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The man who broke Pakistan and created Bangladesh: Serazul Alam Khan

Would that allow us to infer that the developments of 1971 were, from your point of view, a bad day for you and your countrymen?
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Would that allow us to infer that the developments of 1971 were a bad day for you and your countrymen?

Would that allow us to infer that the developments of 1971 were, from your point of view, a bad day for you and your countrymen?

You broke my home...I sent Illegal Bangladeshis in yours ! :sarcastic:

How you doin' Joe Sahib ? :azn:
By looking at his facial hair, I can conclude that this man is not follower of Sunnah. He is an Islamic name holding Tagore loving murtid. May he leave from this earth with Lanat.

@kalu_miah bhai, it doesn't matter how Tagore loving mushrik minded Awami intellectual impose us with post 71 history but truth is that first blood was drawn by Awami goons and then subsequent effects broke Pakistan in two.

I heard two incident that need to be discuss though I do not have exact info. Please share with us if you have the documents. These incidents took place just after 47.

1--A west Pakistani law maker was beaten in assembly by Awami goons and then died two days later.

2--A west Pakistani delegates was beaten in old Dacca by goons of Mujibs.
By looking at his facial hair, I can conclude that this man is not follower of Sunnah. He is an Islamic name holding Tagore loving murtid. May he leave from this earth with Lanat.

@kalu_miah bhai, it doesn't matter how Tagore loving mushrik minded Awami intellectual impose us with post 71 history but truth is that first blood was drawn by Awami goons and then subsequent effects broke Pakistan in two.

I heard two incident that need to be discuss though I do not have exact info. Please share with us if you have the documents. These incidents took place just after 47.

1--A west Pakistani law maker was beaten in assembly by Awami goons and then died two days later.

2--A west Pakistani delegates was beaten in old Dacca by goons of Mujibs.

1-- is Mujib who beat then speaker Patwari and the man died later at hospital from head injury:
1-- is Mujib who beat then speaker Patwari and the man died later at hospital from head injury:

I believe so. Mujib was a thug and hence died like one. It's unfortunate that his venomous leftover was not weep out. As a result we as nation still suffering to this day.

General Zia was a great leader and visionary. I do not understand how he failed to finished the job when it was all within his power.
I believe so. Mujib was a thug and hence died like one. It's unfortunate that his venomous leftover was not weep out. As a result we as nation still suffering to this day.

General Zia was a great leader and visionary. I do not understand how he failed to finished the job when it was all within his power.

General Zia was eliminated by India. When Bangladesh was created by India in 1971 with the support of its agents SAK and Mujib, it became a de facto vassal state of India. People of Bangladesh including people like Zia should have never fought to make our landmass a vassal of an enemy state. We have to wait another 15-20 years till China reaches parity with the US. That is the time when Bangladesh can be taken out of Indian sphere of influence with China's backing. Anyone who opposes Chinese supremacy in Bangladesh at that time can be slaughtered and eliminated. At this moment we have to lie low and prepare for that time and enhance all kinds of people to people and business relationship between China and Bangladesh.
cross posted:
December 16, 1971 | From East Pakistan to Bangladesh. | Page 73

Yesterday night I was in a family gathering of Bangladeshi's living in the area. There were some senior gentlemen in this gathering, one 70+ gentleman was a Dhaka University student during 1971 war and another 80+ gentleman was a govt. official in then Pakistan govt. in 1971. So I thought it would be a good opportunity to sound out the issues we have been discussing in this thread and other relevant threads below and get their opinion, as they have lived through most of the turbulent period we are discussing and have first hand experience:
Agartala Conspiracy confession, what does it mean for our history
The man who broke Pakistan and created Bangladesh: Serazul Alam Khan

Now, several things about myself. I have never been involved in active politics in Bangladesh, nor have any of my immediate family members. So you could say I am from a non-political family. Also, except for a cousin who fought as a Mukti-Bahini in 1971, no other family members were involved in 1971 war. Like most Bangladeshi's who grew up after 1971, I was oblivious to these matters and became aware after I started digging these issues for the last 5-6 years.

The 80+ gentleman was not involved in 1971 war, but the 70+ gentleman did have some political experience as a university student and was actively involved in providing logistical help to Mukti-Bahini, but saw no combat experience. This gentleman had direct and personal experience with the main political players such as Mujib and his student followers and SAK that we have been discussing in these threads. This gentleman also has many close relatives that belong to Awami League.

The 70+ gentleman confirmed the following:
- that Mujib was a goon and follower of Suhrawardy, took part in Direct Action day and possibly killed Hindu's in that communal riot
- that Mujib had no Mamar Bari (Maternal Uncle ancestral village) and that he verified that he was born from Hindu origin as is alleged in this thread:
Sheikh Mujib's birth history
@Aeronaut @WebMaster @Jungibaaz @Manticore I would request to unlock above thread as I have received personal anecdotal confirmation that the thread OP is actually authentic
- Mujib and a section with Awami League were actively engaged in treason in collaboration with Indian govt. (Intelligence Bureaus and later RAW) to break Pakistan
- SAK led Nucleus created in 1962, also engaged in treason in secret and joined Mujib's group and accepted Mujib as their leader in 1969, positively in collaboration with Soviet intelligence
- the election in 1970 was a bogus sham election, this gentleman personally voted in 11 ballot paper for ballot box stuffing
- the claim of discrimination was overblown for political purposes, East Pakistan received a lot of investment in schools, universities, industrial ventures, infrastructure etc., so much so that if Pakistan did not break, Pakistan may have had a per capita GDP higher than Malaysia today, that is how positive the outlook was at that time in 1971 before the breakup
- Pakistan leaders during 24 years of rule, never resorted to killing, kidnapping and disappearance of opposition political activists, this state of total murderous chaos started in our landmass after 1971, thanks to India trained Awami League and Mujib Bahini thugs
- Ayub Khan threatened India to bomb Farakka Barage, if it was put into operation, but then after "independence" it was started with some ineffective people's resistance from a weak dependent country (read vassal state)
- now all body guards of Hasina are Hindu, also 70-80% District Commissioners and 70-80% Police SP's are Hindu, most College and University Principal and Vice Chancelors are Hindu - it seems we have pretty much gone back to the Hindu dominant era before 1947
- specially after the naked Indian interference in Bangladesh during last election, it is increasingly becoming clear to people of Bangladesh that in 1971 we did not become independent, rather we lost whatever independence and sovereignty we gained in 1947 under leadership of Jinnah

The 80+ gentleman, who I have interacted with before and who used to support the "liberation war of 1971" since he faced some discrimination as an official, also came to agreement with the above and agreed that we were fooled and misled by a group of deceptive charlatans and has become subservient to India. What we achieved in 1947, we lost that in 1971.

If any poster have any question about any of the above, please read every post and every link in the threads mentioned in this post first and then you are welcome to ask any question you may have. As always, I will not answer any question for any Indian poster or known India leaning Awami League supporting posters from Bangladesh, so please do not waste your time.
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Mia bhai,
Did you ask the 70+ man,why he as an bangali/Bangladeshi educated man actively supported something he now think unethical? What motivated his generation to go off the handle ,so to speak,regarding Mujib?Why did they declined Maowlana Vhashanis warnings about india and believed everything Mujib lied about?
Most importantly, do their generation feel any remorse? Do they think about us ?
Mia bhai,
Did you ask the 70+ man,why he as an bangali/Bangladeshi educated man actively supported something he now think unethical? What motivated his generation to go off the handle ,so to speak,regarding Mujib?Why did they declined Maowlana Vhashanis warnings about india and believed everything Mujib lied about?
Most importantly, do their generation feel any remorse? Do they think about us ?

Problem Bhai is this, that Bhashani himself was misguided in his thinking that Eastern wing should gain "independence". He fully supported and participated in SAK led movement to free Mujib from jail and that led to the fall of Ayub Khan. After 1971, Bhashani regretted the war and said that we gained half independence and we need another war to gain full independence. So that war is still in front of us.

What Bhashani and other leaders did not realize at that time was that in 1971 they pushed us further into the hole, the same hole we got out of in 1947. This hole is that of Hindu dominance since fall of Shirajuddaula in 1757, ending Muslim rule of Bengal since 1204. We have identified wrong enemy forgetting our real enemy and shook hands with the enemy to fight and separate from a brother who we had some problem with that was within our ability to solve. We have been fooled by some power hungry demagogue (Mujib et al) and some idiotic ideologues (SAK et al). Now the enemy and their agents' real face is plain for all to see, it is no longer hidden any more. Hopefully our country will finally get the real "Chetona" behind 1971. If they still don't get it, then we deserve to stay in our current condition and even worse.

The 70+ guy told me that he realized that we made a mistake in 1972, when the Awami chaos started and the rule of law we had during Pakistan was still fresh in mind. But others like the 80+ guy is finally realizing this after 43 years. You see after 1971 many of educated elite got some benefits from the vacuum created. Now the benefit all goes to AL and their goons, so this is also helping people to wake up and smell the coffee.
The sad part about this whole mess is,they are realizing that now,but its too little, too late.
In what Bangle thinks today, India thinks it tomorrow saying, Bengali was clearly meant for the cleaver-rationalist, the west Bengali babu but not us. Otherwise we wouldn't be such foolish to give up 5/6 part of the land's ownership to have a hollow, feel good independence. It was ironic that I was the first one to say it out loud here but guy like Iajdani, captain Planet argued. Anyway, this should be the number one topic for soul searching of Muslim Bangladeshis. And courageous, patriotic of them need to bring it to the lime light in every possible way IMO.
What is with these nasty Indians and Pakis posting comments about BD that don't have any intellectual backing. We got independence due to the genocide we had to go through and 24 years of racial discrimination. Have you not moved on yet? Maybe look at your own countries and try to prevent the Balkanisation of them, instead of still being bitter.

We're no longer under the Hindi/Urdu domination, (same can;'t be said for West Bengal and North Bengal), Alhamdulillah
What a peculiar looking man. Never heard of him either. And why doesn't he talk to the media? Strange....

The man sounds more like a "theory-crafter", the kind who likes to experiment and dabble with things. Not a practical man either, just like Mujib. It seems like that he couldn't handle much heat either, which is probably why he avoids the media. Bangladeshi media can be full of crap for the record.

Its not possible to change leftists. Good example is Sirajul Alam Khan himself; he lived and taught in US university (in Wisconsin) for many many years, yet he goes back to plot leftist game against Bangladesh. Critical point is their hatred against Islam will not go away.

But good thing is these people are few in numbers. Last of their field level goons (sorboharas) are very much eliminated during last BNP govt. That is why Prothom Alo and other leftist echo chambers were so vocal against BNP. Once these influential bunch infiltrated in media and other power corridor are identified and eliminated things should be much better for Bangladesh.

And to begin that process, Chatra Union and Udichi have to be banned in Bangladesh. These two are leftist extremist and atheist (as we saw in Shahbagh) recruiting points in Bangladesh.

Part of the reason why most countries follow a relatively secular approach is because it is easier and more straight forward to implement. And yet, there are religious parties. The Christian Democrats are one example. The difference being that the political Islam is not very mature yet. There isn't enough research, nor implementation of the theories to prove any hypothetical relationship as far as it goes. Lack of democracy and freedom in the middle east is part of the reason. Rage, despair and desperation won't get one anywhere.

The religion, Islam means a lot to many Bangladeshis, and it plays an important part in the region's history and culture. Their covert or overt hostility toward political Islam does not only create psychological divisions, but batters confidence of the lesser peoples as well. And that doesn't set a great footing for culture, and a nation. How does a man develop a complex culture where there is no confidence? No direction? Though, the Islamists need to realize history on their part as well, and see their role so that Bangladeshis can become strong.

They may be "educated", though, probably not enlightened individuals. Probably very weak too. Why should we reel beneath intellectual cockroaches? We need practical people, not "theory-crafters".
What is with these nasty Indians and Pakis posting comments about BD that don't have any intellectual backing. We got independence due to the genocide we had to go through and 24 years of racial discrimination. Have you not moved on yet? Maybe look at your own countries and try to prevent the Balkanisation of them, instead of still being bitter.

We're no longer under the Hindi/Urdu domination, (same can;'t be said for West Bengal and North Bengal), Alhamdulillah
So Einstein/Shakespear/Sidhu, U don't know that **** is a slang to start with and go on to claim intellectual supremacy? That too with a premise of concocted genocide and racial discrimination?And in the pursuit of Balkanisation dream, say more of Alhamdulillahs then Shiva might enhance his imgam to give comfort for other side of Atlanticans.
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