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Sri Lanka imposes curfew after Buddhist-Muslim clashes

Watch your mouth terrorist retard. Running your big mouth while living in UK. Kala monkey? haha Islamist being a racist. No wonder. As I've once explained these terrorists should be used for biological experiments (artificial organ transplanting etc.)

You are a kala monkey, that not my fault, look in the mirror

Sri Lanka is isolated, this is one reason you were able to beat the tamils,, if you were next door to the likes of the Taliban they would have ripped you and your family to pieces

Its easy for your scum monks to take on isolated muslim communities but would ripped to shred any other time.

You are a kala monkey, that not my fault, look in the mirror

Sri Lanka is isolated, this is one reason you were able to beat the tamils,, if you were next door to the likes of the Taliban they would have ripped you and your family to pieces

Its easy for your scum monks to take on isolated muslim communities but would ripped to shred any other time.

When you look in the mirror what do you see? A gorilla with a suicide vest? ha wannabe arab?

Who's getting blown up by Taliban? Me or your fellow countrymen? I see terrorist is so excited these days after seeing his fellow caveman in ISIL but he has no idea that his masters use them for their own interests.

This guy is one example why tolerance towards Islamists doesn't work. This is a product of social isolation combined with a mental illness.
83' redux.. This time targeting the Muslims.. These saffron thugs are part of the political establishment, Directly under the brother of the president.. @HeinzG .. What are your thoughts? The South is on fire!! Are you still in agreement with what these b@stards are doing to the country ?

Mark my word the govt will do nothing

Part of political establishment? Are you nuts? What do you think government has lost its hold on Buddhist voters?

I have never supported BBS but there was some sympathy for their cause which was kind of a modern day requirement but what happened last few days was overwhelming. Government has done most of what they could to stop the violence from spreading. Compare this with the UNP government in 1983.
Sri Lanka need take critical measures to limit its muslim growth for sure.

It is better for the country.

Sri Lanka imposes curfew after Buddhist-Muslim clashes

Clashes broke out as Buddhists marched into Muslim populated area. The Sri Lankan authorities have imposed a curfew on two southern towns to quell clashes between a hardline Buddhist group and Muslims. The latest violence began after a Buddhist rally in Aluthgama. Several people are reported to have been injured, shops burned and stones thrown at Buddhist marchers there.

The curfew was later extended to include mainly Muslim Beruwala. Muslims make up around 10% of Sri Lanka's predominantly Buddhist population. Eyewitness accounts tell of Muslims being pulled off local buses and beaten. There are also reports of looting.


The rally by the Buddhist BBS took place in Aluthgama. The clashes are said to have begun after the rally held by the BBS, the Bodu Bala Sena, or Buddhist Brigade. The gathering came three days after a smaller clash between Muslim youths and a Buddhist monk's driver.

'Act in restraint'

After its rally, the BBS marched into Muslim areas chanting anti-Muslim slogans, reports say, and the police used tear gas to quell the violence. Unconfirmed reports say security forces also used gunfire. Witnesses say Muslim homes and a mosque were stoned. The situation is confusing and there is an air of danger as violence has spread to several areas, a BBC reporter in Aluthgama says.


Some pro-Buddhist organisations oppose what they see as undue minority influence on government. Sri Lankan media appear to have decided not to report the violence, with sources saying outlets have received "orders from above".

President Mahinda Rajapaksa has announced an investigation.

"The government will not allow anyone to take the law into their own hands. I urge all parties concerned to act in restraint," he tweeted. Correspondents say tension has recently been high between the two sides, with Muslims calling on the government to protect them from Buddhist-inspired hate attacks, and Buddhist accusing minorities of enjoying too much influence.

BBC News - Sri Lanka imposes curfew after Buddhist-Muslim clashes
When you look in the mirror what do you see? A gorilla with a suicide vest? ha wannabe arab?

Who's getting blown up by Taliban? Me or your fellow countrymen? I see terrorist is so excited these days after seeing his fellow caveman in ISIL but he has no idea that his masters use them for their own interests.

This guy is one example why tolerance towards Islamists doesn't work. This is a product of social isolation combined with a mental illness.

There are 1.7 billion muslims and growing in the world and if dirty pig sri lankans wish to make an enemy out of them because they think oppressing innocent muslim communities in sri lanka is the way to go

then expect hatred against your island monkey peoples

the next time some low down sr lankan maid gets beaten or sri lankans get abused it is a direct result of sr lankan crimes against muslims in sri lanka
There are 1.7 billion muslims and growing in the world and if dirty pig sri lankans wish to make an enemy out of them because they think oppressing innocent muslim communities in sri lanka is the way to go

then expect hatred against your island monkey peoples

the next time some low down sr lankan maid gets beaten or sri lankans get abused it is a direct result of sr lankan crimes against muslims in sri lanka
I honestly don't care about whatever happens to any Sri Lankan in Saudi Arabia. In fact they should be banned from going there or they should be stripped from Sri Lankan nationality. By the way, the maid who was beheaded was also a Sri Lankan Muslim.

Ok now let's take a look at what your masters think about you lot.

I know what you mean also by Pakistanis. 10 or 15 years ago i remember it was really common for many of them to try and claim some kind of racial or ancestral relationship to the Middle East. Even today i still meet Pakistanis who will tell me that they have some connection to "Persia" or that "X" ancestor of them "came from Persia". :bad:

I can give you a recent example actually. About 2 months ago i was at a house party. A friend of a friend of mine was introduced to me, she was Bahraini. She was there with another girl who was Pakistani. The Pakistani asked me where i was from and when i told her i was Iranian she told me that she was also "Persian", but she didnt look Iranian to me at all. But i dont judge so i said to her salaam, chetori, khoob hasti? in typical Iranian small talk and then asked her chi kar mikoni and she just looked at me. So i then told her by the way dar landan be donya omadam pas farsiye man khoob nist choon ke man faghat ye kami farsi baladam and she just looked at me blankly again. So i asked her midooni? and she replied 'oh im Persian ...but from Pakistan'. She obviously didnt understand a word id said to her, and i was confused by her response.

So i was like, OK, do you know Farsi, and she said no. I asked her if she's been to Iran, she said no. I asked her are her parents from Iran, she said no. I asked her if her grandparents were from Iran, she said no, her 'ancestors' were. So i asked her where she's really from and it turned out that in truth she was from some 'Punjab', Pakistan. :rolleyes1:

Honestly, ive been through this many times before with Pakistanis. I even met a Pakistani before that told me he had "Greek blood" and that "many Pakistanis have Greek in them". :laugh:

Such massive and insecure liars.

If its not "Persia" then its some Arab country or "Central Asia", lol. Anything but being Indian it seems which is what they actually are.
Iranian Chill Thread | Page 722


And add to that there was also a chap in the gym I go who speak to his mates in Arabic thinking that he has Arab roots. Hilarious lot indeed. :lol:
I honestly don't care about whatever happens to any Sri Lankan in Saudi Arabia. In fact they should be banned from going there or they should be stripped from Sri Lankan nationality. By the way, the maid who was beheaded was also a Sri Lankan Muslim.

Ok now let's take a look at what your masters think about you lot.

Iranian Chill Thread | Page 722


And add to that there was also a chap in the gym I go who speak to his mates in Arabic thinking that he has Arab roots. Hilarious lot indeed. :lol:

We are muslims for God, to follow God not for anyone else

I also feel sri lankans should be hated and punished we should support the muslims in sri lanka

and treat the rest like the animals that they are not just in the GCC but across the world our numbers are large
We are muslims for God, to follow God not for anyone else

I also feel sri lankans should be hated and punished we should support the muslims in sri lanka

and treat the rest like the animals that they are not just in the GCC but across the world our numbers are large
Well yeah up to you. Most Sri Lankans in GCC are Muslims themselves and should I remind you how they look at you? I guess it's time for you to come down to earth unless you are just messing around for fun on an internet forum. If you are serious and your real life behaviour is reflected by this then you obviously need some sort of help.

There is something seriously wrong with Pakistanis live in abroad especially Sunnis.
Well yeah up to you. Most Sri Lankans in GCC are Muslims themselves and should I remind you how they look at you? I guess it's time for you to come down to earth unless you are just messing around for fun on an internet forum. If you are serious and your real life behaviour is reflected by this then you obviously need some sort of help.

There is something seriously wrong with Pakistanis live in abroad especially Sunnis.

The muslim sri lankans are fine

its the rest of the sub humans we should persecute

if the sri lankan buddists believe that hurting adefenceless community is acceptable then efforts should be made to push some pain and consequence on the sri lankan community
The muslim sri lankans are fine

its the rest of the sub humans we should persecute

if the sri lankan buddists believe that hurting adefenceless community is acceptable then efforts should be made to push some pain and consequence on the sri lankan community
Persecute with your keyboard? I have no time for you right now and I enjoyed talking to you. Now go back to beating your wife, making bombs, raping white girls or whatever.
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I don't watch world cup. Too much work to do and no time to rest. I am here on PDF to blow off some steam from stress. :D

No football - Oh how I wish we could have you tied to a football post before asking Beckam to use a football to repeatedly target your nuts to hone his free-kick skills ! :(

But I suppose that would be too cruel......to the football ! :whistle:

And mate, I'm sorry for commenting about the Internal Affairs of Sri Lanka...I shouldn't have, it was not my place to do so !
I'm glad the government has taken steps to stop the violence.

This however will not look good, especially with world scrutiny on SriLanka (war crimes), this will further make things worse and SriLanka's critics will say I told you so.

Ban this BBS.

Campaign for Justice

We also hear of joint Muslim - Sinhalese teams guarding certain neighbourhoods and an unconfirmed report of them actually fighting off mobs.
12:53 a.m. Tue, Jun 17
Zahran Careem @zahranc
@Camp4justice It's called unity. Let's stand against racism. #lka#Aluthgama
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Nafhan Nowfal @NafhanNowfal
@Camp4justice absolutely real buddhist... Proud about them.. We want peace..
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azmeer @azmeer
@Camp4justice this is real good news.
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azmeer @azmeer
@Camp4justice here's some more updates: twitter.com/Dinoukc
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Rizaniya Ferin @my_rizaniya
@Camp4justice salute them! @raai_786
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