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Why Armenia And Serbia Might Seek Iranian Drones

You said it did. Glad we could clarify.
I was just being brief earlier. We all know that Armenia isn't complying with the terms of the treaty. Azerbaijan will have to enforce them by force.

This is happening. Turkey will connect with Azerbaijan, and through Azerbaijan we will connect with central asian Turkic nations. Nothing can stop this. Neither Iran nor Russia.
I am an Azeri from Iranian Aran.
Well, unlike you, Turks respect Azerbaijan and its territorial sovereignty. This is the sole reason why many of us will always raise objection whenever a Persian tries to incorporate the Azeri nation.

They are Turkic, our next-door next-of-kin and no amount of Iranian regime propaganda is going to change this FACT. It's reality. Deal with it.

On that note, I hope you guys realise how absurd your claims are. It is as if the entire world agrees that 2+2 equals 4 while you Persians insist that 2+2 equals 5.
One way or another, Zangezur corridor will connect Turkey and Azerbaijan.

No it won't. Not in a functional way, at any rate.

And anybody who stands in the way of that will get their *** kicked.

All we've seen is talk. No action.

We all know that Armenia isn't complying with the terms of the treaty.

'We all know' = argumentum ad populum, a common fallacy.

Azerbaijan will have to enforce them by force.

That would represent a violation of international law.

It would be akin to Armenia enforcing paragraph 6 of the 2020 ceasefire agreement through military action, considering that the regime in Baku seems to be violating the terms in question.


This is happening. Turkey will connect with Azerbaijan, and through Azerbaijan we will connect with central asian Turkic nations. Nothing can stop this. Neither Iran nor Russia.

Nothing's happening in this regard. Zangezur is fully under Armenian authority as we speak. Turkey does not have the means to impose its will on Iran and Russia.

Well, unlike you, Turks respect Azerbaijan and its territorial sovereignty. This is the sole reason why many of us will always raise objection whenever a Persian tries to incorporate the Azeri nation.

The regime in Baku is threatening Iran's territorial integrity.

They are Turkic, our next-door next-of-kin and no amount of Iranian regime propaganda is going to change this FACT. It's reality. Deal with it.

An Iranian people. As shown by their name, derived from an Iranian word.
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'We all know' = argumentum ad populum, a common fallacy.
I know it, you know it, everybody knows it. Time will come don't worry.
it didn't. But the Armenians are creaing a situation that can only be resolved through force. One way or another, Zangezur corridor will connect Turkey and Azerbaijan. And anybody who stands in the way of that will get their *** kicked.

You are no one's dogs

Most of Caucasus including Aran and Badkube belonged to Iran until 1850's and they are historical Iranian lands
You are no one's dogs

Most of Caucasus including Aran and Badkube belonged to Iran until 1850's and they are historical Iranian lands
You are Persian. The desert is your homeland. Even Armenians would tell you that.
You are Persian. The desert is your homeland. Even Armenians would tell you that.

An extremely mountainous desert that would be. And Iranians can't be divided into so-called "ethnicities" - majority of Iranians have ancestors not just among one but among several sub-national linguistic groups.
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You are Persian. The desert is your homeland. Even Armenians would tell you that.

Desert : hole of ur gals that Persians flattened them for centuries

Your Anatoli Genetics:

ADMIXTURE-analysis-of-autosomal-SNPs-of-the-Western-Balkan-region-in-a-global-context-on (1).png

You're 80% similar to Iranians but we have just a bit more Southern Asian dna
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An extremely mountainous desert that would be. And Iranians can't be divided into so-called "ethnicities".
After some more thoughts we Iranians have to understand the real reason behind all this:

Turkey is an energy poor country..last year they spent about $40 -50 billion dollars on energy imports alone..They have ambitions to be an important nation but unlike China which is also energy poor, Turks do not have money to pay for their energy bills ($450 billion in debt already)..so what is the solution ..you want to be a great nation but you have no energy and no money:

Solution ..come up with some story about loving Turkish speaking people here and there in the OIL and Gas rich Caspian basin and make a run for it... they failed to put a hand on Greek and Egyptian oil/gas field in Mediterranea..so now they want to make a run for it in Caspian...

without that oil/gas Turkey will be just a another developing country forever in debt and looking for help from Arabs . Look at how they secured nuclear reactors from Russia they had no money to pay for it and it is basically a Russian facility operating in their land..

Conclusion: if you are energy poor and economically in debt you just have to put your house in order and find a way to pay your energy bills instead of grand plans of invasion in to other lands.
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After some more thoughts we Iranians have to understand the real reason behind all this:

Turkey is an energy poor country..last year they spent about $40 -50 billion dollars on energy imports alone..They have ambitions to be an important nation but unlike China which is also energy poor, Turks do not have money to pay for their energy bills ($450 billion in debt already)..so what is the solution ..you want to be a great nation but you have no energy and no money:

Solution ..come up with some story about loving Turkish speaking people here and there in the OIL and Gas rich Caspian basin and make a run for it... they failed to put a hand on Greek and Egyptian oil/gas field in Mediterranea..so now they want to make a run for it in Caspian...

without that oil/gas Turkey will be just a another developing country forever in debt and looking for help from Arabs . Look at how they secured nuclear reactors from Russia they had no money to pay for it and it is basically a Russian facility operating in their land..

Conclusion: if you are energy poor and economically in debt you just have to put your house in order and find a way to pay your energy bills instead of grand plans of invasion in to other lands.

Correct. Add to it that Turkey pretty much lacks strategic depth. Look at the map. Not all nations surrounding Turkey can be considered staunchest allies of theirs. They range from competitors cum business partners (Iran, Russia for instance) to traditional adversaries (Greece, Syria etc). Hence the expansionist tendency as of late, into every direction where an opportunity presents itself - northern Iraq with Turkish bases established without Baghdad's consent under the justification of fighting the PKK, but with a permanent eye on Mosul if not Kerkuk; northern Syria; Libya across the Mediterranean. Turkey's backing of the insurgency in Syria was seen as a way to break out of this geographic deadlock by removing the barrier formed by the Iranian-led Axis of Resistance along Turkey's southern borders. But it failed.

As for the narratives put forth, they are flexible enough to alternate between pan-Turkist motives on the one hand, and on the other hand pan-Islamic or pan-Sunni ones designed to appeal to non-Turkic speakers (like in Syria).

Northwestern Iran is on Ankara's wish list as well, as certain rather explicit remarks by Erdogan have clearly shown. Of course as long as the authority of the central government in the Islamic Republic is intact, it'll remain a futile idea. But be certain that they'll be jumping on the slightest opening to try and separate northwestern provinces from Iran. This is an illustration as to why it's so important for the Islamic Republic to keep prevailing over the "regime change" crowd. If the Islamic Republic were to fall (God forbid), Iran would very quickly cease to exist. And whether or not Iran lends support to the Palestinians, Tel Aviv would be at the forefront of the dismantling effort.
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Its funny every time i see an iranian (azari) think he is turk!

Even people of turkey are not turks.

Real turks live in Central Asia and they are not related to Azaries and people of turkey.

Azarbaijan is an old province of Iranshahr and Azaries are iranic people
A war between Turkey and Iran would be interesting. If no other countries intervene I mean.
A war between Turkey and Iran would be interesting. If no other countries intervene I mean.
Turkey is too broke to afford any war..let alone a war with Iran..Iran has immense resources underground to reconstruct...Turkey has no money to reconstruct..so there will be no war..
Turks do not have money to pay for their energy bills ($450 billion in debt already)..so what is the solution ..you want to be a great nation but you have no energy and no money:

ERDOGAN : Türkiye's Black Sea gas discoveries now worth $1 trillion

also there are trillions of Dollars of gas reserves in the Eastern Mediterranean which is belong to Turkiye

and $450 billion debt is not problem for Turkiye's $1 trillion of GDP
Turkiye invested on public projects to earn money ....
$450 billion debt = investments

Turkey is too broke to afford any war..let alone a war with Iran..Iran has immense resources underground to reconstruct...Turkey has no money to reconstruct..so there will be no war..

Turkiye has bigger GDP than Greece+Iran+Egypt combined

Turkiye : $1.029 trillion
Greece+Iran+Egypt = $984 billion

poor undeveloped countries

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Northwestern Iran is on Ankara's wish list as well, as certain rather explicit remarks by Erdogan have clearly shown. Of course as long as the authority of the central government in the Islamic Republic is intact, it'll remain a futile idea. But be certain that they'll be jumping on the slightest opening to try and separate northwestern provinces from Iran. This is an illustration as to why it's so important for the Islamic Republic to keep prevailing over the "regime change" crowd. If the Islamic Republic were to fall (God forbid), Iran would very quickly cease to exist. And whether or not Iran lends support to the Palestinians, Tel Aviv would be at the forefront of the dismantling effort.
Some truth but also some speculation used for pro-IRI agenda.

Monarchists are 10x more nationalistic and patriotic than the IRI and its Islamist supporters. If nationalists are in charge not only would Iran have the support of the US and West (which in itself would deter any aggressive moves against Iran) but they would also not allow any separatism. The big voices in the West would also cease lending their support to separatism inside Iran. The West doesn't care about Kurds or Arabs or Baloch populations, they just use those populations to undermine Iran because Iran is currently their enemy.

Of course that is assuming a "clean" regime change which is unlikely. IRI supporters and officials are not likely to cede power peacefully like the Shah did, they will probably burn the country in a civil war instead. But that's effective, that's why even a lot of people who don't support the IRI don't want another revolution.
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