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Sri Lanka government orders removal of Dambulla mosque

Buddhism evovled in central ancient india & spread all over the the ancient indian subontinent.
It was spread from present day burma to present areas of baloch & sindh. In north it was spread upto Afghanistan & Tibet. World's first university .i.e Taxilla near peshawar was its major religious & educational centre. Buddhist population were peace living, culturely advance & wealthy idol worshippers.
Then came the muslim invaders. They destroyed buddhist monastries & killed thousands millions of buddhist for there idolworship. The word " buuth" for idols in urdu & arabic come from Buddha.
Timur announced huge rewards for soldiers who brought him buddhist monk's head. All buddhist scriptures were burnt by Muslim invaders. The library at Taxila is said to have housed 600000 manuscripts & buddhist scriptures library alone is said to be on fire for 30 days.
Majority of present day pakistanis afghanis balochs & many north indian muslims are descedent of the converts who were forced to accept islam or get killed.
This was the major region for declined of buddhism in North Indian pleateau. Shankaracharya a hindu scholar from south india later converted remainder hindu kings to buddhism based on his religious debates.

Fanatic Muslims & Hindus are biggest destroyer of Buddhism

Decline of Buddhism in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Buddhist declined long before Islam came to India.
So stop your bullshit.

Last frontiers of Buddhism.

1) Afhganistan.
2) Some part of Pakistan.
3) Eastern Bengal.

Central, North, South Indian Buddhist vanished long before Islam came to India.

Most Buddhist later converted to Islam. Thats why you only see Muslim majority population in Afhganistan, Pakistan and Bangladeh. Their ancestors were Buddhist.
How come Buddhism vanished from India, its birthplace, but exists else where in the world? Can we here some Buddhists opinion about this history, as we cannot get anything objective from you know who.

As mentioned earlier Lord Buddha was 9th incarnation of lord Vishnu, So In India Buddhism is considered as a part of Hinduism and there is no discrimination against its followers. Hindus do visit the Buddhist temple with same faith as their own temple. Basically there is no ideological difference between the two.
The Dharma religions of India some way or the other are inspired by the Vedic texts, Hinduism Sikhism Jainism Buddhism share a lot of things and which is why they are bound till date in a single Country.

So Buddhism never vanished from India only names have changed but the number of believers(in Lord Buddha) have never seen a downfall.


( April 28, 2012, London, Sri Lanka Guardian) The Dambulla Masjid was stormed by the Buddhist monks on Friday the 20th April. It sent shivers through the Muslim community who are collectively a coalition partner in the President Mahinda Rajapakse government.

The attack on the mosque took place when President Mahinda Rajapakse was on an official visit to South Korea. This attack once again put the government on the dock, over its insincere attitude towards its national minorities.

Such a grave attack should have invited the nation’s leader to make a public statement on the issue. But that responsibility has not been discharged so far and was delegated to the maverick Prime Minister D M Jayaratne and the government’s right-wing coalition partner JHU, whom added insult to injury by asserting that the mosque must be removed at any cost.

President’s silence on such an issue of national importance is a worrying trend that is extending from his Sinhalisation of the North and East. The legal dictum ‘silence gives consent’ confirms the involvement of the government in its fanatical crusade against the minorities.

The very President on his return from Libya in May 2009 after the defeat of the LTTE, played a hyphened drama and made a speech (after kissing mother Sri Lanka) short of a much needed political accommodation of the Tamils through power devolvement. It was a hypocritical political hype at that time, to prop up the anti-Tamil and anti minority crusade further to strengthen the state control of the minority Tamils.

The very same President failing to put a public statement, failed to call an emergency cabinet meeting to give clear instructions to deal with the mosque attack by arresting the monks and protestors involved and inquiring into the police conduct of being passive spectators when the attack was going on.

The Dambulla incident exposes government agenda of asserting the island-wide Sinhalisation process that is subtly carried out in the North and East with the ever mushrooming road-side Buddhist Dagoba’s and Buddha statues.

The President knows very well that the position protecting scrounge Muslim leaders will not go against him and if it happens there are many more Muslims in waiting the fringes waiting to take on the positions, thus undermining any collectivism amongst them. Their religion will unite them, but unfortunately the very unity will not be translated into political will to pressurise the President.

The Muslim leaders associated with the government are complicit in the attack on the Masjid, as they too are silent partners in their association with the government and further for not packing their bags following the incident. This disgraceful behaviour is a giving blank cheque to the President to extend his Sinhalisation agenda.

The Muslim partners in the government like the Justice Minister Raul Hakeem are worried about their positions being taken over by other Muslims and as a result are failing to vociferously challenge those involved in the violence and put the government to test on the issue. Being a Justice Minister, Hakeem is even unable to contemplate judicious remedy to deal with the issue as it will put him loggerhead with his party men and the government.

Minister Hakeem’s ability does not go further to use external sources to agitate on his behalf. Having been part of the government that is heavily engaged in extra-judicial activities, he knows his position in the government will be at stake if he agitate against its conduct.

The very Muslim leaders in the government canvassed support for the government from Muslim states on the Geneva resolution. So long as there are Muslims waiting in the fringes to align with the government, the Muslim leaders are left with no alternative than to play to the tricks of the government.

The Muslim mindset must go further than dancing with the devil and they are compounding their historical complicities and blunders by not playing their role responsibly, to bring about justice and peace for all the communities.

It is sad to see the complicity of the Muslims in the failures of Sri Lanka. The very LTTE was given birth with the Muslim Minister Badiudin Mohamed introducing the anti-Tamil Standardisation Policy in the 1970’s that damaged the Tamil community to a slavery standard in Sri Lanka.
^^ for the bold part above, Sinhalese are native to Sri Lanka only can anyone explain to me do we need to "Sinhalisation" our own country? lol

btw, above website has banned in here since long time ago.
srilanka is a buddhist country.can anybody build a temple in saudi aribia or other gulf countries?
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