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Should Beef Be Banned In India?

Not just libtards, they are Hindu though, just because they don't follow the religion to the extreme doesn't mean they aren't Hindus...Commies and others too in Kerala..

Also to my knowledge Kashmiri Hindu Pandits also eat Beef...it is just a hogwash that they, the Hindus don't eat Beef, Dalits and other OBC/SC/ST caste also eat Beef....yes Brahmins don't eat it. But what is the total population of Brahmins in India, hardly 6-7%.

KPs don't, they eat meat but not beef.

Total population of Brahmins is 2.5% according to 2011 report, 1% by 2021.
Do you mean it...the fact and figures are totally opposite...call it hypocrisy, dichotomy or anything.

Over 70% Indians Are Meat Eaters, But Indian TV Continues To Vilify Non-Vegetarians


Eating meat doesn't mean beef. Yes, India isn't a vegetarian country and except for the states bordering Pak, almost all the other states are Non-veg consumers which primarily include chicken, goat/lamb and sea food.


I'm a Hindu and I had beef/pork occasionally here in the US and at times back in India because you don't find many restaurants serving beef back home and most people don't prefer not out of fear for lynching but out of respect for what our parents thought us even though they never restricted us from doing so
Not just libtards, they are Hindu though, just because they don't follow the religion to the extreme doesn't mean they aren't Hindus...Commies and others too in Kerala..

Also to my knowledge Kashmiri Hindu Pandits also eat Beef...it is just a hogwash that they, the Hindus don't eat Beef, Dalits and other OBC/SC/ST caste also eat Beef....yes Brahmins don't eat it. But what is the total population of Brahmins in India, hardly 6-7%.


Beef has long been the king of the table in Kerala, and for the simple reason that it is appetizing. It accounts for more than 40% of all meat consumed in the state. Around 80% of the people here regularly eat beef, not just in Christian and Muslim homes, and not just the rich either. There are no precise figures, but there is enough anecdotal evidence to suggest that more Hindus could be eating it regularly than Christians and Muslims put together.

  • Hindus, it must be noted, do not practice their religion in Kerala with any less vigour than their counterparts in other parts of India. The state is dotted with temples, including famous ones such the Padmanabha temple at Thiruvananthapuram, Vishnu temple at Guruvayur, Ayyappan’stemple at Sabarimala and so on.
In ancient India, killing and consuming animals was part and parcel of life of all. Hindus then were overwhelmingly non-vegetarian. There are historians who have pointed out that back then Hindus ate beef.
Sir, the Indian Hindus are some special kinds of losers ...otherwise there is nothing in original hinduism that stops them from eating beef and most of non-Indian Hindus eat beef. In fact, the prohibitions comes for Jainism and indian hindus have started to practice Jainism more than hinduism. But still not all indian hindus buy this extremist crap for example Keralites eat beef even though they are hindus..
Sir, the Indian Hindus are some special kinds of losers ...otherwise there is nothing in original hinduism that stops them from eating beef and most of non-Indian Hindus eat beef. In fact, the prohibitions comes for Jainism and indian hindus have started to practice Jainism more than hinduism. But still not all indian hindus buy this extremist crap for example Keralites eat beef even though they are hindus..

Will second it...earlier it was not forbidden...


There were no rules prescribing food habits or dressing conventions or marriage and other customs and practices for Hindu society as a whole. There were no codes of conduct or modes of worship for Hindus in general. Our former colonial masters and their scholars, endowed with Eurocentric arrogance and ignorance about India, conceived the Hindu "religion" on the model of the Semitic religions known to them.

They labelled all native groups outside the Semitic religious groups as Hindus in the census records. Actually the term Hindu, applied by outsiders to natives of India, was not a religious term, but a geographical term referring to the inhabitants of the Sindhu or Hindu or Indus region.

In the Vedas there are references to various kinds of sacrifice in which cows were killed and its flesh was eaten. This practise continued in the post-Vedic period, up to the pre-Mauryan period. Gradually, from the Mauryan period onwards references to cow killing begin to figure less in our sources.

The Brahmins, who were the main proponents of the sacrifices, now began to discourage and even disapprove of the killing of the cow. Their disapproval was linked with the idea of Kaliyuga, which is first enunciated in the Mahabharata and the early Puranic texts belonging to the post-Mauryan and Gupta period.

The Brahmin law givers now began to argue that certain old practises had to be given up in the Kaliyuga and one of them is the practise of killing a cow. Their discouragement and disapproval of the practise is clear from the dharmashastric injunction that a cow killer is an untouchable.

Cow killing was given up and beef gradually disappeared from the Brahminical food menu; it now became part of the food culture of the untouchable castes whose number increased over time.

Many of the Brahmin pundits of Kashmir are meat eaters, and theBrahmins of Bengal have a great liking for fish which they call Ganga pushpa.
@Indus Pakistan
One more fun fact is that all meat-eating Europeans/Westerners tap their (indian hindus) shoulders and buck them up for their non-meat eating habits because they think it is really good if such a huge chunk of the world population stays vegetarian.
We should also be smart and do not force them to start eating meat. Let 'em stay vegetarian, what harm does it do to us? None..
This is the legal position. Cow slaughter is banned in most Indian states with exception of the extreme north east.


And this is the punishment you get across all of India.

One more fun fact is that all meat-eating Europeans/Westerners tap their (indian hindus) shoulders and buck them up for their non-meat eating habits because they think it is really good if such a huge chunk of the world population stays vegetarian.
We should also be smart and do not force them to start eating meat. Let 'em stay vegetarian, what harm does it do to us? None..

...and at the same time Europeans, specially Denmark, your very own Sweden, other Scandinavian countries are notorious for killing the Whales in tons, the Ocra's and other, there are countless protest by the Green peace and others...

They are hypocrites as well with the highest meat consumption in the world...save a few vegans and non meat eaters.
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How many drunkards did get lynched in Pakistan?
You know you need to up your IQ. When a comparison is made it very, very rarely fits in exactly in shape, size, form, consistency etc. If you hear somebody say "he looks like xyz" it does not mean they are a photocopy. In the real world we live with making generalizations.
You know you need to up your IQ. When a comparison is made it very, very rarely fits in exactly in shape, size, form, consistency etc. If you hear somebody say "he looks like xyz" it does not mean they are a photocopy. In the real world we live with making generalizations.

You need to tone down your condascenting tone. I have been more than respectful and fair given your age.

The topic at hand is ban on beef due to en mass lynching. You want a comparison which fits better. Use blasphemy rather than Alcohol.
My comparison was informed by the fact that in Pakistan there is legislation restricting the sale and consumption of alcohol. In India there is legislation restricting the slaughter of cow. In both societies there is strong social and religous pressure on alcohol and beef consumption.
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