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Soma Coal Mine Disaster | News and Discussion

Criticism over Yılmaz Özdil's speech in a televised interview increases as the Prime Minister and other politicians condemn him for his remarks while Özdil refuses to apologize to the families of the victims

ISTANBUL — Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan criticized and condemned Yılmaz Ozdil's speech directed towards 301 workers who were killed in the coal mine in Soma. "We are a nation with a conscience and such a nation would undoubtedly have a state with a conscience," Erdoğan exclaimed and added "There are unfortunately heartless individuals who do not have a bit of humanity left in them and lack the ethical values to sympathize with those who suffer."

He condemned Ozdil for making remarks that miners deserved to die because they supported the AK Party. The prime minister also denounced the media giant Ozdil works for pointing out that the columnist was not dismissed or given a warning for his remarks.

Among those who criticized Ozdil include Energy Minister Taner Yıldız, Deputy Prime Minister Emrullah İşler, AK Party Deputy Chairman Salih Kapusuz, Bulent Turan who is an AK Party Deputy from Istanbul and numerous individuals who have lost loved ones in the Soma tragedy. "We cannot tolerate such ruthlessness" Taner Yıldız said, who stated Ozdil has recklessly exploited freedom of the press by attacking the dignity of the workers and openly promoting hostility towards them. The Minister of Energy claimed Ozdil's views were an expression violating the ethics and principles of journalism as well as the dignity of human life. İşler stated that Ozdil's "heart is darker than coal" and called prosecutors to lay hate crime charges against him.

On the other hand, Kapusuz stated that the remarks are the product of a fascist mindset which ruthlessly justifies the killing of workers based on their political ideologies. Bulent Turan, a deputy and a legal expert has personally filed a criminal complaint to lay charges against Yılmaz Ozdil. "Claiming some people are worthy of dying based on the party they vote for is a clear violation of Article 25 of the Constitution" said Turan, who expressed on his Twitter account that it was completely immoral and stated he would take legal action.
Families of the victims of the Soma tragedy have reacted against Ozdil and condemned him.

Halil Coşkun, the father of İsmail Coşkun who died in the coal mine, said that they would like to complain about Ozdil's brutal remarks. "Ozdil is a disgrace to all of humanity. What kind of remarks are those? Our nation's hearts are burning with pain, how can he make such remarks?" said Coşkun, who continued by saying "We are all human, only a human can know the value of humanity" and called Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to take necessary action. İsmail Coşkun's aunt Nurhayat Pehlivan was another to harshly criticize Ozdil.

"Our suffering is immense and I beg the officials to take necessary action for Ozdil" said Mrs. Pehlivan.

Hurriyet columnist, who received significant backlash for his remarks on the tragedy that occurred in Soma, killing 301 mineworkers had said, "The workers who died in the mining accident are those who were paid and carried to Prime Minister Tayyip Erdoğan's campaign meetings [During the local elections]. The AK Party put money in their pockets so they could cheer for the party. I think the accident was not unusual and I would say it served them right."

One other previous discriminatory remark by Ozdil was when he called the victims of Uludere incident "mules." He recently responded to the criticism by saying "I don't give a damn" and stated he would only kneel when dancing zeybek, putting the blame on the media.
PM condemns Hürriyet columnist over Soma remarks | Politics | Daily Sabah
Turkish intelligence and police detected provocateurs; provocateurs was members of TGB and isci communnist parties so almost whole of them came from different cities, foreign press just wacthed them, Real people of SOMA tryed the calm them but they didn't stop, only 2 people was from SOMA of 38 provocateurs

Soma'daki provokatörler deşifre oldu! - A Haber -20 Mayıs 2014

While people try to surviving there, they were planning the politic interests for overthrow Erdogan.... what a shame, what a disgusting state...

They again harmed our country and our people.... :disagree:


Yılmaz Ozdil is indicted who was said that "these miners deserved to die because they support AK party."

Yılmaz Özdil hakkında suç duyurusu - Yenisafak.com.tr - 20.05.2014
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Genelkurmay Başkanı, Kuvvet Komutanları ve Ege Ordusu Komutanı, SOMA'da Maden Faciasında hayatını kaybeden Maden Şehitlerinin mezarlarını ziyaret etmeyi müteakip, bazı ailelere ev ziyaretinde bulunmuşlar ve Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerinin başsağlığı dileklerini ileterek, acılarını paylaşmışlardır.

Head of The Turkish Armed Forces and the head of the Aegean Army Visited Soma.








Soma worker: Miners forced to attend AK Party rally

Workers at the Soma coal mine, which has been in the spotlight since Turkey's deadliest mining disaster on May 13, were obligated by their employer to attend a public rally of the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) in Manisa on workdays -- and were paid, a miner has said.

Speaking on live TV on Monday night, miner Sefa Köken said the workers were brought to buses waiting in front of the mine one morning, given party flags and sent to an AK Party rally before the March 30 local elections. “Everyone needs to work [even] 30 days [a month]. They lose a day's pay if they don't show up. So people head to work in the morning and all of a sudden they are told to halt and get on the buses going to the rally. Everyone is forced to applaud, waving flags,” he said.

When the workers first started the job, managers warned them that discussing political matters in the workplace was prohibited, but the managers don't hesitate to impose their own political agenda, he said. Pictures of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the AK Party candidate for the Manisa metropolitan municipality, Hüseyin Tanrıverdi, were hung on the walls of the mine, Köken said. Besides, Soma Mine Enterprises General Manager Ramazan Doğru's wife, Melike Doğru, was elected to the Soma Municipal Council, he said.

Mine workers are not raising their voices to protest against workplace abuse, Köken said, because they are afraid of losing their jobs. “Everyone has debts and they have nowhere to go other than this mine,” he said.

Köken said that he was fired from a previous job at another mine in Manisa belonging to a different company in 2007 after giving testimony to a court about the lack of sufficient safety measures in the wake of a fatal accident. “They said, ‘You are earning your bread here, how can you give such testimony, you idiot!' The other workers perjured themselves and I was left alone. They were afraid to lose their jobs and people aren't talking now for the very same reason,” Köken said.

Köken refuted claims that Syrian migrants are employed in the mines, saying that “there is no need for such a thing, as Turks are already no different from Syrian refugees” in terms of their awful working conditions. “They are nothing less than slaves,” he said, adding that he hasn't seen any workers under the age of 18 in the mine.

Asked go into more detail about the working conditions in the mine, the worker painted an appalling picture: “There is no break for meals, no definite time to stop and eat. The foreman decides the time for lunch breaks depending on the workload. There is nothing like a restroom down there. Everyone brings their own water and food because the company doesn't provide it. Everyone has to stay there for eight hours. Allah gives strength and these folks are putting up with these hard conditions. Generally, there is a system of pressure and slavery in all mines. There are insults, too.”

Adding insult to injury is the lack of a labor union to defend the rights of the miners, except for the so-called yellow unions, which serve the bosses' interests. And the mine owners see workers through the same lens of “you are here because I am here,” Köken said.

source: Today's Zaman, your gateway to Turkish daily news


ISTANBUL — World-renowned Yusuf Islam, formerly known as Cat Stevens, sent a letter of condolence to Diyarbakır parliamentarian Aziz Akgül following the Soma mining disaster last week.

"We are deeply saddened by the terrifying mining accident that occurred in Turkey and feel sorry for all those miners that lost their lives and their loved ones left behind. They will pass through dark tunnels and reach God's mercy and the Garden of Eden," read the letter.

Islam immediately rose to fame with back-to-back releases of his albums and singles in the '70s and built himself a fan base stretching on both sides of the Atlantic. After a life threatening experience in 1976, he converted to Islam the following year. "The Quran was talking to me in terms of humanity. I'd never heard that before," he told CNN in 2004.

In 1978 Islam shocked fans and the industry by announcing that he was retiring from music. He didn't stay away completely as Islam released spiritual spoken-word albums and a capella albums in the early 2000s.

His latest project is with the Islamic Museum of Australia in Melbourne where a recording of the adhan (the Islamic call to prayer) and recitations from Quran can be heard in the museum's galleries.

Yusuf Islam offers his condolences for Soma disaster | Nation | Daily Sabah

(He is a greek cypriot who became muslim)
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