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Should Beef Be Banned In India?

Pork, do you eat it ?

It's mostly religious reason but I don't care.

In ancient times Beef was favorite food of Brahmins and we used to say a Brahmin that doesn't eat or like beef is not a pure Brahmin.

Than something happened, death of animal sacrifice, Veda and something else came to fill the void. New gods, new books and Muripooja.

Reason for all this ? Buddhism.
I do...I am not religious...Muslims avoid pork for the opposite reason of why Hindus avoid beef..one thinks pigs are unclean whereas the other thinks cows are sacred.

Do you also avoid ox meat?(I think some Hindus eat ox but avoid cow/bull)
Doesn't Buddhism discourage all forms of carnivorous diet? Why did the avoidance of cow catch on among Brahmins whereas you eat fish and chicken.
I do...I am not religious...Muslims avoid pork for the opposite reason of why Hindus avoid beef..one thinks pigs are unclean whereas the other thinks cows are sacred.

Do you also avoid ox meat?(I think some Hindus eat ox but avoid cow/bull)
Doesn't Buddhism discourage all forms of carnivorous diet? Why did the avoidance of cow catch on among Brahmins whereas you eat fish and chicken.
You need to read more about Buddhism. Trivia, Buddhas last meal was a pork dish.
you were setting them free before Eid
it was not me it was my prdection the court room look like they will go home that day . NAB ne poori koshish ki akhri bar new gov se phly . TBH main to chahta hoon her siyasat dan jis ne mulk ka pesa loota usko kala paani bheg diya jaay
They should first ban open defecation, sexual harassment/assault, the lynching of innocent people and then they should educate their people on why open defecation is not good, on why rape is evil and why women need to be treated as human beings.

Then they can build their shitty infrastructure and then they can really beat their chest and say how great and wonderful India is.
You need to read more about Buddhism. Trivia, Buddhas last meal was a pork dish.
meat should not be eaten under three circumstances: when it is seen or heard or suspected (that a living being has been purposely slaughtered for the eater)

I suspect the pig wasn't killed for buddha..that is the theravada view...the mahayanas are vegeterians...however the fish and chicken you eat today are specifically killed for consumption.
Beef ban must be lifted. There is no “pork ban” in Pakistan. It is just stated that pork cannot be sold in vicinity of Halal Sharia marketplace. Under Pakistani de-facto jurisprudence, a non-Muslim can eat pork and kill pigs. Likewise the Kalash community in Chitral is famous for hunting wild boar.
Yes true, what initially looked as though Modi will tackle the corruption, the nepotism, the 60 years of congress dynastic politics and policies is actually turning into just frivolous populist rhetoric, election winning old promises and nothing in economy, job creation, industries...Cow politics is more important than anything else.

But Modi has the 'gift-of-gab' a good orator and is charismatic...for the undoing of the liberals and educated class, the Bhakts find it once in a lifetime opportunity.

In the WSJ article you attached, the writer also narrated how Modi shifted from the free economy, job creation through industries to populist and socialist slogans which attracts a large part of his right wing constituency, he is shrewd no doubt, learned and sage I very much doubt.
And the opposition is going to really up the ante. I expect the BJP to lose 3 states this year - Rajasthan, madhya pradesh and chattisgarh.
And the opposition is going to really up the ante. I expect the BJP to lose 3 states this year - Rajasthan, madhya pradesh and chattisgarh.

You can go and sustain for a while populist, catering to the extremist constituency politics of religion, region, divide and rule, create fears and false bravado amongst the people...which Modi is doing, but this has a short shelf life.

Modi has to deliver on Job promises for millions of youth, what happened to the lacs of rupees on Individual account, make in India, sub ka saath, sub ka vikaas[actually Modi is following a divisive RSS Hindutva] policy framed by the RSS as he reports to them...an old RSS Pracharak, now trying to shed all the past baggage or hide it.

You can fool some people sometime...not all the people all the time...Hope everything settles down in India for the better.
Danes are savages, Norwegians are blondes (the stupid kind) and Finns are sad. While Swedes are smart and sweet..and I'm not biased in anyway ...not even a lil bit :cheesy::P
Norwegians arent stupid and at least you wont find news about norway as you find about Sweden.
it was not me it was my prdection the court room look like they will go home that day . NAB ne poori koshish ki akhri bar new gov se phly . TBH main to chahta hoon her siyasat dan jis ne mulk ka pesa loota usko kala paani bheg diya jaay
So your prediction was wrong?
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