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Iranian Chill Thread

@ای ایران I believe you were wasting your time on them because there is compulsion not to accept it in open that goes against the idea of 'non-India' identity. Pakistan was created based on the Muslim identity only but Pakistanis found that its very insufficient to assert a non-Indian identity, so they try to look for non-India identity based on false perception o skin colour, claiming their ancestors were never Hindus but Buddhists, languages(how only 3% Indians similar to Pakistanis as how only 3% Indians speak Punjabi language) and even try to claim the difference from Indus valley civilization going back 5000 years in the past creating fake stories how people of Indus and Ganges were always different. :laugh:
@ای ایران I believe you were wasting your time on them because there is compulsion not to accept it in open that goes against the idea of 'non-India' identity. Pakistan was created based on the Muslim identity only but Pakistanis found that its very insufficient to assert a non-Indian identity, so they try to look for non-India identity based on false perception o skin colour, claiming their ancestors were never Hindus but Buddhists, languages(how only 3% Indians similar to Pakistanis as how only 3% Indians speak Punjabi language) and even try to claim the difference from Indus valley civilization going back 5000 years in the past creating fake stories how people of Indus and Ganges were always different. :laugh:
You are right. I am wasting my time on this forum by interacting with a horde of insecure losers, liars and intellectual weaklings.

I know what you mean also by Pakistanis. 10 or 15 years ago i remember it was really common for many of them to try and claim some kind of racial or ancestral relationship to the Middle East. Even today i still meet Pakistanis who will tell me that they have some connection to "Persia" or that "X" ancestor of them "came from Persia". :bad:

I can give you a recent example actually. About 2 months ago i was at a house party. A friend of a friend of mine was introduced to me, she was Bahraini. She was there with another girl who was Pakistani. The Pakistani asked me where i was from and when i told her i was Iranian she told me that she was also "Persian", but she didnt look Iranian to me at all. But i dont judge so i said to her salaam, chetori, khoob hasti? in typical Iranian small talk and then asked her chi kar mikoni and she just looked at me. So i then told her by the way dar landan be donya omadam pas farsiye man khoob nist choon ke man faghat ye kami farsi baladam and she just looked at me blankly again. So i asked her midooni? and she replied 'oh im Persian ...but from Pakistan'. She obviously didnt understand a word id said to her, and i was confused by her response.

So i was like, OK, do you know Farsi, and she said no. I asked her if she's been to Iran, she said no. I asked her are her parents from Iran, she said no. I asked her if her grandparents were from Iran, she said no, her 'ancestors' were. So i asked her where she's really from and it turned out that in truth she was from some 'Punjab', Pakistan. :rolleyes1:

Honestly, ive been through this many times before with Pakistanis. I even met a Pakistani before that told me he had "Greek blood" and that "many Pakistanis have Greek in them". :laugh:

Such massive and insecure liars.

If its not "Persia" then its some Arab country or "Central Asia", lol. Anything but being Indian it seems which is what they actually are.
You are right. I am wasting my time on this forum by interacting with a horde of insecure losers, liars and intellectual weaklings.

I know what you mean also by Pakistanis. 10 or 15 years ago i remember it was really common for many of them to try and claim some kind of racial or ancestral relationship to the Middle East. Even today i still meet Pakistanis who will tell me that they have some connection to "Persia" or that "X" ancestor of them "came from Persia". :bad:

I can give you a recent example actually. About 2 months ago i was at a house party. A friend of a friend of mine was introduced to me, she was Bahraini. She was there with another girl who was Pakistani. The Pakistani asked me where i was from and when i told her i was Iranian she told me that she was also "Persian", but she didnt look Iranian to me at all. But i dont judge so i said to her salaam, chetori, khoob hasti? in typical Iranian small talk and then asked her chi kar mikoni and she just looked at me. So i then told her by the way dar landan be donya omadam pas farsiye man khoob nist choon ke man faghat ye kami farsi baladam and she just looked at me blankly again. So i asked her midooni? and she replied 'oh im Persian ...but from Pakistan'. She obviously didnt understand a word id said to her, and i was confused by her response.

So i was like, OK, do you know Farsi, and she said no. I asked her if she's been to Iran, she said no. I asked her are her parents from Iran, she said no. I asked her if her grandparents were from Iran, she said no, her 'ancestors' were. So i asked her where she's really from and it turned out that in truth she was from some 'Punjab', Pakistan. :rolleyes1:

Honestly, ive been through this many times before with Pakistanis. I even met a Pakistani before that told me he had "Greek blood" and that "many Pakistanis have Greek in them". :laugh:

Such massive and insecure liars.

If its not "Persia" then its some Arab country or "Central Asia", lol. Anything but being Indian it seems which is what they actually are.
lol so true
LOL, I don't like Salt and sugar combination with khoresht(which is consisted of water). it reminds me of ORS. @haman10 can explain the usage of oral rehydration salts to you guys. :rolleyes:
Lol :D ORS is usually given to children for diarrhea , which recently is not recommended by WHO .
instead in first word countries a new modified ORS is given to kids which includes more potassium and less sodium . iran also gives this modified ORS to patients .

there are several stages which needs different approaches of ORS therapy . sometimes a Tube is used to give it more effectively to kids .

now who's kid got diarrhea ? :lol:
You are right. I am wasting my time on this forum by interacting with a horde of insecure losers, liars and intellectual weaklings.

I know what you mean also by Pakistanis. 10 or 15 years ago i remember it was really common for many of them to try and claim some kind of racial or ancestral relationship to the Middle East. Even today i still meet Pakistanis who will tell me that they have some connection to "Persia" or that "X" ancestor of them "came from Persia". :bad:

I can give you a recent example actually. About 2 months ago i was at a house party. A friend of a friend of mine was introduced to me, she was Bahraini. She was there with another girl who was Pakistani. The Pakistani asked me where i was from and when i told her i was Iranian she told me that she was also "Persian", but she didnt look Iranian to me at all. But i dont judge so i said to her salaam, chetori, khoob hasti? in typical Iranian small talk and then asked her chi kar mikoni and she just looked at me. So i then told her by the way dar landan be donya omadam pas farsiye man khoob nist choon ke man faghat ye kami farsi baladam and she just looked at me blankly again. So i asked her midooni? and she replied 'oh im Persian ...but from Pakistan'. She obviously didnt understand a word id said to her, and i was confused by her response.

So i was like, OK, do you know Farsi, and she said no. I asked her if she's been to Iran, she said no. I asked her are her parents from Iran, she said no. I asked her if her grandparents were from Iran, she said no, her 'ancestors' were. So i asked her where she's really from and it turned out that in truth she was from some 'Punjab', Pakistan. :rolleyes1:

Honestly, ive been through this many times before with Pakistanis. I even met a Pakistani before that told me he had "Greek blood" and that "many Pakistanis have Greek in them". :laugh:

Such massive and insecure liars.

If its not "Persia" then its some Arab country or "Central Asia", lol. Anything but being Indian it seems which is what they actually are.

I am not surprised by your comment, Pakistanis are made to believe that Pakistan is not in South Asia and they are different from the 'dark' Indians but they share more in common with Central Asia and the Middle East. Both the President(Mamnoon Hussain) and Prime Minister(Nawaz Sharif) of Pakistan are from the Indian side of the border, their family migrated during partition. Even Musharraf was born in Delhi and left Delhi at the age of 4 in 1947. Jinnah was from Gondal region of Gujarat in India. But this is not sufficient to convince them about their connection with India. :D :D Their another obsession is about preserving the purity of Urdu language from Indians particularly from the influence of alternate words Hindi language and Indian movies although Urdu originally came from the land that is Uttar Pradesh in North India today, not from Punjab. Sometime back, I read some Pakistani article claiming Urdu as 70% Persian, 30% Arabic-Turkish and 0% Indian and there was no mention of native Khari boli dialect that forms the core of Hindi and Urdu. It was most bizarre claim I ever came to read.
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dadashi too dehat maa tooye cake berenj nemirizan :D :D

hala che khabara ? khoobi ? darsa okeyan ?
baw man dashtam be tazinesh matalak mindakhtam :D

ma ke khube age shoma khub bashin felanam daram sorate test zanim roo emtehan mikonam bebinim chi mishe :D
گروه طنز و کاریکاتور- م.ر.سیخونکچی: دولت محترم تدبیر و امید در گام دوم تکریم ایرانیان توانست مردم را درست در روز ملی فناوری هسته‌ای بار دیگر در صفهای طویل بایستاند! گام قبلی دولت با ایجاد صفهای سبد کالا درست در دهه فجر(!) با موفقیت برداشته شده بود و مردم تکریم شده بودند. در همین زمینه گفتگو کردیم با «آقای کرامت اکرم» مسئول ستاد تکریم ایرانیان تا از برنامه‌های آتی دولت برای تکریم ایرانیان آگاه شویم.

سلام آقای اکرم، میدونم که سرتون حسابی شلوغه و سخت مشغول تکریم ایرانی‌ها هستید، به همین دلیل هم ممنونم که به ما وقت دادید. کمی از وضعیت فعلی روند تکریم بفرمایید.

آقای اکرم: خواهش می‌کنم. البته شما لطف دارید ولی ما با آنچه که در طرح سبد کالا به آن رسیدیم هنوز فاصله داریم! اما الحمدلله کار خوب شروع شده و خبرهایی که از شهرستان داریم اینه که صفها به اندازه کافی طویل هست. فقط در تهران روند تکریم کمی کند شده که اون هم بخاطر سرعت بالای اینترنته، که البته با وزارت ارتباطات هماهنگی شده و در اسرع وقت یک کشتی با لنگر آویزان از خلیج فارس عبور خواهد کرد!

خیلی هم خوب! بفرمایید که انتخاب روز ملی فناوری هسته‌ای برای شروع گام دوم تکریم ایرانیان چه بود؟

آقای اکرم: خب قطعاً در دولت تدبیر و امید هیچ کار بی‌حکمت نیست! بالاخره در سالهای گذشته در این روز همایشهایی برای گرامیداشت این روز ملی برگزار می‌شد که ما فکر کردیم وقتش شده که مردم جور دیگری تکریم شوند و یک چیزهایی از دماغشان در بیاید!

آمار دقیقی از میزان تکریم شدگان دارید؟

آقای اکرم: راستش فعلاً عمق تکریم برای ما مهمتر است تا این آمار و ارقام. دوره آمار و ارقام دروغ دادن گذشته است آقا!

بله... ببخشید! آیا ستاد تکریم برای آینده هم برنامه‌های دیگه‌ای داره یا مردم می‌تونن چند وقتی استراحت کنن؟

آقای اکرم: ببینید باتوجه به اینکه امسال سال جهاد اقتصادی و ایناست، استراحتی نخواهد بود و مردم باید خودشون رو برای تکریم‌های پیاپی آماده کنن!

بیچاره مردم!

آقای اکرم: چی فرمودین؟

هیچی! عرض کردم اگر امکانش هست برخی از برنامه‌هایی که در آینده برای تکریم مردم دارین رو شرح بدید.

آقای اکرم: بله، عرض کنم که نکته اول اینه که آنچیزی که بین همه این برنامه‌هخا مشترکه صفه! یعنی ما از هرچه بگذریم از صف نمی‌گذریم!

موفق باشید!

آقای اکرم: خواهش میکنم! اما برنامه‌های بعدی که داریم با توجه به مناسبت‌های پیش رو تنظیم شده. در اولین مناسبت که روز معلم هست، در نظر داریم معلم ها رو بجای دانش آموزان در صف صبحگاه نگه داریم.

بله اتفاقا معلم ها جزو اقشاری هستند که دائما تکریم می‌شوند!

آقای اکرم: بله خب، گفتیم اینبار یه جور تکریم کنن که دانش آموزان هم حالش را ببرند! برنامه بعدی همزمان با سالروز فتح خرمشهره که انشاالله قصد داریم همه مردم این شهر رو ببریم بیرون و بعد بگیم وایسن تو صف تا بتونن برگردن شهرشون!

فکر میکنم این برنامه چند روز طول بکشه!

آقای اکرم: بله، اتفاقا ما احتمال درگیری و جراحت و... رو هم دادیم که بدین منظور با رسانه‌های خارجی برای ارسال عکاس به تعداد کافی هماهنگی شده است!

پس مردم نگران نباشن، عکاس به تعداد کافی هست دیگه؟!

آقای اکرم: بله، نگران نباشن، همه تدابیر اندیشیده شده!

خب... خدا رو شکر. نگرانی مردم رفع شد. برنامه‌های بعدی چی؟

آقای اکرم: اجازه بدید فعلا چیزی نگم اما میتونم این وعده رو بدم که با توجه به فرارسیدن ماه مبارک رمضان برنامه‌ ویژه‌ای برای تهیه ارزاق مردم داریم که حتماً آنها را شگفت زده خواهد کرد!
خدا ماه رمضون رو بخیر کنه، احتمالا سحری رو توی صف ها میخوریم

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