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The man who broke Pakistan and created Bangladesh: Serazul Alam Khan

Sir where i am being racist? I exposing double standard of Indians, trying their best to associate themselves with Afghans looks :laugh: I mean i agree only good looking people in pakistan are Indian muhajirs and Afghans.

But why you don't accept the fact that all the good looking ones left for Pakistan? Maybe thats why 99% Indians look like their cousins in jungles which you hate :blink:
Lol not all left ! pakistanis are self hating people who look like negros and worship pathans and indians because they are caucasoid looking and give them leading roles in lulliwood and **** dramas:D .
Lol not all left ! pakistanis are self hating people who look like negros and worship pathans and indians because they are caucasoid looking and give them leading roles in lulliwood and **** dramas:D .

Caucasoid :suicide:

Sir don't you agree your jungli cousins will be ashamed of yours posts? Are you trying to associate yourself with pathans while ignoring your own kin? :cray:
Why Mr. Bengali in UK....why you exiting the thread?

It's such an Irony that Lungi state of BhangraDesh calling INDIA a Failed State!!!!

BTW, how it feels to do Bhangra in a LUNGI!!!

I am curious to know: how do you dance the bhangra, other than in a lungi?

Reads like you've never danced a bhangra, nor seen it being danced.

Why Mr. Bengali in UK....why you exiting the thread?

It's such an Irony that Lungi state of BhangraDesh calling INDIA a Failed State!!!!

BTW, how it feels to do Bhangra in a LUNGI!!!

I am curious to know: how do you dance the bhangra, other than in a lungi?

Reads like you've never danced a bhangra, nor seen it being danced.
I am curious to know: how do you dance the bhangra, other than in a lungi?

Reads like you've never danced a bhangra, nor seen it being danced.

Sorry Joe Uncle, I completely forgot, My Bad........ :cray:

P.S. Don't give me a negative rating for FORGETTING pls :D
I am curious to know: how do you dance the bhangra, other than in a lungi?
Reads like you've never danced a bhangra, nor seen it being danced.

Why Mr. Bengali in UK....why you exiting the thread?
It's such an Irony that Lungi state of BhangraDesh calling INDIA a Failed State!!!!
BTW, how it feels to do Bhangra in a LUNGI!!!

HAHA I see what you did there.

But its not usually called lungi, its called chaddara, though its pretty much the same thing as long as its kept down :D
Muslim rulers didn't rule all of India and you do realise that you were ruled by Afghans and Turks as well.
Pakistan was Passage (Traders/Warrior route) - India was HOME...YOUR ABOVE LOGIC IS BASELESS. :cheesy:
Majority of Present Pakistan is mixture of Arabs /Iranians / turks / Afghans / Indians /Kashmiris........
Pakistanis are Mix Interracial unlike Turkey for Turks & Iran for Persians.

I dont know why you are using difficult terminologies Jargoons to Unprove INDIAN FEATURES something so OBVIOUS o_O

It is funny that pakeez themselves look negroid and they are making fun of negroid-australoid . Such self hating people they are

I dint claim India has more African rather the Indian Hindus are hybrids of Africans and Austroasians due to the hybridization process by their former Muslim rulers.
NA KAR......I dont think so...
Muslims never imported Africans in Indian sub continent, except warriors in Royal Army who came along with Army
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You Indians should be grateful to this scum. Without him being born, there is a good chance that there would not be a 1971 war. Mr. Khan, note how these Indians are making fun of your Dalit looks, the very Indians who you helped to achieve their strategic goal of breaking apart the largest Muslim country in the world. Talk about gratitude.

@asad71 your kind comments please about this thread.

1. This man has all the habits a man can have. He is a confirmed homosexual who has never married. He has always been a behind-the-scene manipulator, a conspirator.Till 1975 he was truly the Rasputin in BD politics.
Official website of Serajul Alam Khan - Dada
2. Delhi rulers should really worry about him. Dada dreams of a Greater Bengal. And this has the support of the Americans.
1. This man has all the habits a man can have. He is a confirmed homosexual who has never married. He has always been a behind-the-scene manipulator, a conspirator.Till 1975 he was truly the Rasputin in BD politics.
Official website of Serajul Alam Khan - Dada
2. Delhi rulers should really worry about him. Dada dreams of a Greater Bengal. And this has the support of the Americans.

Sounds interesting, can you give a bit detail about his ideology and the fact that US "still" supports greater Bengal?

In Ayub Khan's personal diary, he mentioned that he had discovered a telegram of US ambassador in Pakistan to US ambassador in India where they were discussing about creating an independent state of Bangassam, merging East Pakistan, West Bengal and Assam which was in the US interests.
@kalu_miah @Al-zakir @idune @eastwatch @Luffy 500 @Bangladeshis

It is good that Bangladesh get separate land...it was failure of India to see the long term effects & so out of hatred they just did the dirty work.

Today Bangladesh accounts for third largest Muslim nation on Earth with huge 164 Million population. With such huge numbers comes some responsibility & that is to protect innocents & Muslims in that region. After reading comments of several Indians, North Eastern Muslims & Bangladeshis I come to a conclusion that Assam & other North East wants freedom & if it happens then Bangladesh will gain a massive strategic place with Bhutan, North East, South Tibet, Assam & China using Bangladeshi ports.

Well BD does have potential , the demographic size and huge arable land land is a massive plus point for BD but then we have traitors in the form of BAL that most likely no other country has. We have a historical narrative framed by our enemies and those who r against the very existence of BD. BAL is a party that is practically an extension of Indian National Congress and formed and run from India. Nothing can be worse than traitorous 5th columist ruling your country. I would be happy if we keep BD's current political boundaries intact and get out of the current shithole that witch Hasina put BD in. Hasina and the abomination that is BAL along with pro-Indian communist monekys need to be booted out permanently from BD, for BD to realize its potential. I don't think BD now has the luxury to back a freedom movement in NE. We lost our chances there. WIth time India will consolidate its position in NE.That's brings the need for a powerful PAK playing its due role in South and central Asia and I want a strong china to establish a strong presence in IOR (in BD, SL and Maldives) in the future. I think PAK did injustice to its potential provided by its population size, geography and decent military might. Its time it realized its potantial. Nepal and Bhutan will be annexed by India soon. China may get some part of S.tibet in a negotiated settelment but its time S.asia prepares to deal with a increasingly hegemonic India. Good news is that countries in S.asia r not that weak vis-vis the hegemon that India is. If we can put our economies on track along with diplomatic wit there is hardly anything that a mighty India can do.
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Well BD does have potential , the demographic size and huge arable land land is a massive plus point for BD but then we have traitors in the form of BAL that most likely no other country has. We have a historical narrative framed by our enemies and those who r against the very existence of BD. BAL is a party that is practically an extension of Indian National Congress and formed and run from India. Nothing can be worse than traitorous 5th columist ruling your country. I would be happy if we keep BD's current political boundaries intact and get out of the current shithole that witch Hasina put BD in. Hasina and the abomination that is BAL along with pro-Indian communist monekys need to be booted out permanently from BD, for BD to realize its potential. I don't think BD now has the luxury to back a freedom movement in NE. We lost our chances there. WIth time India will consolidate its position in NE.That's brings the need for a powerful PAK playing its due role in South and central Asia and I want a strong china to establish a strong presence in IOR (in BD, SL and Maldives) in the future. I think PAK did injustice to its potential provided by its population size, geography and decent military might. Its time it realized its potantial. Nepal and Bhutan will be annexed by India soon. China may get some part of S.tibet in a negotiated settelment but its time S.asia prepares to deal with a increasingly hegemonic India. Good news is that countries in S.asia r not that weak vis-vis the hegemon that India is. If we can put our economies on track along with diplomatic wit there is hardly anything that a mighty India can do.

I partially & respectfully disagree with you. Although Bangladesh have a puppet govt...still you guys have option to support your Armed forces. The Military of Bangladesh enjoys friendly & close relations with Military of Pakistan. Many high class Bdshi Military Generals/Majors/Air Marshals/Admirals/etc have studied with Pakistani Military officers in Pakistan...they know the inside stories(if you know what i mean). Support your Military & they will make sure Bdsh comes out of it's neighbor's domination. A strong Military will make Bdsh stronger. A country like India that is ready to grab foreign territories cannot be left unchecked. You can see today they have start brainwashing their own population calling North Eastern Muslims as illegal Bangladeshis. I wish to see stronger Bangladesh which will make sure killers & murderers of North Eastern Muslims & Rohingyas are not left unanswered...a strong Bangladesh will be protector of innocent civilians & Muslims of that region.
I partially & respectfully disagree with you. Although Bangladesh have a puppet govt...still you guys have option to support your Armed forces. The Military of Bangladesh enjoys friendly & close relations with Military of Pakistan. Many high class Bdshi Military Generals/Majors/Air Marshals/Admirals/etc have studied with Pakistani Military officers in Pakistan...they know the inside stories(if you know what i mean). Support your Military & they will make sure Bdsh comes out of it's neighbor's domination. A strong Military will make Bdsh stronger. A country like India that is ready to grab foreign territories cannot be left unchecked. You can see today they have start brainwashing their own population calling North Eastern Muslims as illegal Bangladeshis. I wish to see stronger Bangladesh which will make sure killers & murderers of North Eastern Muslims & Rohingyas are not left unanswered...a strong Bangladesh will be protector of innocent civilians & Muslims of that region.

I gaveup hope on our army long time ago. BD army is not the same as it used to be. Its not the same that used to have good relations with muslims states and PAK. U see just after BAL assumed power in 2009, India with the help of awami maggots orchestrated pilkhanna mutiny that resulted in the deaths of 57 front line officers. Before that BNP gov made a blunder promoting moin u ahmed as COAS who ultimately paved the way for emergency rule in 2007 and subsequent ascension of BAL to power. India destroyed both BDR and army via that pilkhanna operation. I don't know abt current BD army, if not completely ruined , it has been cripled to the core. Our intellegence agency is practically a wing of Indian intellegence it seems. In short we don't have a national security apparatus safeguardign BD at the moment IMHO.

The deals u see with china now r not concrete. We r not gettign anything substantial from china and Hasina is actively trying to replace china with Russia not to mention the kickbacks from deals with russia. Hasina and BAL has a history of corrupt deals with russia (google BD mig29 scam) . One thing she does have is a powerful Indian trained propaganda arm via controlled media. Most oppoisition media has been banned in BD over over the last 6 years with many prominent jounalist/rights activist jailed. For eg. recently there was much hype abt deep sea port deal with china which was never even discussed on her tour to china. But the pro-BAL media created a lot of hype so as to give a sense of Hasian not always listening to India upon Modi's ascension to power.

BD has to find a way to comeout of the current patehtic state of affairs but the army has failed BD i m afraid. Its in effect is a UN paid force unable to stand up for BD's sovereignty.
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I gaveup hope on our army long time ago. BD army is not the same as it used to be. Its not the same that used to have good relations with muslims states and PAK. U see just after BAL assumed power in 2009, India with the help of awami maggots orchestrated pilkhanna mutiny that resulted in the deaths of 57 front line officers. Before that BNP gov made a blunder promoting moin u ahmed as COAS who ultimately paved the way for emergency rule in 2007 and subsequent ascension of BAL to power. India destroyed both BDR and army via that pilkhanna operation. I don't know abt current BD army, if not completely ruined , it has been cripled to the core. Our intellegence agency is practically a wing of Indian intellegence it seems. In short we don't have a national security apparatus safeguardign BD at the moment IMHO.

The deals u see with china now r not concrete. We r not gettign anything substantial from china and Hasina is actively trying to replace china with Russia not to mention the kickbacks from deals with russia. Hasina and BAL has a history of corrupt deals with russia (google BD mig29 scam) . One thing she does have is a powerful Indian trained propaganda arm via controlled media. Most oppoisition media has been banned in over over the last 6 years with many prominent jounalist/rights activist jailed. For eg. recently there was much hype abt deep sea port deal with china which was never even discussed on her tour to china. But the pro-BAL media created a lot of hype so as to give a sense of Hasian not always listening to India upon Modi's ascension to power. BD has to find a way to comeout of the current patehtic state of affairs but the army has failed BD i m afraid.

I understand that but there is a saying in Urdu "Mayoosi Kufar hai"...that means if you hopeless every time you cannot be a true Muslim.

Some how you guys need to power up your Army.
I understand that but there is a saying in Urdu "Mayoosi Kufar hai"...that means if you hopeless every time you cannot be a true Muslim.

Some how you guys need to power up your Army.

Actually bro i never give up hope. Allah (swt) is the best of planners and everything happens by Allah (swt's) will so I do have hope for things to get better. :) Most muslim countries r ruled by corrupt thugs now and BD is just undergoing its fair share of hardships IMHO.
In this forum there is an active Serazul Alam Khan chamcha who often shows deception and flip flop traits this destructive character preaches. For now I would let that to your imagination who that is.
Didn't read the article, but we (Pakistanis) are under that guy Serazul's debt we can't thank him enough for this. This partition was a blessing in disguise. My Salute to the man :D Now BD and Indians can have fun :D :sarcastic:
was it a "blessing" for you because it wasn't you who got invaded by India?

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