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Slums in South Asia

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So they got their butt spanked without the claim. OK, let's agree on this one. :tup:

Lol....What a dumbazz comeback particularly charateristic of WJ. :lol:

Nopes, you have just proved what makes you people tick, hell if it wasn't for this forum, you will be standing on a pile in some slum junction admiring your produce. :oops:

Going by your graphic description you seem to be doing that right now. And all this blowing for just retaliating with a word you yourself used. looks like you are nincompoop who cant digest when shown the mirror. :wave:
the second pic is of dharvi and 3rd pic is from some african country :lol:

The second pic is from the telegraph.uk site if you haven't looked already.. :rolleyes:

And the third pic was posted somewhere on this forum..
the second pic is of dharvi and 3rd pic is from some african country :lol:

ok its for you


A Shocking Satellite Tour Of The World's Biggest Slums
And this the official picture from UN Habitat showing the Slum trends in Asia.



As evident the Slum prevalence is much more in Pakistan than in India.

Population below poverty line:

Population below poverty line - Country Comparison

Rank Country Population below poverty line (%)
1 Zambia 86
2 Chad 80
3 Gaza Strip 80
4 Haiti 80
5 Liberia 80
6 Sierra Leone 70.2
7 Mozambique 70
8 Nigeria 70
9 Suriname 70
10 Swaziland 69
11 Burundi 68
12 Zimbabwe 68
13 Niger 63
14 Rwanda 60
15 Tajikistan 60
16 Comoros 60
17 Bolivia 60
18 Guatemala 56.2
19 Sao Tome and Principe 54
20 Senegal 54
21 Malawi 53
22 Afghanistan 53
23 Honduras 50.7
24 Kenya 50
25 Eritrea 50
26 Madagascar 50
27 South Africa 50
28 Colombia 49.2
29 Lesotho 49
30 Nicaragua 48
31 Cameroon 48
32 Guinea 47
33 Burkina Faso 46.4
34 West Bank 46
35 Yemen 45.2
36 Bangladesh 45
37 Peru 44.5
38 Dominican Republic 42.2
39 Cote d'Ivoire 42
40 Djibouti 42
41 East Timor 42
42 Angola 40.5
43 Kyrgyzstan 40
44 Sudan 40
45 Mauritania 40
46 Ethiopia 38.7
47 Ecuador 38.3
48 Venezuela 37.9
49 Ukraine 37.7
50 Benin 37.4
51 Papua New Guinea 37
52 Mali 36.1
53 Mongolia 36.1
54 Tanzania 36
55 Uganda 35
56 Cambodia 35
57 Namibia 34.9
58 Belize 33.5
59 Uzbekistan 33
60 Burma 32.7
61 Grenada 32
62 Togo 32
63 Paraguay 32
64 Bhutan 31.7
65 Brazil 31
66 Georgia 31
67 Nepal 30.9
68 Laos 30.7
69 El Salvador 30.7
70 Botswana 30.3
71 Dominica 30
72 Cape Verde 30
73 Philippines 30
74 Turkmenistan 30
75 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of 29.8
76 Moldova 29.5
77 Virgin Islands 28.9
78 Panama 28.6
79 Ghana 28.5
80 Lebanon 28
81 Uruguay 27.4
82 Belarus 27.1
83 Micronesia, Federated States of 26.7
84 Armenia 26.5
85 Fiji 25.5
86 India 25
87 Albania 25
88 Bosnia and Herzegovina 25
89 Romania 25
90 Pakistan 24
91 Tonga 24
92 Azerbaijan 24
93 Argentina 23.4
94 Anguilla 23
95 Algeria 23
96 Guam 23
97 Sri Lanka 22
98 Israel 21.6
99 Slovakia 21
100 Maldives 21
101 Turkey 20
102 Egypt 20
103 Spain 19.8
104 United Arab Emirates 19.5
105 Bermuda 19
106 Chile 18.2
107 Iran 18
108 Portugal 18
109 Indonesia 17.8
110 Poland 17
111 Trinidad and Tobago 17
112 Costa Rica 16
113 Russia 15.8
114 Belgium 15.2
115 Korea, South 15
116 Morocco 15
117 Vietnam 14.8
118 Jamaica 14.8
119 Jordan 14.2
120 Bulgaria 14.1
121 United Kingdom 14
122 Mexico 13.8
123 Kazakhstan 13.8
124 Slovenia 12.9
125 United States 12
126 Syria 11.9
127 Croatia 11
128 Germany 11
129 Canada 10.8
130 Netherlands 10.5
131 Thailand 10
132 Bahamas, The 9.3
133 Hungary 8.6
134 China 8
135 Mauritius 8
136 Libya 7.4
137 Tunisia 7.4
138 Montenegro 7
139 Ireland 7
140 France 6.2
141 Austria 5.9
142 Malaysia 5.1
143 Estonia 5
144 Lithuania 4
145 Taiwan 0.95
Lol..is this the best you can do ??

You asked for the words from UNDP. I showed you.

Be graceful and accept defeat. :lol:

We are talking specifically about slums..Not about poverty. If you want open another thread and post that.

Talk of "shifting goal posts" :lol:

Wait, didn't you do that by quoting an excerpt from National Geographic 2007 that Dharavi wasn't the largest slum in Asia, as opposed to a 2010 report?
Wait, didn't you do that by quoting an excerpt from National Geographic 2007 that Dharavi wasn't the largest slum in Asia, as opposed to a 2010 report?

The fact is that Dharavi is not Asia's largest slum as given by UNDP. You can spin all the fabrications as you want for getting a sound sleep tonight, though it will not change the facts.

BTW if that is a 2010 report the writer is so pathetically out-of-date and who got overwhelmed by stereotypes that replfects on his poor credibility.

BTW if my UNDP is flawed because it is an extract from NGC, then yours too is flawed because it not from UNDP but from a student/faculty/whoever from TISS. Not UNDP. :wave:

Conversely if yours is true, then so is mine !
The fact is that Dharavi is not Asia's largest slum as given by UNDP. You can spin all the fabrications as you want for getting a sound sleep tonight, though it will not change the facts.

BTW if that is a 2010 report the writer is so pathetically out-of-date and who got overwhelmed by stereotypes that replfects on his poor credibility.

Did you read the UN report you provided at Page 61? It quoted an excerpt from the National Geographic dated 2007 that said Dharavi wasn't the biggest slum in Asia. They were just quoting it from National Geographic. However, the link I gave you was written by the UNDP themselves in 2010. :wave:
Did you read the UN report you provided at Page 61? It quoted an excerpt from the National Geographic dated 2007 that said Dharavi wasn't the biggest slum in Asia. They were just quoting it from National Geographic. However, the link I gave you was written by the UNDP themselves in 2010.

From my previous post :

BTW if my UNDP is flawed because it is an extract from NGC, then yours too is flawed because it not from UNDP but from a student/faculty/whoever from TISS. Not UNDP. :wave:

Conversely if yours is true, then so is mine !
From my previous post :

So that just shows that you can't any of these 'sources of information' seriously, because they just contradict themselves. So, the best way to compare Dharavi with Orangi Town is by looking at the pictures of both places, because that's the reality :cheers:
So that just shows that you can't any of these 'sources of information' seriously, because they just contradict themselves. So, the best way to compare Dharavi with Orangi Town is by looking at the pictures of both places, because that's the reality :cheers:

No thats not the reality. The reality is Orangi became Asia's largest slum way back in 2007 (as confirmed by two internationally acclaimed neutral organisations - NGC and UNDP) and the writer in your source makes a fool of himself after watching the Danny Boyle movie and going by stereotypes :lol:

Just accept the reality and move on - there is no pride in having slums. Instead of cocooning yourself see the reality and work to mitigate these social ills.
State of Slums in India:

The very definition of slums points at the acute drinking water and sanitation crisis for the slum dwellers. A slum in India is defined as 'a cluster inside urban areas without having water and sanitation access'.

The National Sample Survey Organisation survey conducted in 2002 found that in 84% of the notified slums the main water source is through tap water supply. But these numbers mask differences across the states of India. In Bihar none of the slums get water via the tap.

In Chhattisgarh, Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh less than 35% of slums get tap water. Nearly 44% of non-notified slums do not have a drainage system of any type whereas only 15% of notified slums do not have a drainage system.

A similar picture emerges in the case of latrines. Nearly half of the non-notified slums do not have a latrine of any type. In contrast only 17% of notified slums do not have a latrine. However, the past few years have seen significant improvements in water and sanitation situation in slums. But, that is not a source of solace as there is still a vast number of slum dweller to be provided these basic facilities.

India's slum population has doubled
The slum population is constantly increasing: it has doubled in the past two decades. The current population living in slums in the country is more than the population of Britain. India's slum-dwelling population rose from 27.9 million in 1981 to over 40 million in 2001.

As per the 2001 census of India, 640 towns spread over 26 states and union territories have reported existence of slums. This means one out of every four persons reside in slums in our cities and towns. The NSSO survey in 2002 has identified 51,688 slums in urban areas of which 50.6% of urban slums have been declared as "notified slums."

This growing slum population and the lack of basic facilities will badly impact on India’s overall target achievement in water and sanitation sector.

The state of slums in India | WaterAid
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