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Soma Coal Mine Disaster | News and Discussion

You are just pathetic, May Allah take care of you...


Seems like somebody got no arguments left. Have a nice day... if you wanna engage me more, i'm here. :)
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Seems like somebody got no arguments left. Hava a nice day... if you wanna engage me more, i'm here. :)

Just a word enough who is the man! But what ever you say not enough to not being a man.
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I dont think that those who are mourning care what language is used...

By the way, Jewish supporter?:cheesy:

This way you insulting day and night Arabs and this way your party CHP was changed azan (call to prayer) to Turkish, removed Qur'an, closed Mosques, banned Hijab and banned arabic letters etc. etc.

Jewish supporter mean is that, when we mention about Mason, İsrael, Zionism etc. who defend them strongly! and who against Islam! Got it?
This way you insulting day and night Arabs and this way your party CHP was changed azan (call to prayer) to Turkish, removed Qur'an, closed Mosques, banned Hijab and banned arabic letters etc. etc.

Jewish supporter mean is that, when we mention about Mason, İsrael, Zionism etc. who defend them strongly! and who against Islam! Got it?

I dont think anyone is really defending masons/israel/zionism its just that, you use those words too much.:D
It sounds kinda conspiracy nutty.
I dont think anyone is really defending masons/israel/zionism its just that, you use those words too much.:D
It sounds kinda conspiracy nutty.

Also you use conspiracy word too much :D tell me that, is it a consipiracy?

when you don't know about mine-owner (Alp Gurkan) you were saying mine-owner close friend of Erdogan and Ak party, they are bribing bla bla bla.

But when you see mine owner is a close friend of your man KOÇ GROUP, you stop it because they are Strong Mason of Turkey,

Even Alp Gurkan was wrote a book about masonry...

Also you use conspiracy word too much :D tell me that, is it a consipiracy?

when you don't know about mine-owner (Alp Gurkan) you were saying mine-owner close friend of Erdogan and Ak party, they are bribing bla bla bla.

But when you see mine owner is a close friend of your man KOÇ GROUP, you stop it because they are Strong Mason of Turkey,

Even Alp Gurkan was wrote a book about masonry...


hey smart-butt I never said that the mine-owner is close friend of Erdogan and Ak party

Son of a bitch... kicking a protestor who has been hold down by 2 Special forces... really a coward and SOB.

Siz manasında söylemiştim

Siz nedir abicim ya... :lol:

Neydi..... vatan haini, aşşağılık yahudiler diimi... biz oluyoruz oda. Erdoğanın her dediğine eywallah demeyip eleştirebilenler tayfası olarak. :D
Tekme hadisesi - this is hired provocateur

and this is real miner who is worry make dirty the ambulance!

One of them very eager to harm the state property and other one really worry about make dirty the state property.....

This event shows differences between real Turkish people and others....
The scope of an investigation into the coal mine explosion that killed 301 workers in Soma district of Manisa province has been expanded.


Can Gürkan, the president of the executive board of Soma Coal Enterprises, general manager of the company Ramazan Doğru and safety technician Mehmet Ali Günayçelik were arrested after being transferred to court.

The latest arrests brought the number of people arrested to eight.

28 of 36 suspects were released and the remaining nine were released on probation.

Operating manager of the company Akın Çelik, mine engineers Ertan Ersoy Yalçın Erdoğan and shift supervisors Hilmi Kazık and Yasin Kurnaz were arrested on charges of reckless homicide.

Three people, who were established as suspects, were reportedly killed during the incident.

Reports drafted by previous inspectors are beign examined as part of an investigation by the Labour Ministry.

Inspectors are also looking into claims of child labour and conditions of contract labour at the mine.

An administrative inquiry by the Energy and Natural Resources Ministry is underway.


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