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The man who broke Pakistan and created Bangladesh: Serazul Alam Khan

Stop claiming to be like Pakistanis, Indian Hindus mainly fit in the Melanid and Australoid types. Few women slaves indeed had sexual relations with their Muslim masters, but their numbers are negligible. Most of the women slaves were crossed with the African slave stockmen and they are your real ancestors.
Hinduism is a religion not an ethnicity.. N calm down with the sexual nonsense homie .. Not cool.
Couple of facts. Himachalis have Chenges Khan gene, mongloid. Rajasthanis rajputs 45+ ASI, similar to punjabi dalits. The only population where you will find those type of indid is upper caste punjabis which make minuscule % of Indian population. Not more then 2% at best.

That's true, even those upper Punjabis were results of the local Hindu women slaves mating with their Muslim masters. The Indians owe a lot to their former Muslim masters, as because of their hybridization process with the African slave stockmen, Indian population wouldn't be so big.

Hinduism is a religion not an ethnicity.. N calm down with the sexual nonsense homie .. Not cool.

Brother, I know Hinduism is a religion not an ethnicity, I'm referring to the Indian Hindus as a race.
I think you are under the impression that you are a "Muslim Master". This is not the case, you were referred to as Ajlafs, you were considered dogs by Turkics and Afghans. I hope you know that the African stockmen were Muslim and the highest number of Siddis are found in Balochistan in Pakistan so it's more likely that you are African. All of what you are saying has been disproved by genetic testing, maybe your madrasah disagrees.

Ajlafs? Babur was supported by muslim ghakhar n janjuas when he invaded your ... Afghans? Sonny boy another of your misconception .. Punjabis never fought the Pakhtuns ! And guess what 4+ crore Pakhtuns aka afghan are Pakistanis .. Another 3 million afghanis are refugees in our country ..

As for makranis .. Sunny they were bought as salves from Ethiopia n not much mixing happening except for the paternal line where Baluch men took African women.. N tht too was rare ..Today they have their distinct identity n most would be considered much better looking than u guys..

What ?:rofl: 99 % pakistanis are dalit bhangi converts anyway and look like australoid-negroid . Only pathans and indian muhajirs from punjab , haryana, rajasthan etc look different . They can be easily told from an australoid-negroid **** native .
Pakis refer to imran khan and wasim akram to prove how beautiful they are - one is pathan and other an indian muhajir:lol:

Kiddo Imran khan is a naizi .. From mianelwali n Waseem Akram is a punjabi .. Not a babwa from Maharashtra or up Wala bhaiya.
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Imran is pathan/afghan and waseem an Indian . None of them look like pakeez

It is funny that pakeez themselves look negroid and they are making fun of negroid-australoid . Such self hating people they are:disagree:

Lmao .. How old r u kid? Or it is Down syndrome at work.
He was referring to himself as "Muslim Master" this is simply not the case. I never claimed Punjabis fought afghans but they plundered your cities and treated them as Ajlafs.

His claim was that India has more Africans, my comment about Makranis disproves that.

I dint claim India has more African rather the Indian Hindus are hybrids of Africans and Austroasians due to the hybridization process by their former Muslim rulers.
Himachali groups have little to no mongoloid in them, I can post pictures of them if you want.

To your comment below, halogroups translate into ASI and ANI.

ASI-ANI is admixture, nothing to do with haplogroups. And posting selective pictures will not serve. Himachelis are pretty well known to have mongloid genes, even Indian paharis have that gene. At least it shows in their face.
He was referring to himself as "Muslim Master" this is simply not the case. I never claimed Punjabis fought afghans but they plundered your cities and treated them as Ajlafs.

His claim was that India has more Africans, my comment about Makranis disproves that.

All these myths have been disapproved n discredited on this very forum through valid source n not emotional out bursts or trolling .. Pakhtuns n us Baluch fought fought non Muslims .. And another matter of fact is tht PK Punjab is diverse n can't be considered as a united ethnicity .. But rather more of a linguistic term .. Everybody living in Punjab is a punjabi irrespective of his ethnicity .. Something u wouldn't understNd..

Muslim rulers didn't rule all of India and you do realise that you were ruled by Afghans and Turks as well.
@Joe Shearer please correct this guy

Turks ? Which ones ? Mughals were allied with the muslim punjabi lords .. While gilzais are of mixed stock .. N R Pakistani today .. N adopted Pakhtun culture .. N even in the old days the others couldn't mess with the Khokhars of Punjab .. The same period where the legislated a law tht if a muslim has to spit a Hindu will open his mouth !!
What ?:rofl: 99 % pakistanis are dalit bhangi converts anyway and look like australoid-negroid . Only pathans and indian muhajirs from punjab , haryana, rajasthan etc look different . They can be easily told from an australoid-negroid **** native .
Pakis refer to imran khan and wasim akram to prove how beautiful they are - one is pathan and other an indian muhajir:lol:

lol Wasim Akram is punjabi arain not muhajir bhaiya. We all know how Indian muhajirs look, :haha: Haryana is bhaiya land anyway, why did you bring that :laugh: Rajasthan is land of bhils :D

Even Indian brahmins look like chamars :rofl: c

Lol shan jaahil negro keeps coming back with multiple IDs

harami bhaiye this is id change, keep telling your self you guys look anything but bhangis :cheesy: Couple of million west punjabi khatris in India but somehow they all end up in bollywood and tv serials :rofl: in a country of 1300 million. Can't you guys find some good looking from your own kind? :D

I am not saying Pakistanis are aryan looking, in fact i always wonder why bollywood have 90% of people with origin in pakistan-
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Muslim rulers didn't rule all of India and you do realise that you were ruled by Afghans and Turks as well.
@Joe Shearer please correct this guy

Which was your previous id? Be upfront like me. Calling sir joe this early to take part in this troll fest :lol: Your previous id?
Nope, ASI and ANI are merely group names for different genetic markers also known as halogroups.
Himachalis are not known as mongoloid lol, no one has ever said that.

Since you are not insulting i will respond in similar way. ASI-ANI are admixture, read this

"What is Harappa Ancestry Project?
It is a project to analyze (autosomal) genetic data of participants of South Asian origin for the purpose of providing detailed ancestry information. So the focus of the project is on South Asians: Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis and Sri Lankans."

One can have any haplogroup but his ASI-ANI admixture will not depend on it.
lol Wasim Akram is punjabi arain not muhajir bhaiya. We all know how Indian muhajirs look, :haha: Haryana is bhaiya land anyway, why did you bring that :laugh: Rajasthan is land of bhils :D

Even Indian brahmins look like chamars :rofl:

harami bhaiye this is id change, keep telling your self you guys look anything but bhangis :cheesy: Couple of million west punjabi khatris in India but somehow they all end up in bollywood and tv serials :rofl: in a country of 1300 million. Can't you guys find some good looking from your own kind? :D

Only good looking people in pakistan are indians and afghans . :rofl: Negroid pakeez can be easily told from them . Hryanavi , rajsthani people look like angels compared to bhangi pakeez .:rofl: UP , biharis are still better looking than pakeez:omghaha:

Lol tujhe har koi bhaiya dikhta hai ? kabhi jeeja bhi bol de :lol: Khatris are way better looking than pakee negro bhangis and they are from east punjab . We have all actresses and most lead actors from our kind . Others are afghans and not pakee bhangis . Do u seriously think pakee negros have a chance in bollywood ?:rofl:
Mughals are Uzbek Turks, they never allied with Punjabi lords. That law only applied to Delhi.

Google it .. The muslim ghakhars n janjuas allied with them .. Google who was taking charge against rana sanga who was joined by raja hasan khan mewati another muslim Rajput n lodhis..
Only good looking people in pakistan are indians and afghans . :rofl: Negroid pakeez can be easily told from them . Hryanavi , rajsthani people look like angels compared to bhangi pakeez .:rofl:

Lol tujhe har koi bhaiya dikhta hai ? kabhi jeeja bhi bol de :lol: Khatris are way better looking than pakee negro bhangis and they are from east punjab . We have all actresses and most lead actors from our kind . Others are afghans and not pakee bhangis . Do u seriously think pakee negros have a chance in bollywood ?:rofl:

Indians :laughcry: yaar chal chor, even you know how your kind look :omghaha:
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