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Solving Pakistan Navy's Ship Problem

Your over dependence on Chinese and American equipment, which you have taken for granted, has killed off your indigenous industry. But its never too late to start.

I agree with you!.. Pakistan is full capability to build any kind of ships, vessels and subs.. i had a detailed discussion with a navy officer at IDEX 2013. Because at Pakistan's stall they had displayed the models of frigates, fast ships and submarines to attract customers.. I was told that at our shipyard, we can build the ships etc for other countries if they want to..

In my opinion Pakistan just lacks the sufficient funds to do so.. there is no other hitch in it.. below are some pics which I took then..





Niaz Bhai what would you say about the use of midget submarines ? In that they may not have the endurance nor would they be able to carry a whole lot of ammunition but were they to be mass-produced (say the PN having 50 of these) with each of them carrying 1-2 torpedoes needed to take out or severely cripple a Frigate sized ship - Wouldn't we have a credible deterrence in terms of keeping the Indian Navy far....far away from our coast ?

@Rashid Mahmood - What are your thoughts, sir ?

Midgets are basically not designed to be used against surface ships.
They are designed for clandestine operation by launching SSGN, harbour penetration.

karachi shipyard.

Sir we got the technology so why not start building our own?

A very good question. You all know the answer.
It cost alot of money for R&D and ship construction, which we don't have.
We have the facilities, will, expertise.........
Midgets are basically not designed to be used against surface ships.
They are designed for clandestine operation by launching SSGN, harbour penetration.

But Rashid Bhai didn't the Japanese did exactly that in WW2 especially at Pearl Harbor where midget submarines were used to devastating effect along with an air-raid ?

Couldn't strategically located midget submarines near our shore replicate some of that ? In that a Frigate or even a Destroyer let alone some of the smaller ships would think twice about traversing those waters ? If that were possible - We may not be able to assemble a fleet of 10 Submarines but surely the costs wouldn't be as prohibitive if we assemble around 10-20 midget submarines simply for defensive purposes & they're situated close to the shore !
But Rashid Bhai didn't the Japanese did exactly that in WW2 especially at Pearl Harbor where midget submarines were used to devastating effect along with an air-raid ?

Couldn't strategically located midget submarines near our shore replicate some of that ? In that a Frigate or even a Destroyer let alone some of the smaller ships would think twice about traversing those waters ? If that were possible - We may not be able to assemble a fleet of 10 Submarines but surely the costs wouldn't be as prohibitive if we assemble around 10-20 midget submarines simply for defensive purposes & they're situated close to the shore !

Midgets are not designed for such operations.
They do not have the fittings, storage to keep waiting for longer periods of time.

Waiting for enemy ships in time consuming, which midgets cannot do.
A very good question. You all know the answer.
It cost alot of money for R&D and ship construction, which we don't have.
We have the facilities, will, expertise.........
In the case of subs we have technology of A90Bs so R&D would not cost that much if we r building from zero.
Regarding ships then The Azmat Class can be more developed up till atleast 1000 tons like suggested in article.
However still i do agree Navy must get more funds.
In the case of subs we have technology of A90Bs so R&D would not cost that much if we r building from zero.
Regarding ships then The Azmat Class can be more developed up till atleast 1000 tons like suggested in article.
However still i do agree Navy must get more funds.

From where will we get the steel for the pressure hull.
Pakistan does not possess the metallurgy.
Problem is Most of Pakistan Def decisions are done According to the threat they are currently facing
The best Way is to start some thing small in big provide the basic infrastructure and give it some time to grow and keep pushing it Yes it will in the start it will cast but in the long run it will save alot of time and money like the Pak army done With AL khalid and PAF With Jf 17 PN is dependent on others but they have to use what they got in a way bcz Pakistan dosnt have big economy which can start multiple JV or projects on their own
Ships without VLS has no use for PN now , the growing threat from neighbor is not something to be neglected , i personally think PN should build at least one more Agosta90b or may be 2 .. and for Ships we should buy type 54A destroyers from China or take them on 10 year lease , wasting money on OHP is not a good idea , they are not capable of anything ...if we have $$ in future we can order upgraded version of F-22p with more displacement and better SAM's ..
one thing for sure , what ever PN is thinking they must act fast , cause our old elephants (type 21) already over used ... time to scrap them .
Young man.
On this forum you respect posters especially your seniors. You may not agree with them but name calling is unwarranted. Pleaze correct your post and apologize to penguin

Well the majority of people here are less than thirty I'd guess. Lot of preteens around as well. Of course, I wouldn't talk that way to my elders. My apologies if a mistake has been made.
We have built jf-17s [airforce] , AKs [army] , f22p / azmat [navy] -- So saying that the karachi dockyard has completely lost its edge is wrong. We need vision and money.

penguin, can the old f22p be modified to carry extensive defence systems like on the latest chinese export version you mentioned?
We have built jf-17s [airforce] , AKs [army] , f22p / azmat [navy] -- So saying that the karachi dockyard has completely lost its edge is wrong. We need vision and money.

penguin, can the old f22p be modified to carry extensive defence systems like on the latest chinese export version you mentioned?
c28a is being built as we speak, so yes why not? Both originate from the same shipbuilder, which previously built the jiangwei 2 from which f22P derives. I would seem they follow an evolutionary development path, improving the design with each iteration. Availability of active radar homing SD-10 in a relatively short version of the chinese 8-cell VLU would open up interesting possibilities.
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