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The man who broke Pakistan and created Bangladesh: Serazul Alam Khan

That's not related. Read this:
Studies based on mtDNA variation have reported genetic unity across various Indian sub–populations. Conclusions of studies based on Y Chromosome variation and Autosomal DNA variation have been varied, although many researchers argue that most of the ancestral nodes of the phylogenetic tree of all the mtDNA types originated in the subcontinent. Recent genome studies appear to show that most Indians are descendants of Ancestral North Indians (related to Central Asians, Middle Easterners and Europeans) and Ancestral South Indians who are not closely related to external groups, except possibly the aboriginal populations in Australia.

It has been found that the ancestral node of the phylogenetic tree of all the mtDNA types typically found in Central Asia, the Middle East and Europe are also to be found in South Asia at relatively high frequencies. The inferred divergence of this common ancestral node is estimated to have occurred slightly less than 50,000 years ago. In India the major maternal lineages, or mitochondrial DNA Halogroups, are M, R and U,whose coalescence times have been approximated to 50,000 BP."
For more information please visit Anthroscape

Read again what you posted.

"It has been found that the ancestral node of the phylogenetic tree of all the mtDNA types typically found in Central Asia, the Middle East and Europe are also to be found in South Asia at relatively high frequencies."

Does it mean europeans, central asians and south asians look similar? Nope :no: just share common haplogroup which are 20-30 thousand years old. ASI-ANI is admixture, thats what harappanda.
Indians :laughcry: yaar chal chor, even you know how your kind look :omghaha:
Chal beta koi nahin yahi soch ke khush ho le :lol:. Don't cry at your negro looks and do something good with your life kid:laughcry::enjoy:
Muslim rulers didn't rule all of India and you do realise that you were ruled by Afghans and Turks as well.
@Joe Shearer please correct this guy

Do you think I have nothing better to do than to chase after the latest guttersnipe to come to PDF, and spew out racist, bigoted venom on the other members?

ASI-ANI is admixture, nothing to do with haplogroups. And posting selective pictures will not serve. Himachelis are pretty well known to have mongloid genes, even Indian paharis have that gene. At least it shows in their face.

@bulbula are you part of this thread? If so, I will stay neutral. If not, then that little pustule deserves to be squeezed out of existence.
Do you think I have nothing better to do than to chase after the latest guttersnipe to come to PDF, and spew out racist, bigoted venom on the other members?

@bulbula are you part of this thread? If so, I will stay neutral. If not, then that little pustule deserves to be squeezed out of existence.

Sir thats why i asked him why did he invited you in troll fest :D

But it still proves the corallation between halogroups and ANI and ASI. Btw, the halogroups that were posted by the other guy about Rajputs still dispute the 45% ASI thing. How can one have 32% R1A and be 45% ASI? Didn't he say that the Harappa DNA was only based of one sample?

Results are on harappdna about rajputs and other upper caste rajasthanis. Bhils for exemple have 67%+ ASI. anyway history is more interesting subject then genetics :azn:

Chal beta koi nahin yahi soch ke khush ho le :lol:. Don't cry at your negro looks and do something good with your life kid:laughcry::enjoy:

I will never understand self hatered, i mean whats wrong with being negro :eek: Don't you want bollywood to have leading actors from every region instead of just one group? :cry:
I will never understand self hatered, i mean whats wrong with being negro :eek: Don't you want bollywood to have leading actors from every region instead of just one group? :cry:

Who says there is anything wrong in being negro ? I am just asking your kind to be happy with your negro looks . Why are all lulliwood actors either pathans or indians and none of them pakistani negroids who make almost 99 % of pakistan ? Stop hating your looks and stop referring to indians and pathans to claim how beautiful you are.

Only negroids who look like will smith and beyonce can be leading actors in bollywood not **** negros:disagree:
Who says there is anything wrong in being negro ? I am just asking your kind to be happy with your negro looks . Why are all lulliwood actors either pathans or indians and none of them pakistani negroids who make almost 99 % of pakistan ?

Only negroids who look like will smith and beyonce can be leading actors in bollywood not **** negros:disagree:

Sir again whats wrong with being negro? You are saying 99% of Indians look like aryans, then 1% still mean 13 million in India. Why these poor sould are not given chances in bollywood? :angry:
Sir again whats wrong with being negro? You are saying 99% of Indians look like aryans, then 1% still mean 13 million in India. Why these poor sould are not given chances in bollywood? :angry:
Comprehension problems or what ? Did i say there is anything wrong in being negro ? And aryan is not a race but sanskrit term for noble person , so even negros can be aryans . And a negro has to look good and should speak hindi to play lead roles in bollywood
Comprehension problems or what ? Did i say there is anything wrong in being negro ? And aryan is not a race but sanskrit term for noble person , so even negros can be aryans . And a negro has to look good and should speak hindi to play lead roles in bollywood

Sir where are you from in India? Yes no doubt one can find good looking people from any group. But bollywod ignores 1% of negro Indians despite their good looks :angry:
Sir where are you from in India? Yes no doubt one can find good looking people from any group. But bollywod ignores 1% of negro Indians despite their good looks :angry:
New Delhi ! Indian pure australoid-negroid are like 5% of india and live in jungles of central india and can't speak or understand hindi
All these myths have been disapproved n discredited on this very forum through valid source n not emotional out bursts or trolling .. Pakhtuns n us Baluch fought fought non Muslims .. And another matter of fact is tht PK Punjab is diverse n can't be considered as a united ethnicity .. But rather more of a linguistic term .. Everybody living in Punjab is a punjabi irrespective of his ethnicity .. Something u wouldn't understNd..

Turks ? Which ones ? Mughals were allied with the muslim punjabi lords .. While gilzais are of mixed stock .. N R Pakistani today .. N adopted Pakhtun culture .. N even in the old days the others couldn't mess with the Khokhars of Punjab .. The same period where the legislated a law tht if a muslim has to spit a Hindu will open his mouth !!

Another thing, this ajlash muslim thing is UP/Bihar exclusive. I don't know why Indians think similar things were happening in Punjab lol.

New Delhi ! Indian pure australoid-negroid are like 5% of india and live in jungles of central india and can't speak or understand hindi

Sir why are you not ready to accept the fact that 99% of Indians look exactly like your cousins in jungles :lol:
Sir why are you not ready to accept the fact that 99% of Indians look exactly like your cousins in jungles :lol:
Because i have seen those jungle dwellers only on the internet and not in reality . They do look pretty similar to 99% pakeez though:lol:. Be happy with your negro looks . I know you can't help your racist nature , maybe because your religion and quran teaches you to be racist but at least don't be racist towards your own negro selves :lol:.
Because i have seen those jungle dwellers only on the internet and not in reality . They do look pretty similar to 99% pakeez though:lol:. Be happy with your negro looks . I know you can't help your racist nature , maybe because your religion and quran teaches you to be racist but at least don't be racist towards your own negro selves :lol:.

Sir where i am being racist? I exposing double standard of Indians, trying their best to associate themselves with Afghans looks :laugh: I mean i agree only good looking people in pakistan are Indian muhajirs and Afghans.

But why you don't accept the fact that all the good looking ones left for Pakistan? Maybe thats why 99% Indians look like their cousins in jungles which you hate :blink:

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