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Special Thanks to AfrazulMandal

So how many real Indian Muslims are therein PDF?

Why do you want to know? And even if you become aware of their presence what would you achieve doing that? Listen, just mind your business and play along with your fellow country men. Lots of fishing is taking place now a days - - - - - - -
Don't know about afrazul but aibak is clearly a sanghi trying to lead Pakistanis astray. The purpose of false flagging is to build a false narrative. The false flaggers will push the "Hindu-bashing" or "islamisation is the answer because Islam must dominate and kill infidels" narrative. This narrative serves Indian interests (it is the same narrative as the "Muslims are foreign invaders who historically brutalised poor peaceful Hindus throughout history") and maliciously maligns Pakistanis or anyone else who actually want to dismember hindutva and/or the state of india simply for the sake of regional security and security of those who identify as Muslims. You will find the aibaks of this world never come across as balanced, reasonable or even articulate. It's unlikely he'll respond to any of our posts calling him out because he knows the jig is up. There are plenty of purportedly Indian Muslim posters on pdf who project a believable and balanced persona. Aibak is not one of them.
I thought @Sultan Aibak to be an Indian Muslim :o:
How he is exposing hemself?
Brother ask ur heart, 1st ur Pakistani call me a Pakistani. Now dey calling me diff names

Your princess didnt even know who was tablighi jamat. She ran away after that question and after questioning Indian muslims :lol:
Tablighi is popular in South Asia only. How will she know?

You're faking that bad grammar and spelling.
Wot u sayin

She is Saudi princess and you are Indian. How is she your princess.
V all r same. All Muslims r family
It does not matter what is he in real life....But if any one is targeting Hindus being an Indian, then it is a problem...
He will be traced no matter where he hides in the world..he is going to have some tough times ahead
I concur with the Rising Dawn
@Slav Defence @WebMaster @The Eagle @jaibi @PakSword @SIPRA @Mentee @StormBreaker @Areesh @DESERT FIGHTER @Khanivore @N.Siddiqui @M. Sarmad @masterchief_mirza @waz

I do fully support that Indians must have full freedom of their IndianViews and shouldnt be banned
... it doesn't change much ... as they do it anyways else where in Cyberspace... it is rather valuable/educational to know their thinking here on PDF!

I, however, find it unamusing...that some Indians with fake-muslim handles are allowed to discredit the Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan and their plight!

There are a few who use PakFlags and permanently allowed to build narrative that is Fundamentally AntiPakistan or against Pak's Interests... falseflagger Indians to be sure.... when such accounts are not tackled promptly...these posters are able to flood the forum with so much rubbish that the much lamented desire for Higher Quality output by the OurAdmin is negatively affected. Something, OurAdmin can choose to evaluate!

For the rest allow the good Indians to express their Indianness with all the freedom.... and of course, they will claim about the bad quality of PDF as if their own watering holes are filled with liquid gold...a rather pathetic Indian tactic... or just Indianness...who knows.

Our Focus must remain on PakKashmiris and the ongoing Oppression and Genocide in IoJK...

PDF is doing a good job of keeping the Flame of Solidarity with PakKashmiris alive.

Same for the Plight of Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan.... we should keep that in focus and shouldn't let FakeMuslims/FalseFlaggers to hijack it or undermine it.....

Posters can help the moderation teams by reporting such FalseFlaggers and hopefully, permanent action comes after that!

Things will get uglier as the IndianEconomy travels down the pit of depression....

I had a discussion with Mondal once, he is false flagger for sure. He knows Kolkata very well, but his words made me suspect he is a Bangladeshi Muslim, who jumped the border.

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