittagong, we have two groups of Buddhist, one is Tibeto Burman looking Chakma-Tanchangya and then there is Bengali Barua's, many of whom I have worked with and were good friends of mine. Do you know anything about Barua's and their origin?

Buddhism evovled in central ancient india & spread all over the the ancient indian subontinent.
It was spread from present day burma to present areas of baloch & sindh. In north it was spread upto Afghanistan & Tibet. World's first university .i.e Taxilla near peshawar was its major religious & educational centre. Buddhist population were peace living, culturely advance & wealthy idol worshippers.
Then came the muslim invaders. They destroyed buddhist monastries & killed thousands millions of buddhist for there idolworship. The word " buuth" for idols in urdu & arabic come from Buddha.
Timur announced huge rewards for soldiers who brought him buddhist monk's head. All buddhist scriptures were burnt by Muslim invaders. The library at Taxila is said to have housed 600000 manuscripts & buddhist scriptures library alone is said to be on fire for 30 days.
Majority of present day pakistanis afghanis balochs & many north indian muslims are descedent of the converts who were forced to accept islam or get killed.
This was the major region for declined of buddhism in North Indian pleateau. Shankaracharya a hindu scholar from south india later converted remainder hindu kings to buddhism based on his religious debates.

Fanatic Muslims & Hindus are biggest destroyer of Buddhism

Decline of Buddhism in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So much for these irenic monks. Under the facade of nobility, they are as rotten as any other religious fanatics. :tdown:
Whatever its their country their rules,outsiders should not be bothered about that.
here's a much more clear pic of about to remove building.
hahaha whar are you saying? corruption political powers are you in todays world.it was in 7th century.it was kings world the masses follows kings order wthere buddhisim or hinduism people followed their kings faith.untill 7th century buddhisim and jainism were predominant religion in south india.it was after adhi shankarachary that hinduism gained momemtum.
do you know bodhidharma was a pallava king.
the raise of hinduism was because of sankaracharya and fox mind brahminsm nothing above than that.
the brahmins influnced the kings after the fall of buddhist kalaparayar dynasty.

Wrong wrong and completely wrong.

As I suspected you know nothing of history, even Tamil one and just keep spouting your indoctrinated marxist BS.

First coming to Tamil Nadu, it was not Shankaracharya's rise that saw the demise of Buddhism/Jainism but the rise of Shaivite nayanmars (most of them not even Brahmins), the demise of Pallava empire and the resurgence of Chola empire which promoted Shaivism.

Coming to North India, true Shankaracharya toured all over North India and defeated the Buddhist scholars in spiritual debates and the people voluntarily left Buddhism and joined Hinduism.

You yourself contradict yourself when you saw Buddhism was forcefully done away with from India and say in the same breath it was Adi Shankara's rise which saw the demise of Buddhism. Sure Adi Shankara carried a sword in hand and forcefully converted all :lol:
before 7th century there was no hinduism. only buddhism and jainism were religions all works in tamil were created by buddhist and jain monks only after 10th century hindu books were witten.so all custom tradition folled in hinduism is taken from buddhism.head tonsuring is also buddhist belief.

This proves that you're an anti-Hindu bigot..:lol:. Do you even know what you're talking about? Even the most conservative Buddhists including Therevada school of thought, know that mainstream Hinduism is the world's oldest way of life followed by us Buddhists.

Are you seriously commenting or is it just that you got a little more pay than usual from the local baptist?
read perya puram about gnanasambadar where 16000 innocent people were killed by kalumaram .stomach pain is burada.do you know about analvadam? these hindu saints are fakers.

Yeah everything is buruda according to revisionist marxist historians and the neo-buddhist converts.

rig veda has detalis only about brahma indiran sarswathi padma.name like shiva vishnu muragan are not mentioned in vedas.

Vedic Hinduism is just one part of Hinduism. We in Tamil Nadud worship many gods that are not worshipped anywhere else. That is also Hinduism.

there was no temple worship in vedic times .everything was copied from buddhism.murgan is known as skanda in china which.is main boddisatta.so how did buddhist skanda or kanda became kandaswamy in india.

Because it was a tamizhan Boddhisatva who took Buddhism to China ?

before 7th century there was no hinduism. only buddhism and jainism were religions all works in tamil were created by buddhist and jain monks only after 10th century hindu books were witten.so all custom tradition folled in hinduism is taken from buddhism.head tonsuring is also buddhist belief.

Yeah right...Tholkappiyam, Thirukkural, Agananuru, Purananuru etc were all created by Buddhist and Jain monks...:blah:
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