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Shadow of Brutal ’79 War Darkens Vietnam’s View of China Relations

He's not Russian. LOL He can lie to you Vietnamese but to our Chinese eyes, it is difficult to overcome our eagle eyes.

1. Russian will never use screen name "Russian stereotypical name" as username.
2. Russian will never said Putin is bad for Russia.
3. Russian will never make fun of China when they experience the same bullying from the West.
4. Russian will never post 90% of his post count in a non-Russian topic.

Need more reasons? LOL

YOU'RE quite the analyst , aren't you, my friend.
in two week, you disclosed openly true face of China when you invaded in to our soil and killed innocent Vietnamese in six provinces of Vietnam.

For whom china did it ? This is evident for USA to believe that China is trusted partner of USA in cold war.
Most of your innocent Vietnamese are disguise militants. We are too familiar with these guerrilla civilian tactic, so we are not going to take any chance on it.

YOU'RE quite the analyst , aren't you, my friend.
I have to admit it is hard to fool me. LOL

U killed our kids , our pregnant women in 1979. China owe VN a blood debt
Stop lying. Majority of people are disguise guerrilla fighter.
Stop lying. Majority of people are disguise guerrilla fighter.
U means when I see a Chinese girl in VN, I also can kill her coz shes a disguise guerrilla fighter trying to invade VN ??
He's not Russian. LOL He can lie to you Vietnamese but to our Chinese eyes, it is difficult to overcome our eagle eyes.

1. Russian will never use screen name "Russian stereotypical name" as username.
2. Russian will never said Putin is bad for Russia.
3. Russian will never make fun of China when they experience the same bullying from the West.
4. Russian will never post 90% of his post count in a non-Russian topic.

Need more reasons? LOL

I don't think you are right.

1. Russian are humorous people, they can telling jokes about themselves too.
2. New generation Russian is partly pro-west.
3. Russian look at Chinese base on experiences from cold war and splitting of China from socialist pack.
4. I don't have my idea about that.
Most of your innocent Vietnamese are disguise militants. We are too familiar with these guerrilla civilian tactic, so we are not going to take any chance on it.

43 women and children killed by Chinese PLA.
You're right I didn't witness but my father did and all our people before us did that wrote books and told stories. These ungrateful Vietnamese only think of 1979 but they never think of the hardship we endure to support them, even when we were weak and in famine.
the help is mutual.

you should not forget the hundred thousands of chinese refugees we took when those people endured chaos, persecution and hardship in China. Without our hand, children of chinese descent would not exist today in Penang or Jakarta.

do you forget our arms support in the Ming dynasty in some of your military campaigns against the Mongols? Without Dai Viet improved firearms, your land would have not avoided to be invaded and looted. Again.

no need to mention thanks to our intervention (even you don´t like it), people of chinese descent still continue to exist and flourish today in Cambodia. Imagine, what would happen if we came one or two years later?
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1. So you're telling me Russian name is bad so i need to hide it. Xunzi, since you live in USA so i believe you have learn about Russian stereotypes in America. I'm proud to be Russian where ever i go
2. Russia is no longer the Soviet Union with one party dictated the entire country. Of course there will be opposition to Putin in Russia (Google it yourself)
3. I don't think that i have ever make fun of China in this thread. I just want to ask Chinese member here in PDF opinion of how China will counter the current US alliance system in Asia. Russia have enough problems when many Eastern European countries join U.S led-NATO
4. I'm interested in Vietnam's love and hate relationship with China. Both these countries have many commons but they can never get along with each other. (CCP is technically VCP's mentor)

Chinese and Vietnammese member in this thread spend so much time to mock each other.
It is not the Chinese we have problem with, but their politics.

I think they are not willing to accept the fact that Vietnam is an independent entity. They can´t move on. You can see it when Vietnamese politcians meet their Chinese counterparts. Chinese like to define the relationship as big brother/small brother, master/tribute state, teacher/student, and so on. You know, when Chinese FM Yang visited Vietnam recently, he declared at home Vietnam is a prodigal son. I don´t get it.

Chinese Media: In Vietnam, Yang Calls ‘Prodigal Son’ to Return Home | The Diplomat

Actually we don´t demand too much from China: mutual respect and equality.
1. So you're telling me Russian name is bad so i need to hide it. Xunzi, since you live in USA so i believe you have learn about Russian stereotypes in America. I'm proud to be Russian where ever i go
2. Russia is no longer the Soviet Union with one party dictated the entire country. Of course there will be opposition to Putin in Russia (Google it yourself)
3. I don't think that i have ever make fun of China in this thread. I just want to ask Chinese member here in PDF opinion of how China will counter the current US alliance system in Asia. Russia have enough problems when many Eastern European countries join U.S led-NATO
4. I'm interested in Vietnam's love and hate relationship with China. Both these countries have many commons but they can never get along with each other. (CCP is technically VCP's mentor)

Chinese and Vietnammese member in this thread spend so much time to mock each other.

One party authoritarian regime is suitable for Russia, at least it can bring the stability for the Russian society.

When Putin is retired, he should choose another successor to follow his legacy, definitely not a pro-West one like Medvedev.
An ungrateful Vietnamese accusing us of traitor? You must be joking with me! LOL I said before, we were most committed fully to Lenin-Stalin, Marxism, socialism of communism. We were lie by your master, our brother Soviet Union, so we have no choice but to destroy this failed Communist brotherhood. 1979 is a consequence of that. Remember we are not alliance anymore in those period.Today, we are no longer Communist. We are communist only by our historical foundation. Russia is also no longer communist. That's why we conciliate our past differences and set ourselves up to be a great alliance of the 21st century!

We are the socialism with Chinese characteristics, since the real communism never got achieved by any nation on this planet.

When i travel to China, i've seen a lot of cheap rip-off American brand store such as Apple, McDonald, Starbucks,... Why Chinese people tolerate this?
And i've seen many Western architectures and villas built in China for sight-showing. Chinese women undergone facial reconstruction to look like western people

I could not really grapse of how Chinese think about the West???

Not true at all.

McDonald’s, KFC in China face new food safety scare | Toronto Star
Most of your innocent Vietnamese are disguise militants. We are too familiar with these guerrilla civilian tactic, so we are not going to take any chance on it.

I have to admit it is hard to fool me. LOL

Stop lying. Majority of people are disguise guerrilla fighter.

You are crazy, sunzi !!!
:lol: Including raping and massive illiterate bombing of any vietnamese target? I always laugh at vietnamese flip flopping theory and failed foreign policy.

Why you forget the present but remember the past? Get clearly the fact, its Vietnamese now that kissing the backside of American who rape and bomb millions of vietnamese in vietnam war. :lol:

The Chinese now want Japanese to admit the rise of China and decline of Japanese and we refuse their minister visit. We Chinese do not bow to Japanese NOW! Do I hurt your pride when you vietnamese needs to restore to betray your own soul and ancestor to collaborate with murderers just to stay afloat with China? :lol:

Chinese never bowed to anyone even when we were weaker than vietnam. You offer Vietnam to be your junior junior partner, they will oblige happily
Chinese never bowed to anyone even when we were weaker than vietnam. You offer Vietnam to be your junior junior partner, they will oblige happily
The heck? When in history VN was stronger than China? Don't twist history for your convinience.

Senkaku and Paracels are different cases.
1. Senkaku: China actually sold it to Japan ... in 1895,
China never blame Japanese on controlling it for a century
2. Paracels : Vietnam controlled it long before the invasion by force of PLAN in 1956, 1974 ...
And Vietnam never sold it to China, but keep non-stop claiming the sovereignity of the islands year after year.
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