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Should Beef Be Banned In India?

meat should not be eaten under three circumstances: when it is seen or heard or suspected (that a living being has been purposely slaughtered for the eater)

I suspect the pig wasn't killed for buddha..that is the theravada view...the mahayanas are vegeterians...however the fish and chicken you eat today are specifically killed for consumption.

Anubis you are among few sane Bangladeshi posters and I like your posts.
But the thing you said is not that simple as you said. More I am reading about Buddhism I am getting fascinated.

You are right, Buddhist can eat Pork, Lamb, Fish and Fowl if the animal is not killed for him. That means they can buy any non vegetarian food from market and eat.

Mahajan Buddhist are least among the diff school of Buddhist..
I do...I am not religious...Muslims avoid pork for the opposite reason of why Hindus avoid beef..one thinks pigs are unclean whereas the other thinks cows are sacred.

Do you also avoid ox meat?(I think some Hindus eat ox but avoid cow/bull)
Doesn't Buddhism discourage all forms of carnivorous diet? Why did the avoidance of cow catch on among Brahmins whereas you eat fish and chicken.
No. Buddhists can eat meat. Monks cannot eat 10 types of meat. But commoners can eat anything starting from cockroaches to beef.
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