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Sheikh Hasina or Khaleda Zia: Who is most powerful leader in world scenario?

Sheikh Hasina is the true representative of liberal, educated, open-minded, peace-loving people of Bangladesh, she represents true Bengalis.

On the other hand Begam Khaleda Zia and her ally Jamat's hardliner mentality doesn't go well with typical Bengali culture & values.
Bengalis here please listen to the phone conversation between Hasina and Khaleda. You will get an idea how illiterate and uncivil Khaleda Zia is by her behavior. She behaves as if Hasina is her servant. She can't even speak decently with a position like Prime Minister.

The recent judicial murder of Mollah n tantrums etc of awami league are there for anybody to see..

Internal matter. Isn't that what you said when people questioned Shakil Afridi's tribal court judgement?
Hey, its about who is powerful between Hasina and Khaleda. Not about Kader Mollah. Shaheed Kader Mollah has several threads already in PDF. Go there to show devotion.
Khaleda actually serves Pakistan's interest but I think Pakistan should just reconsider its position since in reality she is not worthy of a leader. Pakistan should also shift its support to Hasina for ties.

If Hasina holds India's flag in one hand and Bangladesh's flag in another , Khaleda only holds Pakistan's flag since she is allied with Jamaatis who are more pro-Pakistan than Pakistanis themselves.
oh bhai mere please don't bring Pakistan into your pathetic political nonsense, Bangladesh is irrelevant for Pakistan
@IamBengali do you have any comprehension problem ? or grasping issue don't you understand ? don't you get it ? we might have an opinion like everybody else but Pakistan is not interested in your $h!t so kindly please stop bringing in Pakistan in every damn post of your
don't mind me asking but were you dumped or rejected by any Pakistan girl by any chance ? because your obsession with Pakistan is just weird & its just not normal , oh dear your country is located nearly 3,000 km far away from ours Pakistan is in the extreme end of south Asia bordering central Asia, your obsession with my country is just not normal
oh child come on go out, take a deep breath, walk around, take some fresh air , meet some new people , make some friends & just forget about Pakistan don't think about it ok
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oh bhai mere please don't bring Pakistan into your pathetic political nonsense, Bangladesh is irrelevant for Pakistan
@IamBengali do you have any comprehension problem ? or grasping issue don't you understand ? don't you get it ? we might have an opinion like everybody else but Pakistan is not interested in your $h!t so kindly please stop bringing in Pakistan in every damn post of your
don't mind me asking but were you dumped or rejected by any Pakistan girl by any chance ? because your obsession with Pakistan is just weird & its just not normal oh dear your country is located nearly 3,000 km far away from ours Pakistan is in a on the extreme end of south Asia near bordering central Asia, your obsession with my country is just not normal
oh child come on go out, take a deep breath, walk around take some fresh air , meet some new people , make some friends & just forget about Pakistan don't think about it ok

Then why can't Pakistan stop passing resolution regarding Bangladesh if it doesn't care about Bangladesh? There were several anti state Pakistani Taliban activists supported by the high authority in Bangladesh during Khaleda's regime. Even recently 3 Pakistani Taliban were caught in Bangladesh. Pakistan is still a major issue in Bangladesh.

Pakistan's ISI backed Khaleda by financing her in 1991 and there were reports of ISI funded her during 2001.

This is only for you. Have a nice read. :-)

Ex-ISI chief admits funding BNP polls '91

The ISI is alleged to have supported a network in Bangladesh, which includes Jamaat-e-Islami, BNP and Northeast rebel groups during the BNP's rule.

Ex-ISI chief admits funding BNP polls '91
Then why can't Pakistan stop passing resolution regarding Bangladesh if it doesn't care about Bangladesh? There were several anti state Pakistani Taliban activists supported by the high authority in Bangladesh during Khaleda's regime. Even recently 3 Pakistani Taliban were caught in Bangladesh. Pakistan is still a major issue in Bangladesh.

Pakistan's ISI backed Khaleda by financing her in 1991 and there were reports of ISI funded her during 2001.

This is only for you. Have a nice read. :-)

Ex-ISI chief admits funding BNP polls '91

Ex-ISI chief admits funding BNP polls '91
well if that prick hasina of yours keeps on barking against Pakistan & your bull$h!t journalists keeps on bringing in fabricated stories such as the above then expect resolutions to be passed got it ?
oh bhai mere please don't bring Pakistan into your pathetic political nonsense, Bangladesh is irrelevant for Pakistan
@IamBengali do you have any comprehension problem ? or grasping issue don't you understand ? don't you get it ? we might have an opinion like everybody else but Pakistan is not interested in your $h!t so kindly please stop bringing in Pakistan in every damn post of your
don't mind me asking but were you dumped or rejected by any Pakistan girl by any chance ? because your obsession with Pakistan is just weird & its just not normal oh dear your country is located nearly 3,000 km far away from ours Pakistan is in a on the extreme end of south Asia near bordering central Asia, your obsession with my country is just not normal
oh child come on go out, take a deep breath, walk around take some fresh air , meet some new people , make some friends & just forget about Pakistan don't think about it ok

Khaleda actually serves Pakistan's interest but I think Pakistan should just reconsider its position since in reality she is not worthy of a leader. Pakistan should also shift its support to Hasina for ties.

If Hasina holds India's flag in one hand and Bangladesh's flag in another , Khaleda only holds Pakistan's flag since she is allied with Jamaatis who are more pro-Pakistan than Pakistanis themselves.


Interesting photo though! :D
Khaleda Zia is ISI agent in Bangladesh

Ziaur Rahman vis-a-vis Khaleda Zia | News

The activities of radical Islamic groups preaching pro-Taliban/al Quaeda ideology have been on rise with Khaleda Zia’s and her alliance partner Jamaat’s covert support and patronage. There has been proliferation of Islamic fundamentalist organizations openly supporting al Quaeda/Taliban activities and eulogizing Osama bin Laden. It was Khaleda Zia who restored Bangladeshi citizenship to the Jamaat guru and war crimes mastermind Ghulam Azam who had come to Bangladesh on a Pakistani passport in 1978. Ghulam Azam, a high profile Islamist leader, led the pro-Pakistan militias that carried out murders, rape and various other war crimes to thwart the liberation of Bangladesh.

Recently, Khaleda Zia did something which has left the country not just shocked but outraged as well. She gave it out that since the ‘Joy Bangla’ slogan was being raised by the idealistic and brave youths at Shahbag, she smelled the ruling Awami League there. That did not go down well with the people, which is when the BNP chairperson, in tandem with the Jamaat, adopted the extremely deplorable tactic of describing the young men and women at Shahbagh as ‘atheists and perverted youths’.

Earlier, media reports revealed that Khaleda Zia was hand in glove with the Pak ISI, with a former boss of Pak intelligence agency admitting to having funded the BNP Chairperson in elections thereby vindicating links between Khaleda Zia and her party with the ISI. Former ISI chief Asad Durrani told the Supreme Court of Pakistan that the agency had funded Khaleda Zia before the 1991 parliamentary elections in Bangladesh. Durrani also admitted to having funded insurgency movements in North East India.
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only this line is enough to show level of your "care towards BD"...Mollah was punished for his role in mass murder...and Pakistan's Assembly denounced its verdict..so,its enough to show your and your country's mentality on this issue..now buzz off.....
such was not proven. it was a court of political vengeance and mockery of due process of law. those wild allegations didnt even come close to getting proved beyond reasonable doubt. Pakistan was right to denounce such fascism. india cheered on for the murderers and it rightfully revealed the intentions of the extreme section of the indian populace and the indian government

Khaleda actually serves Pakistan's interest but I think Pakistan should just reconsider its position since in reality she is not worthy of a leader. Pakistan should also shift its support to Hasina for ties.

If Hasina holds India's flag in one hand and Bangladesh's flag in another , Khaleda only holds Pakistan's flag since she is allied with Jamaatis who are more pro-Pakistan than Pakistanis themselves.

it is photoshopped but we know Khaleda Zia's policies favour better relations with Pakistan and other Muslim countries. and that is why she trumps Shk Hassina. maybe you have a picture of Hassina's making bonfire with flags of all Muslim countries?
None. One sucks Pakistan, other one sucks India (seems this way). Send both packing to retirement homes and bring out a fresh new face who works for Bangladeshi interests.
such was not proven. it was a court of political vengeance and mockery of due process of law. those wild allegations didnt even come close to getting proved beyond reasonable doubt. Pakistan was right to denounce such fascism. india cheered on for the murderers and it rightfully revealed the intentions of the extreme section of the indian populace and the indian government

your court,their judgement,your prisoner,your "Mass Murderer"----I wonder how come it became Political vengence.is SC is infiltrated by RAW and BAL???and do you really think SC will give "Death Penalty" without proof??then surely,your country isn't a country anymore..its no better than Idi Amin's Uganda.time to change it.

but,I didn't see any change...

ULFA leader Paresh Barua, 13 others sentenced to death by Bangladesh court | NDTV.com

ISI had role in Bangladesh arms smuggling case: Report | Business Standard

now,its Jamaat's Chief and Ex Industries minister..and ISI on fray...
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