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Shahed-129 MALE UCAV | News and Discussions

Well its not as if the Shahed 129 is terrible looking by any means, it's just that there was more of an emphasis put into functionality, cost effectiveness & efficiency rather than style & looks.

shahed 129.jpg

shahed 129 2.jpg

Just look at the difference between craftsmenship between the Russian shaheed-129 clone and the Iranian Shaheed-129.

Shame Iran doesn’t take more pride in its craftsmanship.
iran will never been a air power of Arabian gulf anytime soon sir :D

20 years ago people like you would have said the same thing about our missile power! Maybe if you actually cared about your sentence structure and actually used the proper term for the Persian Gulf you would not look like a drooling imbecile!
iran will never been a air power of Arabian gulf anytime soon sir :D
Well,thats probably because theres actually no such place as the "arabian gulf" for iran to become an air power of in the first place,right?
If however you mean the :smart:PERSIAN GULF:smart:,well on that score time will tell.However even without airpower to match the gulfies iran still has more than enough missile power to negate their airpower pretty handily.
iran will never been a air power of Arabian gulf anytime soon sir :D
at least Iran is not bending over to the Americans and take order from pisshead Arabs like Pakistan do , The yankees just slap you on the face for using your F16 against the indian lol,you need permission from the yanks to use your Ariforc ,and thats its embarrassing ,the world is laughing , Iran might not have the Air Force its deserve but at least its independent ,

Oh, by the way you cant even control your terrorist infested country and borders all around , I bet you wet your self if you ever travel to balochistan like the rest your comrades ,,

With your history of being a Beggar {by asking for money or food} from the Arabs and yanks i don't blame you ,have a nice day Field Marshal Imran Khan
First of all, it's Persian Gulf, not arab gulf or arabian gulf. The entire world, including historians, scholars, academics, the respectable ones anyways, they call it by its proper name, the PERSIAN GULF.

Isn't it funny how even with all the resources & overpriced western technology at their disposal, the Saudi's & Emirati's still can't defeat the barefoot Houthi's ?

Houthi fighters.jpg

houthis burn saudi.jpg

houthi destroyed american.jpg

The Saudi's have the 3rd largest military budget on planet earth, higher than RUSSIA for Gods sake and they have help from the USA, UK, France, Morocco, Pakistan, Sudan, UAE & many more. Despite this the Saudi's have still failed to attain their goals of capturing the capital & wiping out the Houthi's. Recently the Saudi's were humiliated in countless failed attempts to take Hodeidah. Despite all their efforts, in the end, they failed miserably.

I remember when the war began 4 years ago, the Saudi's actually believing all that expensive hype being sold to them by their weapons dealers, actually thought that they could win the war in a few weeks. Now after 4 years & after having sustained thousands of casualties, after having lost billions of dollars worth of vehicles & resources, the Saudi's are STUCK in a quagmire, no closer to victory than they were 4 years ago.

I remember when the war began, back then economists & analysts were saying that if the war were to drag on for 4 years or more, that Saudi Arabia's economy would be in serious trouble, possibly going bankrupt. The war has already put a massive strain on the Saudi's royal coffers, forcing the Saudi's to initiate an austerity policy which proved to be so unpopular that it was quickly scrapped soon after. Afterwards, out of desperation, MBS had no choice but to imprison and TAX his own family under the guise of "fighting corruption" Recently MBS visited the Kaaba, surrounded by over 100 security officers.

Truth be told, the war in Yemen is already lost. Even if the Saudi's were to remain in Yemen for another 10 years & try with all their might, they would not succeed. The situation for the Saudi's is completely hopeless. All of their mercenaries are now avoiding the front lines at all costs, since mercenaries fight for money & money is no good if you're deceased. In Sudan, the deployment of young Sudanese men, sent to Yemen to be used as cannon fodder, has contributed to the massive unrest & protests in the country, which are threatening the very foundation of the ruling elite (Omar Al Bashir) Aside from their mercenaries, the Saudi army itself is completely incompetent & incapable, since it suffers from inherent, systemic structural flaws & lack of morale.

The main issue is that the ruling elite in Saudi Arabia are just as afraid of being overthrown by their own military in a coup, as they are of any external threat. Since WW2 we've seen several Arab monarchies overthrown by populist movements headed by their own military. As a result of this deeply rooted fear. the Saudi's do not promote soldiers according to their capabilities, experience, intelligence, leadership qualities. Those are actually the qualities that they fear the most & instead they promote people based on family ties & loyalty. However loyalty does not equate to competence. At the same time, the Saudi's are so afraid of a potential splinter group within their military that they want to have a tight grip on every single unit. As a result, every decision, every movement that any unit makes, has to be first approved by a high ranking commander. However in a live combat situation where split second decisions can make the difference between life & death, however the Saudi's having been trained to require authorization before making any major decision, end up becoming sitting targets for their adversaries, like the Houthi's, whose local commanders & field commanders have the necessary autonomy to make split second decisions in the heat of the moment.

In any case, like I said, the war is lost, however the only thing preventing the war from concluding is MBS's stubbornness & pride. It's so sad that millions of innocent civilians have to suffer & starve because of one mans shortcomings, however like the old saying goes, "power corrupts & absolute power corrupts absolutely" This is what happens when a nation in the 21st century has an anachronous form of government, namely a medieval, privileged, tribal monarchy

iran will never been a air power of Arabian gulf anytime soon sir :D
First of all, it's Persian Gulf, not arab gulf or arabian gulf. The entire world, including historians, scholars, academics, the respectable ones anyways, they call it by its proper name, the PERSIAN GULF.

Isn't it funny how even with all the resources & overpriced western technology at their disposal, the Saudi's & Emirati's still can't defeat the barefoot Houthi's ?

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The Saudi's have the 3rd largest military budget on planet earth, higher than RUSSIA for Gods sake and they have help from the USA, UK, France, Morocco, Pakistan, Sudan, UAE & many more. Despite this the Saudi's have still failed to attain their goals of capturing the capital & wiping out the Houthi's. Recently the Saudi's were humiliated in countless failed attempts to take Hodeidah. Despite all their efforts, in the end, they failed miserably.

I remember when the war began 4 years ago, the Saudi's actually believing all that expensive hype being sold to them by their weapons dealers, actually thought that they could win the war in a few weeks. Now after 4 years & after having sustained thousands of casualties, after having lost billions of dollars worth of vehicles & resources, the Saudi's are STUCK in a quagmire, no closer to victory than they were 4 years ago.

I remember when the war began, back then economists & analysts were saying that if the war were to drag on for 4 years or more, that Saudi Arabia's economy would be in serious trouble, possibly going bankrupt. The war has already put a massive strain on the Saudi's royal coffers, forcing the Saudi's to initiate an austerity policy which proved to be so unpopular that it was quickly scrapped soon after. Afterwards, out of desperation, MBS had no choice but to imprison and TAX his own family under the guise of "fighting corruption" Recently MBS visited the Kaaba, surrounded by over 100 security officers.

Truth be told, the war in Yemen is already lost. Even if the Saudi's were to remain in Yemen for another 10 years & try with all their might, they would not succeed. The situation for the Saudi's is completely hopeless. All of their mercenaries are now avoiding the front lines at all costs, since mercenaries fight for money & money is no good if you're deceased. In Sudan, the deployment of young Sudanese men, sent to Yemen to be used as cannon fodder, has contributed to the massive unrest & protests in the country, which are threatening the very foundation of the ruling elite (Omar Al Bashir) Aside from their mercenaries, the Saudi army itself is completely incompetent & incapable, since it suffers from inherent, systemic structural flaws & lack of morale.

The main issue is that the ruling elite in Saudi Arabia are just as afraid of being overthrown by their own military in a coup, as they are of any external threat. Since WW2 we've seen several Arab monarchies overthrown by populist movements headed by their own military. As a result of this deeply rooted fear. the Saudi's do not promote soldiers according to their capabilities, experience, intelligence, leadership qualities. Those are actually the qualities that they fear the most & instead they promote people based on family ties & loyalty. However loyalty does not equate to competence. At the same time, the Saudi's are so afraid of a potential splinter group within their military that they want to have a tight grip on every single unit. As a result, every decision, every movement that any unit makes, has to be first approved by a high ranking commander. However in a live combat situation where split second decisions can make the difference between life & death, however the Saudi's having been trained to require authorization before making any major decision, end up becoming sitting targets for their adversaries, like the Houthi's, whose local commanders & field commanders have the necessary autonomy to make split second decisions in the heat of the moment.

In any case, like I said, the war is lost, however the only thing preventing the war from concluding is MBS's stubbornness & pride. It's so sad that millions of innocent civilians have to suffer & starve because of one mans shortcomings, however like the old saying goes, "power corrupts & absolute power corrupts absolutely" This is what happens when a nation in the 21st century has an anachronous form of government, namely a medieval, privileged, tribal monarchy

Your are correct on all the above , but this guy is a waste of time , Just over 70 years ago there was no Pakistan as we know it and his trying to be a good puppet to their Arab friends money because if they dont many will die of hunger ..
2020 is next year. Let's see if Putin agrees to sell Iran the Su-30SM
there is no problem regarding the russians. our pilots and ground crews been training in russia for last 3 years. the only problem is west sanctions.
there is no problem regarding the russians. our pilots and ground crews been training in russia for last 3 years. the only problem is west sanctions.

Lol yeah and s-300 wasn’t delivered till 10 years later because of “no problem regarding the Russians”.

Trusting Russia is a mistake. They will either bow to US sanctions or use the deal as a carrot for negotiations with the West.
Lol yeah and s-300 wasn’t delivered till 10 years later because of “no problem regarding the Russians”.

Trusting Russia is a mistake. They will either bow to US sanctions or use the deal as a carrot for negotiations with the West.
i am not trusting russia i know what they did to us in past but this time it seems like it's different they gave us a TOT for rd-33. also some voices inside military talk with optimism in the su-30 regard.
i am not trusting russia i know what they did to us in past but this time it seems like it's different they gave us a TOT for rd-33. also some voices inside military talk with optimism in the su-30 regard.

Where is proof TOT of RD-33? Iran received 30+ engines of RD-33 during a deal during Ahmadinejad era which were destined for Iran’s Migs.

We still haven’t seen proof of serial production of J-85s just some classic iran propaganda videos of a tiny factory filled with 10 or so airframes or 10 or so engines.

Russia is never going to get rid of her tactics. Especially when West offers her concessions to screw Iran.
Lol yeah and s-300 wasn’t delivered till 10 years later because of “no problem regarding the Russians”.

Trusting Russia is a mistake. They will either bow to US sanctions or use the deal as a carrot for negotiations with the West.

Preach it man, preach it.
Where is proof TOT of RD-33? Iran received 30+ engines of RD-33 during a deal during Ahmadinejad era which were destined for Iran’s Migs.
you're right i should not mention the rd-33 because it's not officially announced i am just disCrediting myself. there is no proof that we are producing them, i just quote a pilot's words.
We still haven’t seen proof of serial production of J-85s just some classic iran propaganda videos of a tiny factory filled with 10 or so airframes or 10 or so engines.
bro that's the serial production. what did you expect?? 100 j85 and same number for f-5 structure?? i already posted videos of j85 production and assembling line in military engine section.
you're right i should not mention the rd-33 because it's not officially announced i am just disCrediting myself. there is no proof that we are producing them, i just quote a pilot's words.

bro that's the serial production. what did you expect?? 100 j85 and same number for f-5 structure?? i already posted videos of j85 production and assembling line in military engine section.

You know how many Kowsars are ordered? Less than 15 over many years! That is a token amount. I will be surprised if we even see that many built.

So tell me, IF Iran has ability to build J-85 at a rapid rate and IF Kowsar has more capability than then current F-5 then why the pathetic order?

How many iterations of F-5 does have Iran have to go to?

Answer is simple, Iran can either refurbish/overhaul existing J-85s and possibly build small numbers of them to replace burned out ones in existing F-5’s.

If it takes Iran 15 years to build 50 J-85 engines then it’s worthless because the engine is obsolete and by 2035 it will be a dinosaur.

RD-33 was a nice engine back in 2003 when Shafagh project was being developed. 16 years later it’s long in the tooth.

Iran Air Force isn’t going to accept a plane with subpar engines. It is willing to buy foreign.

So until you get an actual platform that impresses the Air Force, all your doing is giving a few engineers some fun time on the playground.
iran will never been a air power of Arabian gulf anytime soon sir :D
To hit the next door without any AD or air force they need the US air fueling otherwise they can do it as simple as it ...
Even the congress has realized their ally is killing people but still someone.

And I didn't know Pakistan education system is this much weak:
442px-Saudi_King_letterPERSIAN_GULF.jpg 179048_809.jpg persian gulf 1.jpg Persian_Gulf_by_Gamal_Abdel_Nasser.jpg
Well there gotta be a different between a historical/cultural nation like Iranians that never tried to enter such a game and change/undermine other nations heritage by some people whom think these things could be bought from markets with petrol dollars while it's your mindset & values that matters .. there are others that could be bought ....
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