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Shadow of Brutal ’79 War Darkens Vietnam’s View of China Relations

I have been on this forum for 2 days... As a silent reader..

Guys, can you tell me... Why Vietnamese poster have some delusional? They think Vietnam is the center of the world..
Jesus fcking Christ .... Vietnam still 3rd world country...
Maybe, because they had "defeated" China and USA, you will be used to these, hehe.
U should learn a lesson from former South VN govt. US only treat her Asian allies as meat shields. US will head-shot ur leaders like S.VN president Ngo DInh Diem if ur leaders dont listen to US.

I think US has set the game like that:

To stop China, US will let VN make nuke secretly, JP-SK can not make nuke coz other allies will ask for nuke too, so, US will let JP-VN-Phil to have a better relationship to help each other against China.
your thought prove you like a kid,follow you logic,US should guarantee JAP、SK、PHI hold nuke.US and CN's economic and trade relations are very complex,both of them dont want the opposite side go down or overstepping.
and no body expect US will wreck any relationship with CN for a communist state.
viets like you should grow up。
your thought prove you like a kid,follow you logic,US should guarantee JAP、SK、PHI hold nuke.US and CN's economic and trade relations are very complex,both of them dont want the opposite side go down or overstepping.
and no body expect US will wreck any relationship with CN for a communist state.
viets like you should grow up。

Lol... I agree with you... China - US relation.
More like ying-yang.. They need each other but at the same time hated each other.. Lol
I have been on this forum for 2 days... As a silent reader..

Guys, can you tell me... Why Vietnamese poster have some delusional? They think Vietnam is the center of the world..
Jesus fcking Christ .... Vietnam still 3rd world country...

Delusion.....noway!!!, mentally them (such @NiceGuy) already defeated China numerious times, we're nothing but corrupted and losers.:lol:

U have new reason now: we just killed up to 21 Chinese workers, want to attack us again ?? but this time, u dont have US-JP protection like in 1979 :pop:
:rofl::rofl::rofl: do we really need to do that? US-JP on our side in 1979?:blink::blink::blink::blink::blink::blink::blink::blink:

Okay, so in short term China is divided into 2 part by US and can not take TW back bcz its army is corrupted to the core. Chinese Families must Pay up to $16,000 for Kids to Pass Army Entrance Exam , and their kid join the army not for fighting but for taking good salary payment :laugh:
We're really appreciate for what U.S did to us over TW and other issues and make us a the world second economical power thank for trade surplus with them for buying our junks and with these moneys we're the world second military spender...for us Chinese, Crisis = opportunity, we alway found something to gain from a not very favorite situations or events, and so much for a viet to lecture us about corruption :lol:, you should know verywell who & where you got this culture from.
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Just using your Vietnamese logic:cheesy:

Besides Vietnamese members are constantly trying to steal Chinese history and culture,now they are making excuses for their aggression against other entities.

1979 invasion show the world how rich Chinese culture and history.
Again, shut up !!!
:rofl::rofl::rofl: do we really need to do that? US-JP on our side in 1979?:blink::blink::blink::blink::blink::blink::blink::blink:
Funny viets,they forgot USSR was their ally.I originally think viet knows what does it means when Lang Son is down,it seems I'm wrong.If without USSR,the 79's lesson would be more impressive.
You're entitled to your opinion. And I believe that a nuclear Japan, Vietnam and South Korea would actually keep the region stable. It would protect the established boundaries.

Whats with you and Nuclear? Once you have them you don't get to use them unless you want to be the retard that ends the human race.
From your logic, if established boundaries are compromised, you get the go to use nuclear weapons?

Too many nuclear weapons in the hands of small countries opens the door to even smaller countries demanding them. They aren't exactly that difficult to make.

China has a policy of no first use so no country needs fear Chinese nuclear strikes. On the other hand, by building nuclear weapons you are opening yourself up to getting nuked. Quite a paradox.

I can see that Chinese growth has some Asian countries worried but the talk of war and nukes is completely absurd. There will be jostling, boat ramming, fistfights on the borders and name calling but for those calling for war, I think its time to grow up.

As Isaac Asimov loves to repeat,

"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent"
I have been on this forum for 2 days... As a silent reader..

Guys, can you tell me... Why Vietnamese poster have some delusional? They think Vietnam is the center of the world..
Jesus fcking Christ .... Vietnam still 3rd world country...
I don't think we have had mentioned antarctic , middle east or south america
ASEAN predecessor was named "SEATO" created at Bangkok. It is not an economic forum but the polical alliance.
The political alliance was to agianst Communist Expansionism including red China and red Vietnam.

ASEAN is under ASEAN non nuclear treaty.
Southeast Asian Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Should Vietnam has Nuclear, Thailand cannot sleep the night again. Posses Nuke is vital violation of the ASEAN non nuclear treaty and may result in revoke of membership of ASEAN. Remind that it was always Thailand concern that dictate ASEAN policy.

Thailand want this South East Asia a place of peace and prosperity. We reiterate the ASEAN centrality as our main foreign policy.
Vital violation of ASEAN non nuclear treaty is apparently unacceptable.
1979 Vietnamese expansionist policy was real. Thai elites was unsleep-able afraid.

War between Thai soldier- Vietnam Solder at Chong Bok


Vietnamese border raids in Thailand - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Story (in Thai)
เวียดนามบุกชายแดนไทย A Forgotten War

Vietnameses like to portray themself a victim of China's agression, crying river and make fool of themself...maybe their mirror has been broken, couldn't look at themself.
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