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Smriti Irani Stops 70,000 Students of KV From Learning German, Makes them Switch to Sanskrit

I studied in KVs myself, and Sanskrit was a compulsory language. It was my worst subject in all my school years, and needless to say- proved to be utterly useless. Never used it- and have forgotten most of the words. But then, we had other useless classes too- like SUPW. SUPW was completely random- and we did odd jobs like cleaning the school premises and also learnt about AC/DC and two/three phase power. Once we watched Aladdin movie. But mostly it was a free class. Then we had a compulsory Regional Language class from 6th standard, which was more useful. I managed to learn Kannada- and that has been of some help. Then we had to join a club- science, sports, drama etc. I joined the science club and we made the typical volcano with baking soda and showed it to our Mallu principal. Man, was she impressed! School was fun! But yes- learning Sanskrit was one of the most pointless things I have done. A list which includes learning all the commands for Wordstar and Lotus in the mid 90s. We should have learnt a computer language ideally- but our school had only two old PCs running on Dos till 2000.
if they are banning one language the basic question which will arise is, why they have not done that with english?
good decision by the minister....how many german students learning sanskrit or hindi

Pointless argument, since Hindi doesn't give Germans any advantage wrt India, other than understanding Bollywood movies without subtitles. On the other side, lerning German is crucial for Indians that want to study or work in Germany or in German speaking countries like Switzerland or Austria. It is even more crucial to get jobs and German companies in India, because that seperates an engineer from 1000s of other India engineers that "only" speak English as a suitable language for business interaction. I know from many Indians here, that German companies are desperately looking for Indians that studied in Germany with credible German language skills, to send them to India and work in their subsidiaries in Bangalore, Mumbai, Delhi, Pune..., because they need people that can not only interact properly with the Indian partners, but also with with the base in Germany.

So no matter if you want to come to Germany / Switzerland, or work for German companies in India itself, knowing German language would be a clear advantage!

Germans themselves study English as the second language and they can talk with you in English. Learning a second European language is not of much use.

That's not fully correct. English is a madatory class in Germany, since it's seen as an international language, while it's also mandatory to choose a 2nd language (often French, Spanish, Latin). You can opt for additional languages if you want, but if it's again mainly another European language that is chosen. It's not uncommon for students here to have German, English, French and Spanish till the end of the 12th class.

Having German is kind of unusual as German is spoken only in Germany or may be surrounding areas. English is widespread, then Spanish, French, Portuguese and then anything else comes. I wonder who made that decision.

Think about it this way, if you want to come to Europe to work or to study today, would you prefer to go to Germany with some of the best universities and the biggest economy and industry in Europe, or would you go to Spain or Portugal, 2 countries that were hit badly by the Financial and Eurocrisis, with high unemployment rates and very limited job potential?
If you know the answer, you might understand what the aim was, to give German some preference and why it's so funny that a party that is so business and economy oriented like the BJP is now cutting back exactly here, in favour for regional (not national) languages that doesn't get you anything wrt jobs even in India, let alone abroad.
How about India is not spending money on its children's basic education to fill the gap of German workers. First Indians need to learn about India and Indian culture and then anything else. If they are so desirous of going to Germany or Europe, let them spend money from their own pockets and learn those languages.
The rise of the west was based on predatory attacks on other civilizations, looting them, making Slaves, colony, Financial manipulation and destroying the local culture, education system, economy and denying non westerns access to knowledge.

Only narrow minded apologists like you seek simplistic answers by crediting the west with "science & technology" as if "science & technology" is something alien to Indians :lol:

You are free to blindly worship the "west" and laugh at anything "Indian", but when you attempt to impose your ignorance and inferiority complex on the rest of us, you will have another thing coming.

It is true about the west having a predatory relationship with other cultures. It is not true about your remarks about science and technology. That is pure ignorance of what science stands for, and is true only for technology. If you wish to discuss this, open a new thread.
It is true about the west having a predatory relationship with other cultures. It is not true about your remarks about science and technology. That is pure ignorance of what science stands for, and is true only for technology. If you wish to discuss this, open a new thread.

Since you are the one who appears to be claiming Science is alien to Indians, maybe you should start a thread with that absurd title. OTOH if you are attempting to "teach" science, you can open a separate thread for that too for all those who wishes to learn since from you.
Since you are the one who appears to be claiming Science is alien to Indians, maybe you should start a thread with that absurd title. OTOH if you are attempting to "teach" science, you can open a separate thread for that too for all those who wishes to learn since from you.

You need to read what I've said, and not assume that I have said what you wish I'd said.
That's not fully correct. English is a madatory class in Germany, since it's seen as an international language, while it's also mandatory to choose a 2nd language (often French, Spanish, Latin). You can opt for additional languages if you want, but if it's again mainly another European language that is chosen. It's not uncommon for students here to have German, English, French and Spanish till the end of the 12th class.

Yes, my point was English is already accepted as a lingua franca in my countries of the West, I can't understand what is the need of mastering two foreign languages dumping your own.
If you are lonely and seeking a wrestling match, I suggest you go seek someone else.

Wrestle with whom? do you think these are wrestling matches? What an odd impression of a discussion forum you have, to be sure. No doubt that explains much of the attitude you display.

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