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Soma Coal Mine Disaster | News and Discussion

They all look happy to me while we were in pain they could have postpone.

Here another one.

Owner of the mine, Alp Gürkan granted $35 Billion of contracts by government.

Soma AŞ, 7 yılda 70 milyarlık ihale almış - ZAMAN

He is a loyal AKP supporter and regarded as 2nd Reza Sarraf

Haber : Soma'nın patronu AK Parti'nin 2. Reza Zarrab'ı mı? haberi

Wow... Now paralel medya lies... That guy is a mason and they are so close to jewish KOÇ family and also that guy is well protected by jew Aydın Doğan's media... :agree:
Some 100 Syrians left under rubbles in Soma mine disaster, Turkish sources say

Turkish media sources revealed that around 100 Syrians, who were displaced from Syria, were killed in Soma mine disaster, the worst in Turkey's history as it claimed the lives of more than 300 miners.

Asya news agency quoted journalist Ali Tezel, who works for Haber Turk TV channel, as saying that 100 Syrians working illegally were left underground as the rescue teams took out the bodies of the Turkish miners only.

Tezel added the rescue workers covered the bodies of the Syrians under coal water inside the mine to erase any sign of them.

Turkish authorities have not made any reference to the dead Syrian miners, leaving their bodies buried under debris, in an explosion that has stirred outrage against Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his government over negligence of the workers' safety and indifference to their fate.

Angry protesters who took to the streets have been met with tear gas and rubber bullets by the Turkish police.

An evidence of the Turkish authorities attempting to conceal any trace of the Syrian miners was made evident through them refusing the participation of European rescue teams.

Sources stressed that the total number of the Syrians working in the mine was 450, most of them have been working illegally and unregistered in social security.

The statements provide new evidence on the mistreatment and negligence the displaced Syrians are subjected to under Erdogan's government. Media reports showing how those are being treated as slaves with the women forced into prostitution and the children pushed to work under inappropriate conditions.


Anyone has more information regarding this claim?
Never heard about Syrians in Soma mine.

Here is a list of the deceased, seems like there are no Syrians among them.

AFAD ölen madencilerin isimlerini açıkladı - Genel Bakış- ntvmsnbc.com
May they rest in peace... and the claim states that the Syrian bodies were concealed and not known to public.. so I don't think they will publish their names... anyways, Like I said before, it is just claims, nothing confirmed..

Today's Zaman, your gateway to Turkish daily news

Claim: Illegal Syrian and underage workers are trapped in the mine

As questions still loom over the deadliest mine blast in the history of Turkey, prominent social security adviser Ali Tezel claimed on Friday that there are many illegal Syrian and underage workers trapped in the mine in the Western district of Soma.

Speaking to Today's Zaman, Tezel said that his information comes from two mining engineer employed at the Soma Mining Company who prefer to remain anonymous for fear of losing their jobs.

According to Tezel, between 400 and 450 workers were in two galleries in the mine during the blast and they could not be rescued from the mine since the fire there was extinguished by pumping water and ash.

Tezel argues that the company has only announced the number of registered workers. In response to a question whether it would be possible to conceal the number of people killed, Tezel said that the galleries are as wide as a boulevard.

He said that there is a big discrepancy between the number of miners reported dead and the total number of workers who were working at that time, and wonders what has happened to an additional 450 people.

According to Tezel, most of the responsibility lies on the shoulders of the government since Turkey is one of only three countries which have not signed the Safety and Health in Mines Convention of the International Labour Organization (ILO), along with Afghanistan and Pakistan. “The convention requires the building of a safety room for every 50 workers,” Tezel says, and claims that Turkey has not signed the convention to cut down on costs in the mines. “In Germany, the cost of mining a ton of coal is $140 while it is $28 in Turkey,” says Tezel, adding that by not building the safety rooms, the mine saved $5 million a year.

The owner of an open pit mine who prefers to remain anonymous told Today's Zaman that the mistakes stem from the government, which puts pressure on coal mines to increase productivity due to its policy of purchasing coal to be delivered free to those in need. According to this business owner, the state overlooks the negligence of mining companies while the mining industry tries to supply coal both for electricity plants and the government. He urged the state to stop production at underground coal mines and thoroughly inspect them immediately. He also argued that the exact number of mineworkers is known by the state, but is being hidden from the public eye.

Today's Zaman, your gateway to Turkish daily news
May they rest in peace... and the claim states that the Syrian bodies were concealed and not known to public.. so I don't think they will publish their names... anyways, Like I said before, it is just claims, nothing confirmed..
I dont believe they can hide 100 bodies, besides around 400 people got saved, its impossible to keep something like this secret.
May they rest in peace... and the claim states that the Syrian bodies were concealed and not known to public.. so I don't think they will publish their names... anyways, Like I said before, it is just claims, nothing confirmed..

Today's Zaman, your gateway to Turkish daily news

Claim: Illegal Syrian and underage workers are trapped in the mine

As questions still loom over the deadliest mine blast in the history of Turkey, prominent social security adviser Ali Tezel claimed on Friday that there are many illegal Syrian and underage workers trapped in the mine in the Western district of Soma.

Speaking to Today's Zaman, Tezel said that his information comes from two mining engineer employed at the Soma Mining Company who prefer to remain anonymous for fear of losing their jobs.

According to Tezel, between 400 and 450 workers were in two galleries in the mine during the blast and they could not be rescued from the mine since the fire there was extinguished by pumping water and ash.

Tezel argues that the company has only announced the number of registered workers. In response to a question whether it would be possible to conceal the number of people killed, Tezel said that the galleries are as wide as a boulevard.

He said that there is a big discrepancy between the number of miners reported dead and the total number of workers who were working at that time, and wonders what has happened to an additional 450 people.

According to Tezel, most of the responsibility lies on the shoulders of the government since Turkey is one of only three countries which have not signed the Safety and Health in Mines Convention of the International Labour Organization (ILO), along with Afghanistan and Pakistan. “The convention requires the building of a safety room for every 50 workers,” Tezel says, and claims that Turkey has not signed the convention to cut down on costs in the mines. “In Germany, the cost of mining a ton of coal is $140 while it is $28 in Turkey,” says Tezel, adding that by not building the safety rooms, the mine saved $5 million a year.

The owner of an open pit mine who prefers to remain anonymous told Today's Zaman that the mistakes stem from the government, which puts pressure on coal mines to increase productivity due to its policy of purchasing coal to be delivered free to those in need. According to this business owner, the state overlooks the negligence of mining companies while the mining industry tries to supply coal both for electricity plants and the government. He urged the state to stop production at underground coal mines and thoroughly inspect them immediately. He also argued that the exact number of mineworkers is known by the state, but is being hidden from the public eye.

Today's Zaman, your gateway to Turkish daily news

that's a blatant accusation. All bodies have been recovered and the rescue operation has stopped, it would have been too obvious to 'miss' those hundreds of Syrians. Anything related to Zaman news has lost its credibility, dont take them serious.
May they rest in peace... and the claim states that the Syrian bodies were concealed and not known to public.. so I don't think they will publish their names... anyways, Like I said before, it is just claims, nothing confirmed..

Today's Zaman, your gateway to Turkish daily news

Claim: Illegal Syrian and underage workers are trapped in the mine

As questions still loom over the deadliest mine blast in the history of Turkey, prominent social security adviser Ali Tezel claimed on Friday that there are many illegal Syrian and underage workers trapped in the mine in the Western district of Soma.

Speaking to Today's Zaman, Tezel said that his information comes from two mining engineer employed at the Soma Mining Company who prefer to remain anonymous for fear of losing their jobs.

According to Tezel, between 400 and 450 workers were in two galleries in the mine during the blast and they could not be rescued from the mine since the fire there was extinguished by pumping water and ash.

Tezel argues that the company has only announced the number of registered workers. In response to a question whether it would be possible to conceal the number of people killed, Tezel said that the galleries are as wide as a boulevard.

He said that there is a big discrepancy between the number of miners reported dead and the total number of workers who were working at that time, and wonders what has happened to an additional 450 people.

According to Tezel, most of the responsibility lies on the shoulders of the government since Turkey is one of only three countries which have not signed the Safety and Health in Mines Convention of the International Labour Organization (ILO), along with Afghanistan and Pakistan. “The convention requires the building of a safety room for every 50 workers,” Tezel says, and claims that Turkey has not signed the convention to cut down on costs in the mines. “In Germany, the cost of mining a ton of coal is $140 while it is $28 in Turkey,” says Tezel, adding that by not building the safety rooms, the mine saved $5 million a year.

The owner of an open pit mine who prefers to remain anonymous told Today's Zaman that the mistakes stem from the government, which puts pressure on coal mines to increase productivity due to its policy of purchasing coal to be delivered free to those in need. According to this business owner, the state overlooks the negligence of mining companies while the mining industry tries to supply coal both for electricity plants and the government. He urged the state to stop production at underground coal mines and thoroughly inspect them immediately. He also argued that the exact number of mineworkers is known by the state, but is being hidden from the public eye.

Today's Zaman, your gateway to Turkish daily news

Some say there were 1600 people in the mine, more than 1000 people died.... blah blah. Don't believe everything you read. And don't believe anything zaman says, it's gulen's media and currently at war against goverrnment.
---- Your favorite Jewish Newspaper HURRIYET's author Yılmaz ÖZDİL said that these miners deserved die!! because they didn't provoke AK Party!
İbrahim Karagül - Almanya ve Hürriyet hükümet devirecek!- @yenisafak - 19.05.2014

So lots of foreign people came SOMA for provoking AK Party, they sweared Erdogan and AK Party over there, they said we are relatives of miners and blamed government but they wasn't relatives of miners like these women.

İkinci müftünün karısı skandalı! - GÜNCEL Haberleri
Taş atacaksan gelme - Yenisafak.com.tr - 19.05.2014

---- Father of İsmal Coşkun (martyr miner) said that this Yılmaz ÖZDİL is the scum of the world, so all these provocative authors have accused by miner's relatives.... They targetted our government and they didn't mind our martyrs.... Acılı babadan Yılmaz Özdil'e tepki - A Haber -18 Mayıs 2014

another provocatived author from SOZCU newspaper Emin Çölaşan saçmaladı - A Haber -18 Mayıs 2014

and other author insulting our martyrs from POSTA newspaper Yazgülü Aldoğan'dan ikinci Yılmaz Özdil vakası! - A Haber -18 Mayıs 2014

---- slapped man by P.M. Erdogan admitted trues he says these jewish media (like Kanal D, Hurriyet etc.) used him for provoking Tokat gibi itiraf - A Haber -19 Mayıs 2014

---- a few provocative news by DOGAN Group
Doğan medyasından yine aynı senaryo - A Haber -19 Mayıs 2014

---- foreign press like BBC, The Guardian etc. were bribe people for blaming Turkish government about SOMA Issue.... "Yabancı basın bize para teklif etti" - A Haber -18 Mayıs 2014

You don't mind our martyr miners since first day so you were attacked Erdogan direclty for fret and overthrow him. Your author sweared and insulted our people, actually it is not new for us, so you are doing this since decades.... You again showed your real faces....

You did again your best !

BUT You again failed!
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-- Soma mine clossed and walled against fire... Prosecutors and investigators landed in the mine and work began, In the first set determined there wasn't gas detector, backup power systems and carbon monoxide meter Facia geliyorum dedi - A Haber -19 Mayıs 2014

-- Miners work legislation will change from top to bottom Milat Soma - A Haber -19 Mayıs 2014
Madenler için 7 maddelik eylem planı - Yenisafak.com.tr - 19.05.2014

-- new images appeared O madenden yeni görüntüler - A Haber -19 Mayıs 2014

-- no lawyer don't wanna defend mine-owner in SOMA Şimdi hesap zamanı - Yenisafak.com.tr - 19.05.2014

-- five staff arrested Soma faciasında tutuklu sayısı 5'e yükseldi - Yenisafak.com.tr - 19.05.2014
---- Your favorite Jewish Newspaper HURRIYET's author Yılmaz ÖZDİL said that these miners deserved die!! because they didn't provoke AK Party!

So lots of foreign people came SOMA for provoking AK Party, they sweared Erdogan and AK Party over there, they said we are relatives of miners and blamed government but they wasn't relatives of miners like these women.

İkinci müftünün karısı skandalı! - GÜNCEL Haberleri

---- Father of İsmal Coşkun (martyr miner) said that this Yılmaz ÖZDİL is the scum of the world, so all these provocative authors have accused by miner's relatives.... They targetted our government and they didn't mind our martyrs.... Acılı babadan Yılmaz Özdil'e tepki - A Haber -18 Mayıs 2014

another provocatived author from SOZCU newspaper Emin Çölaşan saçmaladı - A Haber -18 Mayıs 2014

and other author insulting our martyrs from POSTA newspaper Yazgülü Aldoğan'dan ikinci Yılmaz Özdil vakası! - A Haber -18 Mayıs 2014

---- slapped man by P.M. Erdogan admitted trues he says these jewish media (like Kanal D, Hurriyet etc.) used him for provoking Tokat gibi itiraf - A Haber -19 Mayıs 2014

---- a few provocative news by DOGAN Group
Doğan medyasından yine aynı senaryo - A Haber -19 Mayıs 2014

---- foreign press like BBC, The Guardian etc. were bribe people for blaming Turkish government about SOMA Issue.... "Yabancı basın bize para teklif etti" - A Haber -18 Mayıs 2014

You don't mind our martyr miners since first day so you were attacked Erdogan direclty for fret and overthrow him. Your author sweared and insulted our people, actually it is not new for us, so you are doing this since decades.... You again showed your real faces....

You did again your best !

BUT You again failed!

All sources from obvious media.. A haber.

A haber is from yandaş media and serves purely Erdoğan and his goons.

Sabah, ATV, Takvim ve AHaber'in sahibi kim? Haberleri, En Son Haber || Samanyolu Haber
All sources from obvious media.. A haber.

A haber is from yandaş media and serves purely Erdoğan and his goons.

Sabah, ATV, Takvim ve AHaber'in sahibi kim? Haberleri, En Son Haber || Samanyolu Haber

Also you are using Hurriyet, Ulussal, Kanal D, Sozcu, Posta from Mason Group
Additional this samanyolu shit of Fethullah...

This A Haber speaks with real relatives of miners but your sources spoke with provocateurs so which one more respectfull and true?!?! shame on you...

Police detained 24 people, among them officials from the Soma Coal Enterprises Inc., the operator of the mine, were detained as part of an investigation into the deadly Soma coal mine accident.

Police detained 24 people, among them officials from the Soma Coal Enterprises Inc., the operator of the mine, were detained as part of an investigation into the deadly Soma coal mine accident, which claimed the lives of 301 people, according to officials figures.

Five of the detainees were transferred to the courthouse after procedures were completed at the police department. Those five people are reportedly senior executives of the Soma Coal Mine Enterprises Inc.

Wide security measures were taken around Soma Courthouse where the suspects were taken on charges of reckless homicide.

In another news, an administrative inquiry into the accident is underway.

Inspectors from Labour Inspection Board and General Directorate of Mining Affairs have been conducting inspections at the mine.
24 people detained as part of investigation into Soma disaster/TRT-English

Prime Ministry Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency posted a list on its website containing the names of killed and survived miners in the Soma coal mine accident of May 13.

Prime Ministry Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency, AFAD, posted a list on its website containing the names of killed and survived miners in the Soma coal mine accident of May 13.

AFAD published a list of the names of 486 workers who survived the accident and the names of 294 workers who were killed and whose bodies were handed to their families.

The names are published in the alphabetical order on AFAD website, AFAD | Afet ve Acil Durum Yönetimi Başkanlığı

AFAD list announces names of miners in Soma accident/TRT-English

Last week's coal mine explosion in Soma district of Manisa province will be the top item on the Turkish Grand National Assembly agenda.

A proposal for the launching of a Parliamentary Inquiry into the deadly Soma accident by Ruling Justice and Development Party, Republican People's Party and Peoples' Democratic Party will be discussed at the General Assembly on Tuesday, May 20.

After the session, the deputies are expected to okay the formation of an investigation commission.

Soma accident top talking point at the TGNA/TRT-English

Five of the 25 suspects, detained as part of an investigation into the deadly Soma coal mine accident, were arrested in Manisa on Saturday.

Akhisar Chief Public ProsecutorBekir Şahiner informed press members about the investigation.

Şahiner said the initial report of the fact finding mission found that the accident could have not been caused by a transformer explosion or malfunction.

Prosecutor Şahiner said 25 people, among them technical supervisor, operating manager, chief engineer responsible for occupational safety, chief of executive board and shift supervisor of the mine, were detained as part of the investigvation.

Three people of the 25 detainees were arrested in the initial stage.

Later Saturday, Manisa MP of the Republican People's Party Özgür Özel said two more people were arrested.

Five arrested as part of Soma investigation/TRT-English

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Also you are using Hurriyet, Ulussal, Kanal D, Sozcu, Posta from Mason Group
Additional this samanyolu shit of Fethullah...

Samanyolu is Feto's... other than that your claims are baseless.

This A Haber speaks with real relatives of miners but your sources spoke with provocateurs so which one more respectfull and true?!?!
Emin Çölaşan saçmaladı - A Haber -18 Mayıs 2014
Yazgülü Aldoğan'dan ikinci Yılmaz Özdil vakası! - A Haber -18 Mayıs 2014
Tokat gibi itiraf - A Haber -19 Mayıs 2014

And i don't have source. I use various media as source but not-Tayyip's media.

shame on you...

I have done nothing to be ashamed of... liars, thieves, officials who take bribe should be ashamed.



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