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Sri Lanka imposes curfew after Buddhist-Muslim clashes

Did they really ? What a strange step !

I don't like the Niqab myself nor does any woman I know of either amongst friends or family wears one; I personally think its got a lot more to do with Arab Culture and a lot less to do with Islam but to each his own I suppose - But why ban them ?

What if you paddled all the way to SL, filched some poor lady's voter ID, donned a niqab to disguise yourself and cast a vote in favor of Rajapaksa just because you have a huge crush on him?:o::o:
What if you paddled all the way to SL, filched some poor lady's voter ID, donned a niqab to disguise yourself and cast a vote in favor of Rajapaksa just because you have a huge crush on him?:o::o:

I think my wrists would give away my gender unless women in Sri Lanka are in the habit of growing hair on their arms ! :lol:

On Topic - Check her face; how do you think we manage to do it ? We've got a separate booth for women everywhere (not just the election center) - They're searched like everyone else however by a female personnel of the security staff instead & that too in privacy keeping in mind her religious or cultural sensitivities !
I think my wrists would give away my gender unless women in Sri Lanka are in the habit of growing hair on their arms ! :lol:

On Topic - Check her face; how do you think we manage to do it ? We've got a separate booth for women everywhere (not just the election center) - They're searched like everyone else however by a female personnel of the security staff instead & that too in privacy keeping in mind her religious or cultural sensitivities !

Which would be sort of common sense, I mean I don't see how a veil or a niqab can cause any ruckus in logistical terms when it comes to voting or cause any complications, I sure as hell don't like such sexist and patriarchal practices but its silly to disenfranchise someone if they happen to wear a niqab to the polling booth.o_O

@Armstrong For Rajapaksa you'd be willing to wax your limbs.:p: Don't deny it Buttsy, I am well aware of your proclivities.
Did they really ? What a strange step !

I don't like the Niqab myself nor does any woman I know of either amongst friends or family wears one; I personally think its got a lot more to do with Arab Culture and a lot less to do with Islam but to each his own I suppose - But why ban them ?

I dont think there is a ban in general as such mate.. But i've heard certain govt institutions have implemented a ban on thier own siting security reasons.. As you said it's not a religious symbol but a middle eastern tribal one.. And all these have become recent developments in the island with the increased influence of more fundamentalist strains of Islam gaining foothold in the country through the funding and influences from the Gulf.. Muslims have been living in the island in peace for over millenia with thier distinct culture and religion without any discrimination and communal strife.. Head covering and skull caps are very common but not face veils..All these started to happen over just two decades
Which would be sort of common sense, I mean I don't see how a veil or a niqab can cause any ruckus in logistical terms when it comes to voting or cause any complications, I sure as hell don't like such sexist and patriarchal practices but its silly to disenfranchise someone if they happen to wear a niqab to the polling booth.o_O

Its Sri Lankans inter-matter - So I can't really complain or anything; I just found it a bit....ummm...odd !

@Armstrong For Rajapaksa you'd be willing to wax your limbs.:p: Don't deny it Buttsy, I am well aware of your proclivities.

Oh foOk off you ! :bad:
I dont think there is a ban in general as such mate.. But i've heard certain govt institutions have implemented a ban on thier own siting security reasons.. As you said it's not a religious symbol but a middle eastern tribal one.. And all these have become recent developments in the island with the increased influence of more fundamentalist strains of Islam gaining foothold in the country through the funding and influences from the Gulf.. Muslims have been living in the island in peace for over millenia with thier distinct culture and religion without any discrimination and communal strife.. Head covering and skull caps are very common but not face veils..All these started to happen over just two decades

I think it would be best if the Sri Lankan government regulates all this funding coming in; I know in Pakistan - the Saudis funded their clerics of choice & the Iranians funded theirs as the Government watched silently and did nothing - What happened was a sh*t storm of sectarianism that ripped apart the very fabric of our society in a country where there wasn't any history of sectarianism at all !

But its your country...your rules; so I won't really comment on the internal affairs of Sri Lanka !
I think it would be best if the Sri Lankan government regulates all this funding coming in; I know in Pakistan - the Saudis funded their clerics of choice & the Iranians funded theirs as the Government watched silently and did nothing - What happened was a sh*t storm of sectarianism that ripped apart the very fabric of our society in a country where there wasn't any history of sectarianism at all !

But its your country...your rules; so I won't really comment on the internal affairs of Sri Lanka !

No but you insights are most valuable.. Given the whats currently happening in the country and how we as a nation can prevent it descending to all out communal conflicts.. And i agree there need to be vigilance on the part of the govt.. But it needs to be done with the cooperation with main stream Islamic institutions in the country..

But priority needs to be dealing with these racist nationalist Buddhist movements creating havoc.. With sections of the ruling regime it self hand in glove with them i dont see how they will prevent anarchy sadly
Did they really ? What a strange step !

I don't like the Niqab myself nor does any woman I know of either amongst friends or family wears one; I personally think its got a lot more to do with Arab Culture and a lot less to do with Islam but to each his own I suppose - But why ban them ?
Buddy, this lifestyle causes heavy segregation and isolation. When people are separated from mainstream society, they begin to develop negative thoughts. That leads to breakdown of unity and it eventually leads to violence because later these people feel that they are alienated and they are not a part of society. It's not only about the dress, it's all about the anti-social behaviour. This dress is an element of a culture that is a clear obstacle for a harmonious society.
No but you insights are most valuable.. Given the whats currently happening in the country and how we as a nation can prevent it descending to all out communal conflicts.. And i agree there need to be vigilance on the part of the govt.. But it needs to be done with the cooperation with main stream Islamic institutions in the country..

But priority needs to be dealing with these racist nationalist Buddhist movements creating havoc.. With sections of the ruling regime it self hand in glove with them i dont see how they will prevent anarchy sadly

If it were up to me I'd outlaw all main-stream or otherwise Islamic Institutions 'cause as the poet-philosopher of Pakistan (Iqbal) once sarcastically said :

Deen-e-Mulla fi-sabilliahi fasaad

The cleric's faith is to spread mischief & discord in the name of God !
Buddy, this lifestyle causes heavy segregation and isolation. When people are separated from mainstream society, they begin to develop negative thoughts. That leads to breakdown of unity and it eventually leads to violence because later these people feel that they are alienated and they are not a part of society. It's not only about the dress, it's all about the anti-social behaviour. This dress is an element of a culture that is a clear obstacle for a harmonious society.

I won't comment on whether Sri Lanka should or should not ban it (I shouldn't have commented on it before when I did) because I have no basis to comment on the internal affairs of a sovereign country !

However I don't think it serves as a social barrier or breeds anti-social behavior of any kind - I don't think a piece of clothing commands that kind of power; besides there are plenty of socially active women in the world who dress up like that !

I don't like it because I don't think its sanctioned by Islam but if a woman is comfortable with it - Fine by all means wear it !
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