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Sheikh Hasina or Khaleda Zia: Who is most powerful leader in world scenario?


truly speaking,none of both are saint.both fought to rule your country and both are screw ups..but personally,I'd think its Hasina due to her "relatively clear image" and i'd oppose Khaleda due to her "closeness with extremist groups" and "Anti Indian Role" of her government..
First be polite .. I didn't step on your tail did I?

I don't have a "Tail".... :lol:

2) even the west called it a judicial murder ... It was just another political drama...

really??so,now you'll decide which is a political decide and which is original verdict by SC????I wonder whether even your country will tolerate this action???

About caring for BD why should I? Not a Bangladeshi or of bangali origin.. I have no responsibility towards them.. But yes I would like Pak to have great relations with Bangladesh...

then stop trying to meddle into their affair...

As for my mentality .. Do you know the number of bangladeshis killed by BSF I'm the past 10 years alone? The exceed the number of Germans who died during Cold War.
P.S:what about the mentality tht Indians show towards bd on this forum?

show the documents which states the number of BD killed by BSF and the number of German got killed during Cold War.and Pakistan is fine if their citizen crosses the border of another country without proper document.but neither BD,nor India is comfortable with this,especially when so many "Jehadis" are lurking around.cross border smuggling and crossing is punishable.BSF was free to shoot any violators.but they changed that tactics by the use of Rubber Bullets.so,spew your BS elsewhere bro..we had enough of it from you.
only this line is enough to show level of your "care towards BD"...Mollah was punished for his role in mass murder...and Pakistan's Assembly denounced its verdict..so,its enough to show your and your country's mentality on this issue..now buzz off.....

Khaleda actually serves Pakistan's interest but I think Pakistan should just reconsider its position since in reality she is not worthy of a leader. Pakistan should also shift its support to Hasina for ties.

If Hasina holds India's flag in one hand and Bangladesh's flag in another , Khaleda only holds Pakistan's flag since she is allied with Jamaatis who are more pro-Pakistan than Pakistanis themselves.

First be polite .. I didn't step on your tail did I?

2) even the west called it a judicial murder ... It was just another political drama...

About caring for BD why should I? Not a Bangladeshi or of bangali origin.. I have no responsibility towards them.. But yes I would like Pak to have great relations with Bangladesh...

As for my mentality .. Do you know the number of bangladeshis killed by BSF I'm the past 10 years alone? The exceed the number of Germans who died during Cold War.

P.S:what about the mentality tht Indians show towards bd on this forum?

I am a bit curious, what does the west call the drone attacks these days?
Me? Check out the worlds opinion..

post the world's opinion...only country objected is Pakistan.

Lmao some indian blaming us about tht...:lol: lmaoooooooo

we've land boundary with that and much deeper relationship than what you've.its India who stood behind Hasina Govt when others questioned about its authority.its India who oversaw the poll when others pulled out of it and left that country for its fate.don't compare Pakistan with India on this matter.

If I do will you get lost from this thread?

show me first,then we'll talk.plus,you cross the border illegal way,you're bound to get shot..BSF doesn't care if its a Smuggler is smuggling Cough Syrup or Ak-47.
Hahahahahahah so thousands of Bangladeshi jihadis are crossing into India? Lmao is tht why 2002-3 indo-bd skirmish happened aswell?
Also il give you another example .. Years back bsf used to get bribes from Bangladeshi pole vaulters n pushed them across the border (Pak) .. Rangers used to send them back.. And you know what bsf used to do? Shoot them..
And the indian attitude towards bds on this forum also tells a lot about how much you *care*..

you may be naive but many of bombing in India happened when Terrorists used BD as their entry point.along with it,its a hotbed of fake currency.every year,over 1 crore fake currency gets recovered.also,many dacoity cases also happened.BD people share similarity of Indians in both look as well as language and behavior.they mixed us easily.so,its quite important that we keep our border safe.
So jumpy..

Me? Check out the worlds opinion..

Lmao some indian blaming us about tht...:lol: lmaoooooooo

If I do will you get lost from this thread?

Hahahahahahah so thousands of Bangladeshi jihadis are crossing into India? Lmao is tht why 2002-3 indo-bd skirmish happened aswell?

Also il give you another example .. Years back bsf used to get bribes from Bangladeshi pole vaulters n pushed them across the border (Pak) .. Rangers used to send them back.. And you know what bsf used to do? Shoot them..

And the indian attitude towards bds on this forum also tells a lot about how much you *care*..

Reminds me of Nixon about you .. * bastards *

What are 5000+ kids indian kids tht die everyday off starvation called?
Losers always divert the topic when they are getting owned.. Be construction .. Too much to ask o from your kind?

As for drones if they kill terrorists I'm cool with them..

Aren't you the one concerned about judicial murder in Bangladesh whereas your people getting killed by drone attack? You are the one who brought up the judicial murder in this topic.
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