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Southern Han Chinese and their relationship with the Baiyue

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Great, so many abroad people research history of China. So, whats the result? Can someone draw a conclusion? Is there anyone research Confucius and Yi Jing? I bet that will be better for you.
I can tell you that for centuries Confucius had been the state doctrine of imperial Vietnam as everyone knew their place in the society. everyone knew their role how to act. that included the emperor.

here is a pic of the main gate to the Confucius temple in Hanoi, built in 1070 at the time of the Viet King Lý Nhân Tông. it is one of many temples dedicated to Confucius. for nearly 1,000 years state imperial exams were held here, selecting the best Mandarins for administration.

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not surprisingly.

the history of China is a history of conquest, being conquested and assimilation. If theoretically China invades the Philippines today, occupies it and integrates into China. After the Pinoys become sinized, they are Chinese tomorrow.

barbarian today Chinese tomorrow. lol

That is the same as all civilization including Vietnam vs Champa.

Right now, for Sino Tibetan, and to a greater extend yellow people, the future hinge on China. Or yellow people want to join India. Look at Manipur, Sikkim, South Tibet..etc

The white man is good to minorities only in certain countries. Today South America has a caste system whereby European shit on native Americans. Who knows USA may develop into caste system.
That's why his homestate cannot be Viet's historical territory.

we are talking about ancient prehistory of both nation.

That is the same as all civilization including Vietnam vs Champa.

Right now, for Sino Tibetan, and to a greater extend yellow people, the future hinge on China. Or yellow people want to join India. Look at Manipur, Sikkim, South Tibet..etc

The white man is good to minorities only in certain countries. Today South America has a caste system whereby European shit on native Americans. Who knows USA may develop into caste system.

problem is that: what is China dream ?
Bad example, since China never wants to fully sinicize Vietnam and Korea.
bad memory, remember of the Ming conquest of Vietnam in year 1407?

after Vietnam/Jiaozhi was forcibly returned to imperial China, all Viet related indigenous books, cultures and custom were banned or burnt. only Chinese stuffs were allowed.

Well, he is native and he is Han, of course Dongting Lake belongs to Hua Xia.

China to become rich and powerful, what is the problem here?

China will be more strong, but don't robe our Islands. hand back Paracel for us.
bad memory, remember of the Ming conquest of Vietnam in year 1407?

after Vietnam/Jiaozhi was forcibly returned to imperial China, all Viet related indigenous books, cultures and custom were banned or burnt. only Chinese stuffs were allowed.


You are still not getting fully sinicized, end of story.

China will be more strong, but don't robe our Islands.

China is fighting for the tomorrow of Asia, and you should be grateful that your big brother is now protecting you from another US invasion.

hand back Paracel for us.

Xisha is China's sovereignty, it is geographically closer to Hainan than to Vietnam, why it should belong to you?
You are still not getting fully sinicized, end of story.

China is fighting for the tomorrow of Asia, and you should be grateful that your big brother is now protecting you from another US invasion.

Xisha is China's sovereignty, it is geographically closer to Hainan than to Vietnam, why it should belong to you?

Invasion of US in cold war is old story.

Paracel is in middle of both, but Vietnam controlled Islands long time ago. we didn't have trouble with China in the past. Nine dash claiming of KMT 1948 is illegal.
China and Viet Nam no longer have land dispute but only sea dispute, what the point to discuss the history of China and Viet Nam. The map already draw up and accept by both country no reason to further debate this subject. India and China still have land dispute therefore the history of India and China more relevance.
if it comes to a debate of history, there are much of similarities/discrepancies, rivalies/cooperations, friend/enemy, big brother/small brother, similar cultures and custom, government systems between CN and VN. we can debate about things starting from today and going back to 3,000 years ago. Not sure if you can do same thing with CN and IN.

anyway I think it is a good idea to start a conservation on history of China and India.
here is a pic of the main gate to the Confucius temple in Hanoi
Its good that you people worship Confucius and even good if you practise it. Changing world need changing mind and people should adapt for it. Thats why Yi Jing is important.
If you people want to talk about history of China, show your respect. Actually reality is even more cruel than what you think.
Its good that you people worship Confucius and even good if you practise it. Changing world need changing mind and people should adapt for it. Thats why Yi Jing is important.
If you people want to talk about history of China, show your respect. Actually reality is even more cruel than what you think.

I think corruption will destroy China, not china's enemy. rise and fall is rule of our both history. is that the Yi Jing theory ?
Both Fuchai and Goujian may not be "Chinese". Not only that the ancient Yangtzu river Chu kingdom 楚国 may not be "Chinese". The Chinese historical text say 楚子荆蛮, (Chu are barbarian), 南蛮鸟舌之人 (talk like a bird, meaning the language is quite different). That was BC300.

Even Sichuan is very non Chinese at relatively late stage,AD300. There is 7 campaign by Zhuge Liang 诸葛亮 against the "barbarian"。

Yunnan is very non Chinese until today.
Teach you a lesson son,
1. do homework and search “蚩尤” if you can.
2. you have a badly delusion and you mixed the ethnic and nationality up.
3.do your best to act as a qualified troll.
I think corruption will destroy China, not china's enemy. rise and fall is rule of our both history. is that the Yi Jing theory ?
China will be more stable than before. Its your cruel reality.
I am happy and need to thank EastSea and Viet that show how Vn people educated and act. Good for many Chinese viewers.
China will be more stable than before. Its your cruel reality.
I am happy and need to thank EastSea and Viet that show how Vn people educated and act. Good for many Chinese viewers.

Mr. Xi said: China have to cut his hand to rescue the body. Is this right ?
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