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Slums in South Asia

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Good for you.

I concede you are the last word in open defecating, open sewers, poor hygiene and all that.

Your experience in all these are legend, right?
And you said you were a Bihari!

I am sure the last word in good living and etiquettes!

Yes, I'm Bihari, and I'm telling you, Orangi Town is better than more than half of India. People don't poop or pee on the streets there like 750 million Indians do everyday. I would live in Orangi Town everyday over Dharavi, or any other place in India.
For haider... Here's the karachi slum aka the largest slum in South Asia
orangi town​



Sad to say these slumdogs ain't gonna become millionaires anytime soon... :azn:

Pakistan Wins ! They Now Have The Largest Slum In!

Karachi is Asia's largest slum, not Dharavi: UNDP - Page 2 - Pakistan Talk Forums

Karachi's Orangi beats Slumdog Millionaire's Dharavi in Mumbai as Asia's largest slum - Telegraph
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Don't worry, people in Orangi Town or most of Pakistan have access to toilets unlike the 750 million Indians that don't, & have to poop, pee on the streets, & eat rats & drink cow pis* everyday to survive.

You were there and enjoying all that you said?

Please note that drink cow pis could get you a ban, if I should report!

Just check out about camel urine and its therapeutic effects and where it is written.

You must know more about yourself before you comment.
Karachi's Orangi beats Slumdog Millionaire's Dharavi in Mumbai as Asia's largest slum

Mumbai's Dharavi, the squalid shanty town that provides the backdrop to the Oscar-winning film Slumdog Millionaire, has been displaced by Orangi in Karachi as Asia's largest slum, according to a new development report.

Karachi's Orangi beats Slumdog Millionaire's Dharavi in Mumbai as Asia's largest slum - Telegraph

Telegraph is a British newspaper

But Telegraph is quoting a bharati report.

But the Brihanmumbai report said its reputation was no longer justified
On top of that, even comparing Orangi to Dhravi is a leap. Orangi has proper sanitation system, vast majority of the people have access to proper sanitation in Orangi. In Dhravi some 1/1250 people (or some other ridiculous number) had access to proper sanitation.
that was a response to your Post #107

What is the connection with drinking cow pis, old boy?

Shivering in your pants, now?

Don't worry, I won't report you since I have seen many of you behind the computer screen warriors!
And on what date he started ? Bumping a two year old thread is indeed a sign of chronic obsession.

As for period time, just remember there are those who experience it in your family too, unless you are gay !

Whatever the date, since you people are always portraying to be some martial race, no better way than to beat you with your own stick.
And since you have the bankrupt mindset to drag families into a public forum. suffice to say, must be common for your lot to shout at the period cycle thingy.
For haider... Here's the karachi slum aka the largest slum in South Asia
orangi town​

The reporter doesn't even know how to say "Orangi" properly. Now compare the video the Bharati posted of the slum 'Orangi Town' with the Nehru Nagar slums of Mumbai:

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But Telegraph is quoting a bharati report.

On top of that, even comparing Orangi to Dhravi is a leap. Orangi has proper sanitation system, vast majority of the people have access to proper sanitation in Orangi. In Dhravi some 1/1250 people (or some other ridiculous number) had access to proper sanitation.

Maybe this will help.

Many believe Dharavi, India’s largest slum in the heart of Mumbai, is also Asia’s largest. Wrong, says a United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) report. Karachi’s Orangi township is Asia’s largest slum.

Orangi, not Dharavi, is Asia’s largest slum, claims UNDP

UNDP is not Indian.

Still, they have access to toilet systems. Most Indians do not have access to them.

This is a JOKE! This says people in India that live in slums is 110 million. India has more poor people in 8 states than all of Africa combined, & 750 million Indians don't have access to toilets.

And I hope you realize the fact that these links are referring to the urban population, not the total.

India's urban population is: 110 million/0.35 = 315 million

India's rural population = 1200 - 315 = 885 million

Pakistan's urban population is: 26.6/0.48 = 54 million

% of India's urban population: 315/1200 * 100 = 26% of India's total population

% of Pakistan's urban population: 54/170 * 100 = 32% of Pakistan's total population

% of India's rural population = 100% - 26 = 74% of India's total population

% of Pakistan's rural population = 100% - 32 = 68% of Pakistan's total population
Indians never ever claimed to be some martial race or some weird 1 X = 10 Y and then got their @zz spanked. :lol:

Guess i touched a raw nerve that the jammer even forgot who brought this in the first place :lol:

You seem to be a juveline who is just experiencing puberty.
They are pictures of slums in your Pakistan, the land of the pure ! :lol:

They better be changing that last part soon :lol:
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Still, they have access to toilet systems. Most Indians do not have access to them.

This is a JOKE! This says people in India that live in slums is 110 million. India has more poor people in 8 states than all of Africa combined, & 750 million Indians don't have access to toilets.

The percentage of Urban population in slums is 35% in India and 48% in Pakistan :oops:

And genius the 110 million is out of 1.2 billion. :wave:
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