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Shadow of Brutal ’79 War Darkens Vietnam’s View of China Relations

Cut the bullshit out. Nobody objects and sanction you if you defeat Khmer Rouge and retreat your troop back to Vietnam. Instead you station there, create a puppet and didn't withdraw your troops until over decade later. Fact.
Our troops r still there, we just disguise our troops to be contract workers , our Generals still holding important positions in Camb military forces. So why no one protest VN now ??
Lt. Gen. Meas Sophea, Deputy chief of the general staff widely believed as a Vietnamese national, Meas Sophea has a strong connection with Hun Sen. His father was known to be a north Vietnamese (Vietcong) Colonel. He played a major role during the 5-6 July coup.
First: U r not small neighbours

Second: Ur land is dirty , barren and polluted with full of hungry people living there and we can not feed those burden

Our Southern and Western neighbours have more fertile land thats why our Emperors attack and annexed those small kingdom :pop:
typical Jungle mindset. LOL

The CCCP was fighting Afghanistan at that time, sure they could use a little war to help them distract the world. But then I must say again it was a war of retaliation, not a war of expansion. No master would want his puppet gets stronger and breaks free. CCCP and Vietnam relationship was no better than Vietnam and China before the 1979 war, I can assure you, judging from the history textbook in school.

Fear does not help win the war, it's the people. After the war with the US, Vietnam had roughly 52 millions population. Half of those are South Vietnamese, who could not contribute much for the war effort against Cambodia. FYI, all South Vietnam troops were disarmed and put in educational camp for at least 2 years, and their children and grandchildren cannot join the army or CP. Couldn't expect much cooperation from South Viet civilians because new communist system surely violated their properties in some ways. So that made only North Vietnam fought against Cambodia. And with 26 millions people alone we could not dream of taking on Thailand, or Laos, because then there would not be enough Vietnamese to keep watch all of Thais and Laos people.
We only trained Afghanistan resisting fighter. We didn't fight in Afghanistan, buddy. You really need to learn history. LOL

Like I said, keep the bullshit out and stick to fact. Thailand, Lao, Cambodia were all weak states. With the Soviet backing you up, you sure will conquer them. We have to reign in with the US and Southeast Asia support. That's why everyone in agree to sanction you except a few because this is not a war about liberating Cambodia. But it is a war to colonize Cambodia and expand your influence across Indochina.

Our troops r still there, we just disguise our troops to be contract workers , our Generals still holding important positions in Camb military forces. So why no one protest VN now ??
Having a couple troop is different from a full division of troop. Get it, my friend? Get some knowledgeable Vietnamese to talk to me. I don't want to waste time on you. LOL
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We attack you in 1979, why didn't you conquer us? LOL Cut the bullshit out, my Vietnamese friend.

Xunzi, don't pretend that you don't know China and Khmer Rouge plan to invade Vietnam at the same time on or about the end of 1978, or beginning of 1979. But both of you don't know the basic of Xunzi, ... you underestimated the brain and power of Vietnam.

So you failed. Vietnam won both wars in very short time even both related to Big China * LOL *

Vietnam defeated Khmer Rouge in less than 3 weeks and stay as long as they want,
China was defeated and cannot hold more than 3 weeks.
Having a couple troop is different from a full division of troop. Get it, my friend? Get some knowledgeable Vietnamese to talk to me. I don't want to waste time on you. LOL
Couple of troops ?? do u know how many VN troops there ??
Xunzi, don't pretend that you don't know China and Khmer Rouge plan to invade Vietnam at the same time on or about the end of 1978, or beginning of 1979. But both of you don't know the basic of Xunzi, ... you underestimated the brain and power of Vietnam.

So you failed. Vietnam won both wars in very short time even both related to Big China * LOL *

Vietnam defeated Khmer Rouge in less than 3 weeks and stay as long as they want,
China was defeated and cannot hold more than 3 weeks.
Go learn the reasons for Cambodia to attack you. Your dirty politics in Cambodia is well documented. Are you forgetting that you were once allies with Khmer Rouge to resist the France in Indochina?

We pull out and form a much bigger defense toward the North because at the same time there is real threat of Soviet invasion due to our direct involvement in Vietnam and indirect involvement in Afghanistan. If there is no Soviet threat, we will continue to develop long-term plan to defeat you. Unlike the US who thousand of miles away, we are right next to you. We destroyed your cities while you couldn't do a single thing to retaliate. That is the beauty of it.
We conquered and annexed many small neighbours in history but we conquered them only after they attacked VN first ..
Typical Vietnamese distortion,using this logic Chinese should conquer Vietnam because Ly dynasty attempted to sieze Song lands.

The heroic Su Jian was able to ward off an army 28 times its size for 42 days in the siege of Yongzhou.

So much for the Southern Han Chinese are Vietnamese theory, as the Ly forces proceeded to massacre the inhabitants.
Typical Vietnamese distortion,using this logic Chinese should conquer Vietnam because Ly dynasty attempted to sieze Song lands.

The heroic Su Jian was able to ward off an army 28 times its size for 42 days in the siege of Yongzhou.

So much for the Southern Han Chinese are Vietnamese theory, as the Ly forces proceeded to massacre the inhabitants.

shut up your always-driving away from topic posting
Go learn the reasons for Cambodia to attack you. Your dirty politics in Cambodia is well documented. Are you forgetting that you were once allies with Khmer Rouge to resist the France in Indochina?

We pull out and form a much bigger defense toward the North because at the same time there is real threat of Soviet invasion due to our direct involvement in Vietnam and indirect involvement in Afghanistan. If there is no Soviet threat, we will continue to develop long-term plan to defeat you. Unlike the US who thousand of miles away, we are right next to you. We destroyed your cities while you couldn't do a single thing to retaliate. That is the beauty of it.
Our politics r dirty and their politics r dirty, too. But we r not the one firing the first shot.

Typical Vietnamese distortion,using this logic Chinese should conquer Vietnam because Ly dynasty attempted to sieze Song lands.

The heroic Su Jian was able to ward off an army 28 times its size for 42 days in the siege of Yongzhou.

So much for the Southern Han Chinese are Vietnamese theory, as the Ly forces proceeded to massacre the inhabitants.
Yeah, so come and attack VN again, u have many reason to do it specially after our riots against u. Come here , we will teach ur corrupted soldiers, bribing $ 16,000 for joining PLA to get good salary, another lesson :pop:
We only trained Afghanistan resisting fighter. We didn't fight in Afghanistan, buddy. You really need to learn history. LOL

Like I said, keep the bullshit out and stick to fact. Thailand, Lao, Cambodia were all weak states. With the Soviet backing you up, you sure will conquer them. We have to reign in with the US and Southeast Asia support. That's why everyone in agree to sanction you except a few because this is not a war about liberating Cambodia. But it is a war to colonize Cambodia and expand your influence across Indochina.
Wait, by CCCP I mean the Союз Советских Социалистических Республик, or the Soviet Union.

Ok, Laos and Cambodia were weak states, but Vietnam was any stronger than them? Sure we achieved a polictical victory against the US and destroyed the South Viet govt, but Vietnam or any countries would never go to war again just after 4 years. At that time, the South Vietnam govt remnaints still lingered in the border, trying to start a reguila war against Vietnam. Many South Viet civilians resisted the establishment of communist rule. China demanded Vietnam returning food they supplied during war time. Vietnam had to handle many things so why would they started a war? They must have time to rest, to build up force. 4 years were not enough, maybe 10-15 years sound more appropriate, at least when a new generation of population mature. Sure CCCP could give us unlimited supply, but we didn't have enough men to fight for them.

The age of colonies was over after Vietnam beated France. No countries dared to colonize others without interfering from the world community. And expanding Vietnam influence over Indochina? Maybe you had some points here. But there was still a SEATO at that time, and Thailand was a member. And Khmer Rogue was a communist govt so SEATO could care less about 2 communist countries fighting each other, like they give zero fck when Vietnam and China fighting. Now is different from then so is that clear to you?
Wait, by CCCP I mean the Союз Советских Социалистических Республик, or the Soviet Union.

Ok, Laos and Cambodia were weak states, but Vietnam was any stronger than them? Sure we achieved a polictical victory against the US and destroyed the South Viet govt, but Vietnam or any countries would never go to war again just after 4 years. At that time, the South Vietnam govt remnaints still lingered in the border, trying to start a reguila war against Vietnam. Many South Viet civilians resisted the establishment of communist rule. China demanded Vietnam returning food they supplied during war time. Vietnam had to handle many things so why would they started a war? They must have time to rest, to build up force. 4 years were not enough, maybe 10-15 years sound more appropriate, at least when a new generation of population mature. Sure CCCP could give us unlimited supply, but we didn't have enough men to fight for them.

The age of colonies was over after Vietnam beated France. No countries dared to colonize others without interfering from the world community. And expanding Vietnam influence over Indochina? Maybe you had some points here. But there was still a SEATO at that time, and Thailand was a member. And Khmer Rogue was a communist govt so SEATO could care less about 2 communist countries fighting each other, like they give zero fck when Vietnam and China fighting. Now is different from then so is that clear to you?
You are still stronger than them because you have stockpile weapons from China and Soviet during the fight with USA. More people too.

If it wasn't for the pressure from the UN sanction, you would colonize Cambodia forever.
Philippines, Thailand, Lao, Malyasia, Burma, Indonesian. Pretty much all countries except Soviet Union supported it because they were the real backer of VN expansion during the height of Sino-Soviet split.
Laos is a Vietnam´s ally. the country even hosted Vietnamese western army and demanded China to withdraw immediately from Vietnam.

Thailand feared Vietnam retaliation, because they supported Cambodia Khmer Rouge policy.

We had no intention to invade Philippines, Malaysia, Burma and Indonesian. Pls don´t spread propaganda.
Laos is a Vietnam´s ally. the country even hosted Vietnamese western army and demanded China to withdraw immediately from Vietnam.

Thailand feared Vietnam retaliation, because they supported Cambodia Khmer Rouge policy.

We had no intention to invade Philippines, Malaysia, Burma and Indonesian. Pls don´t spread propaganda.
vietnam was not strong enough to invade Philippines , Malaysia or Indonesia, but Burma,,,,,,haha, if we didn't stop your actions....you know what i mean...
You are still stronger than them because you have stockpile weapons from China and Soviet during the fight with USA. More people too.

If it wasn't for the pressure from the UN sanction, you would colonize Cambodia forever.
Then again, the war is fought by people, not weapons. Furthermore from the words of Vietnamese veterans, most of weapons used in the war with Cambodia were US left over. They said that the war was not even 1/100th came close to the war with US so no need to bully the Khmer Rogue.

And what did Vietnam gain from colonizing Cambodia? Resource? Man power? Sure we might have received some but hey, Vietnam bleeded to save Cambodians. Even Cambodians now does not even say a word about it. In fact they say how Vietnamese army stopped genocide and saved them from certain death. I heard they demand an apology from China for supporting Khmer Rogue.
I have been on this forum for 2 days... As a silent reader..

Guys, can you tell me... Why Vietnamese poster have some delusional? They think Vietnam is the center of the world..
Jesus fcking Christ .... Vietnam still 3rd world country...
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