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Should Beef Be Banned In India?

...and at the same time Europeans, specially Denmark, your very own Sweden, other Scandinavian countries are notorious for killing the Whales in tons, the Ocra's and other, there are countless protest by the Green peace and others...

They are hypocrites as well with the highest meat consumption in the world...save a few vegans and non eat eaters.
O bhai that's only the Denmark and we condemn it. Sweden does not kill whales at all. Please do some research. In Sweden, a lot of animals are protected, even moose (alg in local language) are allowed to be killed in certain season and in a very controlled manner to keep the numbers.
Danes on the other hands are savages...Swedes are sweet people..
So if your in most of India and you get "beefy" please do not slaughter a cow or you will be in prison for a long time. Probably be safer to go cannibal and eat a Dalit. @Great Brahmin would approve. Less shudras about.

I don't have time for such feeble issues.

Better spend my time doing something productive.
My comparison was informed by the fact that in Pakistan there is legislation restricting the sale and consumption of alcohol. In India there is legislation restricting the slaughter of cow. In both societies there is strong social and religous pressure on alcohol and beef consumption.

Vague comparison I would say...nobody lynch you in possession of alcohol or while drinking it....we don't revere it, not sacred in our religion yes forbidden. We don't call it Alco-holy Mata....

Yes maybe as an oxymoron yes....they revere Cows so it is banned, Islam prohibits Alcohol so it is banned...ban is the common denominator other than anything in common.
ban is the common denominator
Indeed. This is the "common" denominator. The reason we don't lynch people in Pakistan for alchohol is because we don't associate it with a foreign enemy. In India they have equated beef = Muslim = Pakistani. Result lynching. If for instance alcohol became associated with Ahmedi's you would begin to see lynching of alcoholics. And let's not fool ourself. At the conceptual and social level in Pakistan we also have latent 'lynch' instincts. Ask that to Mashaal Khan.
You can't rest anything when you don't have a case.

Cow is revered religiously. It is blasphemous for indians to slaughter what they consider holy. It is for them a goddess mother.

Alcohol is forbidden unto muslims. The legislation for alcohol consumption is for disturbing order. You can drink in closed quarter all you want unless Public order is not endangered.

There are no vigilantes running around sniffing alcohol and lynching people in Pakistan.

But there are vigilantes in India doing beef checks.

You made a wrong judgment call but your ego wont let it sit corrected. I can understand that but no need for abuses or foul lingual.
At the conceptual and social level in Pakistan we also have latent 'lynch' instincts. Ask that to Mashaal Khan.

Yes..in India lynching related to Beef has become a norm now...a new normal, In Pakistan lynching related to Blasphemy others is sporadic and few and far between. Also in India lynching of Muslims is not condemned by a large extremist population...here in Pakistan Mullahs has yet to make it into the mainstream, still in the fringe.

In India they are in the government...huge difference.
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