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Shadow of Brutal ’79 War Darkens Vietnam’s View of China Relations

เมื่อกรุงพนมเปญเมืองหลวงถูกยึดได้โดยกองทัพเวียดนาม ก็เกิดความกลัวขึ้นมาว่า เวียดนามอาจจะกระทำการเดียวกันนี้กับประเทศไทย ด้วยการบุกเข้ายึดกรุงเทพในแบบ ยุทธการดอกบัวบาน* ซึ่ง เป็นวิธีเดียวกับที่เวียดนามใช้ได้ผลมาแล้วในการยึดกรุงไซง่อน เมืองหลวงของเวียดนามใต้ส่งผลให้เวียดนามใต้ถึงกาลอวสาน และครั้งนี้ก็เช่นกันการยึดกรุงพนมเปญทำให้เขมรแดงแตกพ่ายอีกราย ทางกรุงเทพ*จึง ต้องหาพันธมิตรที่ไทยเคยถือว่าเป็นศัตรูมาตลอด นั้นคือประเทศจีนนั้นเอง ด้วยการส่งคณะทูตไปขอความช่วยเหลือถึงกรุงปักกิ่ง การกระทำของไทยครั้งนี้ยิ่งทำให้ทางฮานอยมีท่าทีแข็งกร้าวต่อไทยมากขึ้น เพราะเวียดนามกำลังมีความขัดแย้งด้านพรมแดนและลัทธิการปกครองกับจีน

When Phnomphen failed to Vietnamese army, There were afraid that Vietnam was to take Bangkok in the same "Opening Lotus Operation", which was effectively used against Saigon, the capital of South Vietnam country. Again, the Opening Lotus Operation destroy the red Khmer army. Bangkok need to find new alliance who had been enemy in the past for long time, which is China. Sending envoy to Beijing, Thailand action has even make Hanoi more agressive stance on Thailand, because Vietnam was having the border conflict and ideological conflict with China.
ASEAN predecessor was named "SEATO" created at Bangkok. It is not an economic forum but the polical alliance.
The political alliance was to agianst Communist Expansionism including red China and red Vietnam.

ASEAN is under ASEAN non nuclear treaty.
Southeast Asian Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Should Vietnam has Nuclear, Thailand cannot sleep the night again. Posses Nuke is vital violation of the ASEAN non nuclear treaty and may result in revoke of membership of ASEAN. Remind that it was always Thailand concern that dictate ASEAN policy.

Thailand want this South East Asia a place of peace and prosperity. We reiterate the ASEAN centrality as our main foreign policy.
Vital violation of ASEAN non nuclear treaty is apparently unacceptable.

If Vietnam go Nuke, Thailand can go with NUKE too...hell why not support the entire world to go for NUKES...:lol:
ASEAN predecessor was named "SEATO" created at Bangkok. It is not an economic forum but the polical alliance.
The political alliance was to agianst Communist Expansionism including red China and red Vietnam.

ASEAN is under ASEAN non nuclear treaty.
Southeast Asian Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Should Vietnam has Nuclear, Thailand cannot sleep the night again. Posses Nuke is vital violation of the ASEAN non nuclear treaty and may result in revoke of membership of ASEAN. Remind that it was always Thailand concern that dictate ASEAN policy.

Thailand want this South East Asia a place of peace and prosperity. We reiterate the ASEAN centrality as our main foreign policy.
Vital violation of ASEAN non nuclear treaty is apparently unacceptable.
There are some misunderstanding at here. Vietnam don't have plan to produce nuclear weapon, we just enrich uranium and develop nuclear tech
กองทัพเวียดนามซึ่งแข็งแกร่งเป็นอันดับ 4 ของโลกพร้อมที่จะบุกไทยทันทีหากได้รับคำสั่งรัฐบาลไทยขณะนั้นซึ่งมี พล.อ.เปรมติณสูลานนท์เป็นนายกรัฐมนตรี ได้ขอร้องให้จีนดึงกำลังกองกำลังทางยุทธศาสตร์ของเวียดนามไว้ทางภาคเหนือเมื่อใดที่เวียดนามกดดันทางทหารต่อไทยในกัมพูชาจีนได้ระดมยิงปืนใหญ่ใส่พรมแดนเวียดนามเป็นหมื่นๆนัดและส่งทหารบุกข้าพรมแดนเวียดนามทำนองเป็นการสั่งสอน


Vietnamese Army, world 4th strongest at that time, was ready to invade Thailand suddenly should there be an order. Thai government at that time was Prem Tinnasulanon, beg for China to hold Vietnamese Strategic Army at North of Vietnam whenever Vietnam pressures Thai army in Cambodia. China fired ten of thousand cannons onto Vietnamese border and sent soldiers to invade Vietnam as a teaching.

Full of the stories and images Thai Vietnam soldiers fighting each others.
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เมื่อกรุงพนมเปญเมืองหลวงถูกยึดได้โดยกองทัพเวียดนาม ก็เกิดความกลัวขึ้นมาว่า เวียดนามอาจจะกระทำการเดียวกันนี้กับประเทศไทย ด้วยการบุกเข้ายึดกรุงเทพในแบบ ยุทธการดอกบัวบาน* ซึ่ง เป็นวิธีเดียวกับที่เวียดนามใช้ได้ผลมาแล้วในการยึดกรุงไซง่อน เมืองหลวงของเวียดนามใต้ส่งผลให้เวียดนามใต้ถึงกาลอวสาน และครั้งนี้ก็เช่นกันการยึดกรุงพนมเปญทำให้เขมรแดงแตกพ่ายอีกราย ทางกรุงเทพ*จึง ต้องหาพันธมิตรที่ไทยเคยถือว่าเป็นศัตรูมาตลอด นั้นคือประเทศจีนนั้นเอง ด้วยการส่งคณะทูตไปขอความช่วยเหลือถึงกรุงปักกิ่ง การกระทำของไทยครั้งนี้ยิ่งทำให้ทางฮานอยมีท่าทีแข็งกร้าวต่อไทยมากขึ้น เพราะเวียดนามกำลังมีความขัดแย้งด้านพรมแดนและลัทธิการปกครองกับจีน

When Phnomphen failed to Vietnamese army, There were afraid that Vietnam was to take Bangkok in the same "Opening Lotus Operation", which was effectively used against Saigon, the capital of South Vietnam country. Again, the Opening Lotus Operation destroy the red Khmer army. Bangkok need to find new alliance who had been enemy in the past for long time, which is China. Sending envoy to Beijing, Thailand action has even make Hanoi more agressive stance on Thailand, because Vietnam was having the border conflict and ideological conflict with China.

That's why they hate us so much because we have prevent them from dominate South East Asia, they thought that Soviet gave them support and carte blanche so they could act freely in IndoChina, until they got slapped by China and woke up to see that their mentor didn't react beside mumbling...As I say so many time Vietnam is nothing but a piece of chess to be used and disposed when it serve no purpose.
That's why they hate us so much because we have prevent them from dominate South East Asia, they thought that Soviet gave them support and carte blanche so they could act freely in IndoChina, until they got slapped by China and woke up to see that their mentor didn't react beside mumbling...As I say so many time Vietnam is nothing but a piece of chess to be used and disposed when it serve no purpose.

Yes. And I would say about "This Thread that the War China did was justified". It was justified as seen from Thailand points of view in particular, and ASEAN points of view in general. It was justified as seen from China points of view. It was justified from US point of view. I don't know if there were any condemnation from UN.

Vietnamese aggression on Cambodia. Vietnamese kill oversea Chinese. Vietnamese even plan to conquest Bangkok and may kill oversea Chinese there including my father generation, and may include 3 years old of me. I would say Thank you China. Atleast you save Thai people and Oversea Chinese in Thailand. I would not conclude that vietnam has a policy of killing oversea chinese, if not some Vietnamese here in PDF admit it, and non Vietnamese here in PDF object those view.
do we really need to do that? US-JP on our side in 1979?
U begged for US;s protection, US history recorded that .
February, 1979: twenty nine days indirectly shook the world - by some estimates
Amid doubt that China would invade, Deng Xiaoping travelled to Washington to brief
President Carter on China's attack plans. Carter approved the Chinese invasion,
"protected" China from Soviet counterattack and pushed China for restraint.
The "worst possible case" of a nuclear war between China
and the Soviet Union
was averted.
9/11 intelligence; China invades Vietnam
Kiss_of_the_Dragon said:
We're really appreciate for what U.S did to us over TW and other issues and make us a the world second economical power thank for trade surplus with them for buying our junks and with these moneys we're the world second military spender...for us Chinese, Crisis = opportunity, we alway found something to gain from a not very favorite situations or events, and so much for a viet to lecture us about corruption :lol:, you should know verywell who & where you got this culture from.
Yeah, then u should thanks for Eight nations alliance, specially Japan for what they did to China , even they massacred few hundred thousand Chinese too, bcz they helped China to build some rail road that China never know what was it before :laugh:
Yes. And I would say about "This Thread that the War China did was justified". It was justified as seen from Thailand points of view in particular, and ASEAN points of view in general. It was justified as seen from China points of view. It was justified from US point of view. I don't know if there were any condemnation from UN.

Vietnamese aggression on Cambodia. Vietnamese kill oversea Chinese. Vietnamese even plan to conquest Bangkok and may kill oversea Chinese there including my father generation, and may include 3 years old of me. I would say Thank you China. Atleast you save Thai people and Oversea Chinese in Thailand. I would not conclude that vietnam has a policy of killing oversea chinese, if not some Vietnamese here in PDF admit it, and non Vietnamese here in PDF object those view.

Throughout History, Vietnameses had alway dream a split and weaker China, so they could set motion to dominate South East Asia but most the time they woke up with worst nightmare that we're not what they wish to be :lol:. As long as China is there:butcher:, Vietnam can only make a fiction dream of dominate Indo-China, curse and badmouthing China all day long...that's about it.
Yes. And I would say about "This Thread that the War China did was justified". It was justified as seen from Thailand points of view in particular, and ASEAN points of view in general. It was justified as seen from China points of view. It was justified from US point of view. I don't know if there were any condemnation from UN.

Vietnamese aggression on Cambodia. Vietnamese kill oversea Chinese. Vietnamese even plan to conquest Bangkok and may kill oversea Chinese there including my father generation, and may include 3 years old of me. I would say Thank you China. Atleast you save Thai people and Oversea Chinese in Thailand. I would not conclude that vietnam has a policy of killing oversea chinese, if not some Vietnamese here in PDF admit it, and non Vietnamese here in PDF object those view.

Interesting view of Thai Chinese.

I do not know if I will have the same POV if I am a Thai Chinese.
1979 Vietnamese expansionist policy was real. Thai elites was unsleep-able afraid.

War between Thai soldier- Vietnam Solder at Chong Bok


Vietnamese border raids in Thailand - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Story (in Thai)
เวียดนามบุกชายแดนไทย A Forgotten War
Bcz Thai elites harbored war criminals Khmer rouge, thats why they couldnt sleep when we attack Pol Pot in Thai's territory. Things changed, Thai general now even show his support to VN
Thai General: China’s nine-dash line groundless
19:18 | 18/06/2014
VGP - China’s nine-dash line is legally groundless, Major General Surasit Thanadtang from Thailand’s National Defense Studies Institute told the Viet Nam News Agency in a recent interview.


Major-General Surasit Thanadtang

He went on to say that China’s installation of the oil rigHaiyang Shiyou-981 and its aggressive actions in Viet Nam’s exclusive economic zone and continental shelf have only undermined the stability in the region.
VGP News | Thai General: China’s nine-dash line groundless - Thai General: China’s nine-dash line groundless
Bcz Thai elites harbored war criminals Khmer rouge, thats why they couldnt sleep when we attack Pol Pot in Thai's territory. Things changed, Thai general now even show his support to VN

Political equation:
Enemy of enemy is friend.

Please do not talk something else about Nine Dash Line. Its not in this thread.
That was the past. Today Thailand and Vietnam has good relation.
Throughout History, Vietnameses had alway dream a split and weaker China, so they could set motion to dominate South East Asia but most the time they woke up with worst nightmare that we're not what they wish to be :lol:. As long as China is there:butcher:, Vietnam can only make a fiction dream of dominate Indo-China, curse and badmouthing China all day long...that's about it.
China soldiers pay up to $16,000 to join PLA not for fighting , but for taking good payment, dude. Dont hope ur soldiers will go to front line and die when they paid full $16,000 :laugh:

Political equation:
Enemy of enemy is friend.
Thats the reason to force VN to attack Thailand even when we did not want to coz VN had millions of disable people after war against US.
somsak said:
Please do not talk something else about Nine Dash Line. Its not in this thread. That was the past. Today Thailand and Vietnam has good relation
Just wanna let other nations know that Thai general even support Vn against China now ,bro
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Interesting view of Thai Chinese.

I do not know if I will have the same POV if I am a Thai Chinese.
Nothing new and interesting. Vietnamese like to play victim card when facing China. But it was and is a very active expansionist even till now. China-Viet war in 1979 is just like the first Gulf War in 1990. China used violence to prevent violence of Vietnam.
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