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Sheikh Mujib's birth history

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Jan 4, 2009
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United States
I saw some one mention in an earlier post that both Mujib and Bhutto's mothers were Hindu by birth. So I got a little curious and started searching. That is when found that dailydeshbangla website was hacked by Burmese hackers. But I found this info in other websites:

Mother Name of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman

Sayera Khatun
In early nineteen twenties, one Mr. Chandi Das was a practicing lawyer in the Civil Court at Kolkata. He had a young beautiful daughter named Gouribala Das. One Mr. Aronnyo Kumar Chakravarti was working as a junior assistant to Mr. Chandi Das. Mr. Chakravarti had a free access to Mr. Das's residence at his will and used to visit the family frequently. In the process he developed intimate personal illicit relationship with Gouribala. Consequentially, Gouribala became pregnant. When pregnancy was confirmed Gouribala and her father started pressing hard on Mr. Chakravarti to get married. But Mr. Chakravarti being a high cast Brahmin was not only outraged and flatly denied his illicit relationship but audaciously refused to marry Gouribala who belonged to a lower cast. He also disowned the claim that the child was sired by him. Such behavior from Mr. Chakravarti came as a rude shock to the entire family particularly to Mr. Das and he became seriously ill thinking about the ill fate of his beloved daughter's future.
Finally, Gouribala gave birth to a son on 12.12.1920. The son was named after Mr. Aronnyo Kumar Chakravarti as Dev Das Chakravarti. Thereafter, Mr. Das persistently kept on requesting Mr. Aronnyo to accept Gouribala as his wife and Dev Das as his son but of no avail. In this melee the boy became three years old.
At that time, having no way out Mr. Das begged Mr. Sheikh Luthfur Rahman, his Muhuri (Document Writer) to marry Gouribala. The obedient Muhuri obliged Mr. Das and married Gouribala after she and begotten son Dev Das, sired by Mr. Chakravarti got converted into Islam taking the Muslim names Sahera Begum and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman accordingly.
An affidavit No118 dated 10.11.1923, was registered with the Kolkata Magistrate Court in this regard.


1. Mr. Abdur Rahman Shafayet, Court Daroga
Police Station (PS): Vandaria
Post Office: Vandaria
District: Erstwhile Barisal

2. Shree Anil Kumar, Court Daroga
District: Erstwhile Barisal

same info here:
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's Birth History

Can someone verify if this is actually true or some propaganda by Bongobandhu haters.
I saw some one mention in an earlier post that both Mujib and Bhutto's mothers were Hindu by birth. So I got a little curious and started searching. That is when found that dailydeshbangla website was hacked by Burmese hackers. But I found this info in other websites:

Mother Name of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman

Sayera Khatun
In early nineteen twenties, one Mr. Chandi Das was a practicing lawyer in the Civil Court at Kolkata. He had a young beautiful daughter named Gouribala Das. One Mr. Aronnyo Kumar Chakravarti was working as a junior assistant to Mr. Chandi Das. Mr. Chakravarti had a free access to Mr. Das's residence at his will and used to visit the family frequently. In the process he developed intimate personal illicit relationship with Gouribala. Consequentially, Gouribala became pregnant. When pregnancy was confirmed Gouribala and her father started pressing hard on Mr. Chakravarti to get married. But Mr. Chakravarti being a high cast Brahmin was not only outraged and flatly denied his illicit relationship but audaciously refused to marry Gouribala who belonged to a lower cast. He also disowned the claim that the child was sired by him. Such behavior from Mr. Chakravarti came as a rude shock to the entire family particularly to Mr. Das and he became seriously ill thinking about the ill fate of his beloved daughter's future.
Finally, Gouribala gave birth to a son on 12.12.1920. The son was named after Mr. Aronnyo Kumar Chakravarti as Dev Das Chakravarti. Thereafter, Mr. Das persistently kept on requesting Mr. Aronnyo to accept Gouribala as his wife and Dev Das as his son but of no avail. In this melee the boy became three years old.
At that time, having no way out Mr. Das begged Mr. Sheikh Luthfur Rahman, his Muhuri (Document Writer) to marry Gouribala. The obedient Muhuri obliged Mr. Das and married Gouribala after she and begotten son Dev Das, sired by Mr. Chakravarti got converted into Islam taking the Muslim names Sahera Begum and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman accordingly.
An affidavit No118 dated 10.11.1923, was registered with the Kolkata Magistrate Court in this regard.


1. Mr. Abdur Rahman Shafayet, Court Daroga
Police Station (PS): Vandaria
Post Office: Vandaria
District: Erstwhile Barisal

2. Shree Anil Kumar, Court Daroga
District: Erstwhile Barisal

same info here:
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's Birth History

Can someone verify if this is actually true or some propaganda by Bongobandhu haters.

This is true. I have learned that some years ago from BBC insider. BBC Bengali department wanted to do documentary on these facts but indians inside BBC learned about it and prevented the program.
This is true. I have learned that some years ago from BBC insider. BBC Bengali department wanted to do documentary on these facts but indians inside BBC learned about it and prevented the program.

Amazing. Truth is stranger than fiction. How can we further authenticate verify and publicize this story from a reputed new media, preferably a Western one. Indian intelligence will not dare kill them for one and it will be considered a lot more objective source. May be Aljazeera can send one of their British reporters to do a story on this?
Amazing. Truth is stranger than fiction. How can we further authenticate verify and publicize this story from a reputed new media, preferably a Western one. Indian intelligence will not dare kill them for one and it will be considered a lot more objective source. May be Aljazeera can send one of their British reporters to do a story on this?

We need to contact media outlet and perhaps they would be interested as Awami League claim bongo boltu to be best Bengali of the century. He has millions of followers. His name is everywhere in Bangladesh. He and his background deserves through understanding.
This is true. I have learned that some years ago from BBC insider. BBC Bengali department wanted to do documentary on these facts but indians inside BBC learned about it and prevented the program.

so much conspiracy...even evil RAW now running BBC... :hitwall: :hitwall: :hitwall:
This is true. I have learned that some years ago from BBC insider. BBC Bengali department wanted to do documentary on these facts but indians inside BBC learned about it and prevented the program.

The Same BBC which did not Flinch to U.S. Regarding Wikileaks , to Rupert Murdoch Regarding News Corporation was intimidated by a Few Indians most Possibly Raw . Well Done :tup:
Kalu, I thought you are a western well educated person who cares little about somebody's birth history. Does it really matter how he was born?

I am sure Kalu bahi will have his answer but Awami League claim bongo boltu to be best Bengali of the century. He has millions of followers as you have claimed. His name is everywhere in Bangladesh. He and his background deserves through understanding. And in western or any other place leaders background and biography is very important fact.Deal with it.
Picked up from a Pakistani run blog site. Make Mujibur Rahman a Hindu, that pretty much kills all his credibility:rofl:

The Real Facts

Picked up from a Pakistani run blog site. Make Mujibur Rahman a Hindu, that pretty much kills all his credibility:rofl:

The Real Facts

So they are ready to Make their National Hero ( or Villian ) a Evil Hindu to decimate his Credibility . Damn !!
I have no idea about his birth heritage. Nor do I give a damn.

But his family background wasn't that strong, that is not in an aristocratic sense.
Kalu, I thought you are a western well educated person who cares little about somebody's birth history. Does it really matter how he was born?

The reason I care about the birth history of Mujib is to have complete biographical information about this individual including his family background, which many a times determine people's deep seated inclinations and biases acquired from their family and friends.
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