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Soma Coal Mine Disaster | News and Discussion

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un

Surely we belong to Allah and to Him shall we return

may 13-14 and 15 declared national days of mourning

The goverment must do something against the companys who first look at profit rather than safety, its not only mines but also ship yards and the construction sector.

These people are also humans for gods sake. :hitwall:

Turkish PM cites 19th-century Britain to prove mine accidents are ‘typical’

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has cited decades-old – if not centuries-old – examples to defend his government over its mining record, pointing to a mine accident in Britain in 1838 during a press conference about the Soma disaster on May 14.

“I went back in British history. Some 204 people died there after a mine collapse in 1838. In 1866, 361 miners died in Britain. In an explosion in 1894, 290 people died there,” Erdoğan said in Soma, while choosing not to elaborate on how accidents in 19th-century Britain might be applicable to Soma’s unfolding disaster.

“Take America with all of its technology and everything ... In 1907, 361 [miners died there],” Erdoğan said. “These are usual things.”

Turkish PM also cited examples of early 20th-century mine accidents in France and Japan. “In 1942, 1,549 miners died in China due to a mixture of gas and coal,” Erdoğan said. “Can you believe it?” he asked journalists in reference to the numbers, rather than queries over his unorthodox understanding of logic.

Erdoğan vowed that the government would investigate the accident throughly, but emphasized that the Soma mine was seen as one of the safest in Turkey.

While Turkish PM thanked the opposition parties and the media for their non-partisan response to the national tragedy, he also reprimanded an Al-Jazeera journalist for asking why the mining company was allowed by the government to operate.

“As a journalist, I believe that you don’t follow closely how coal mines work around the world. It may be because there are natural gas reserves, but not coal mines in Qatar,” Erdoğan said before giving a long answer describing the history of mine accidents in Turkey, starting from 1942 when the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) was in power.

Some 120 people are still thought to be in the mine, Erdoğan said
Turkish PM cites 19th-century Britain to prove mine accidents are ‘typical’ - POLITICS
Stupid idiot, has some nerves to take a century old source to prove the goverment did nothing wrong.
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Guys, in his speech Erdogan gave examples from 1800s and said " these things are usual stuff" ?

Even pro-AKP media is furious. Erdoğan'ın konuşmasında tepki çeken örnek İZLE - En son haber

I wonder, do you agree with Erdogan in this subject ?

No for sure i am not ok with these examples but indeed this is an accident and by saying this i don't say "It is an accident and that's all" for sure this event should be searched and guilty ones should have been found and a large scale work should be done to prevent these kind of accidents as much as possible... Actually Ak Parti started this application(İş güvenliği, iş hekimliği) in 2012 but they are not good about practice... I don't know maybe it's because this is a new application...

BTW saying things like "Resign that minister, resign this minister" is a very cheap and abject... We know these peoples' stomach ache, they don't request these resigns because of this accident... Their trouble is completely different, they are not honest... No way and we all know it...
No for sure i am not ok with these examples but indeed this is an accident and by saying this i don't say "It is an accident and that's all" for sure this event should be searched and guilty ones should have been found and a large scale work should be done to prevent these kind of accidents as much as possible... Actually Ak Parti started this application(İş güvenliği, iş hekimliği) in 2012 but they are not good about practice... I don't know maybe it's because this is a new application...

BTW saying things like "Resign that minister, resign this minister" is a very cheap and abject... We know these peoples' stomach ache, they don't request these resigns because of this accident... Their trouble is completely different, they are not honest... No way and we all know it...

Bakan Faruk Çelik'in basın açıklaması - En son haber
No for sure i am not ok with these examples but indeed this is an accident and by saying this i don't say "It is an accident and that's all" for sure this event should be searched and guilty ones should have been found and a large scale work should be done about these kind of accidents... Actually Ak Parti started this application in 2012 but they are not good about practice... I don't know maybe it's because this is a new application...

BTW saying things like "Resign that minister, resign this minister" is a very cheap and abject... We know these peoples' stomach ache, they don't request these resigns because of this accident... Their trouble is completely different, they are not honest... No way and we all know it...

That smartass is forced to give examples from 19th-20th centuries because developed countries are taking measures to prevent such fatal incidents, they're equally guilty for neglect, check Tuzla dockyard, its like a killing machine, when Tayyip says its fate, its typical etc. of course he will be accused of guilt.

Its a shame that we have to say that all, if they had even a bit of honor they would resign without anyone telling them.

@xenon54 @what @LegionnairE @Sinan and the other idiots..

Really what a bunch of disgusting, sad and lowlife cockroaches you mofo's are.. uggggggggggghhh

just pay your damn respect to the fallen and gtfo of here you pos!..

keep your political views have some damn decency and behave yourselves for Gods sake..

you are basically abusing any event waiting for opportunity to spew your hatred and attack like a the mad dogs!!. it's ridicilous!!.

These are things that have to been talked about and for the insulting part: gtfo.
That smartass is forced to give examples from 19th-20th centuries because developed countries are taking measures to prevent such fatal incidents, they're equally guilty for neglect, check Tuzla dockyard, its like a killing machine, when Tayyip says its fate, its typical etc. of course he will be accused of guilt.

Its a shame that we have to say that all, if they had even a bit of honor they would resign without anyone telling them.

Read my post again and find yourself in these sentences...
Read my post again and find yourself in these sentences...

When its happens that often that means someone is lying.

We all know how hardworking and honest government officials are, there is absolutely no slacking, no neglect, no bribery, no lie.
This is like 50km from my hometown.
@the Fetullah Güllen loving El Turco, it is not politics. Its the facts.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="de"><p>Taner Yıldız: Ocakta yangın devam ediyor. Yangın çalışmalarımızı olumsuz etkiliyor.</p>&mdash; Al Jazeera Turk (@AJTCanli) <a href=" "

The fire could not be extinguished so far.
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