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Shadow of Brutal ’79 War Darkens Vietnam’s View of China Relations

The PRC here keep on bark and bark and attack oversea Chinese for not aligning to PRC. The fact is the SE Asian Chinese were patriot of PRC until PRC action resulted them to be killed and murdered.

One good example is PRC during the Mao's year support Cambodia Pot. Pot murdered as much Chinese as he could find.

Now some PDF PRC still stand on dark side, talk a lot of cxxk.

Despite of that many SE Asian Chinese still stand by PRC, but many of us also have opinions on PRC deeds. And in my opinion PRC should send some higher quality paid commenters to PDF.
One of the reason given by PRC for punishing Vietnam in 1979,

Sino-Vietnamese War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The reason cited for the attack was to support China's ally, the Khmer Rouge of Cambodia, in addition to the mistreatment of Vietnam's ethnic Chinese minority and the Vietnamese occupation of the Spratly Islands which were claimed by China.

Remember these events that happened about a year before 1979,

Vietnamese boat people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Vietnamese boat people refers to refugees who fled Vietnam by boat and ship after the Vietnam War, especially during 1978 and 1979, but continuing until the early 1990s.

The number of boat people leaving Vietnam and arriving safely in another country totalled almost 800,000 between 1975 and 1995. Many of the refugees failed to survive the passage, facing danger and hardship from pirates, over-crowded boats, and storms.

Repression was especially severe on the Hoa, the ethnic Chinese population of Vietnam.[5][6] The Hoa controlled much of the retail trade in South Vietnam and the communist government increasingly levied them with taxes, restrictions on trade, and confiscations of their businesses. In May 1978, the Hoa began to leave Vietnam in large numbers for China, initially by land. By the end of 1979, resulting from the Sino-Vietnamese War, 250,000 Hoa had sought refuge in China and many tens of thousands more were among the boat people scattered all over Southeast Asia and in Hong Kong.[7]

The Vietnamese government and its officials profited from the outflow of refugees, especially the often well-to-do Hoa. The price for obtaining exits permits, documentation, and a boat or ship, often derelict, to leave Vietnam was reported to be the equivalent of $3,000 U.S. dollars for adults and one-half that for children. Many poorer Vietnamese left their country secretly without documentation and in flimsy boats, and these were the most vulnerable to pirates and storms while at sea.[8] These payments were often made in the form of gold bars.
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Iran is going for "Japan option".

Germany and S Korea also have the option.

Japan is able to assemble a bomb within few months or even weeks even though she does not have a bomb.

Iran stop their enrichment

What option do they have when Germany,Japan and S Korea have US base to control their countries ?? U think US troops there will do Nothing ??

If Germany,Japan and S Korea can remove US base and live like N.Korean, then that the only way from them to get nuke.
I was young when the war broke out. The chinese brutality was unprecedented during the invasion. Chinese support for the butchers in Cambodia came close to the genocide of the Jews in gas chambers.

I don't get it why Vietnam government keeps silent just to please the chicom in the past. Since they now show their ugly face, again, the government should organize victory parade over chinese army like we staged recently the victory parade over the French.
Men not Jesus, all men have sin. But some sin like sending divisions, scotch earth people, is worse than others.

China repent.
Oh, so you judge China is worse than others? Hehe.

The PRC here keep on bark and bark and attack oversea Chinese for not aligning to PRC. The fact is the SE Asian Chinese were patriot of PRC until PRC action resulted them to be killed and murdered.

One good example is PRC during the Mao's year support Cambodia Pot. Pot murdered as much Chinese as he could find.

Now some PDF PRC still stand on dark side, talk a lot of cxxk.

Despite of that many SE Asian Chinese still stand by PRC, but many of us also have opinions on PRC deeds. And in my opinion PRC should send some higher quality paid commenters to PDF.
You like KMT hate PRC, in fact I also don't like you, see you as a puppet army soliders.

BTW, PRC don't need send high quality paid commenters to here, because many china-hater like you are not high quality, my "officer" said you are ver low, I always don't agree with him in many thing, but on these, I agree very much, hehe.

Our Govt. is against China, but we r against China in our own way, we dont use military forces to push China oil rig out until US let VN make nuke bomb.

Thats true, our army is one of the best army of the world, we defeated mighty US army while China still divided into 2 parts by US till now, so defeat corrupted and poor discipline PLA is always much easier :pop:

China is just a pawn, divided into 2 part by US , so act carefully or VNese will burn China companies and beat up Chinese again :pop:
Your comments are always make my day, always like the comments from kids or ignorant from more than 100 years ago, hehe!
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U have new reason now: we just killed up to 21 Chinese workers, want to attack us again ?? but this time, u dont have US-JP protection like in 1979 :pop:
Bro, the number is not true. Pls don't hype up.
I was young when the war broke out. The chinese brutality was unprecedented during the invasion. Chinese support for the butchers in Cambodia came close to the genocide of the Jews in gas chambers.

I don't get it why Vietnam government keeps silent just to please the chicom in the past. Since they now show their ugly face, again, the government should organize victory parade over chinese army like we staged recently the victory parade over the French.
Bro, who died is died , our hatred can not revive them, and if our people didnt die in war with China, we will die in other wars (we always have war).

We still need to keep a balance relationship with US-China , so we must act wisely now.::yes2:
U have new reason now: we just killed up to 21 Chinese workers, want to attack us again ?? but this time, u dont have US-JP protection like in 1979 :pop:
China do differentiate between killings in a riot and government organized or sanctioned repression.

Unless of course, you can provide evidences that the recent riot/killings is organized or sanctioned by Vietnamese government.

In that case, Vietnamese government has been lying and you can expect a different reaction from China.
Your comments are always make my day, always like the comments from kids or ignorant from more than 100 years ago, hehe!
So what can u hope from a military where people bribe up to $16,000 to join the army and get the salary :pop:

Bro, the number is not true. Pls don't hype up.
I think its true, VNese even burn to death 2 thieves when they stole dogs, so why could not up to 21 Chinese when our people really hate them ??
So what can u hope from a military where people bribe up to $16,000 to join the army and get the salary :pop:
You mean PLA, oh, means the army is very weak, so what are you waiting for?

U can't kill all VNese just by stopping water in red river when we can destroy ur economy in 3 weeks by sinking all China merchant ships passing through SCS(east sea) :pop:

China is still divided into 2 parts by US . A country that divided by other country can not even be called Regional power.

We will try to keep a balance relations with China and US. We hold the important sea lane in SCS(east sea) to both US and China in our hand and we r strong enough to keep it and use it to get Nuke and get Rich first .
You know, I can't believe that you are a normal Vietnamese, how many vietnamese have same opinion like you? the more the better. hehe.
China do differentiate between killings in a riot and government organized or sanctioned repression.

Unless of course, you can provide evidences that the recent riot/killings is organized or sanctioned by Vietnamese government.

In that case, Vietnamese government has been lying and you can expect a different reaction from China.
Ah, so u still dont have reason to attack VN, not bcz ur army is corrupted to the core with ur soldiers join the army just for good salary :laugh:

Okay, we will try to find another reason for China, so that u can attack VN again , but dont forget, this time China dont have US-JP protection like in 1979:laugh:

You mean PLA, oh, means the army is very weak, so what are you waiting for?

Waiting for US to let VN make nuke bomb without any sanction. :pop:

China army is a disgrace of Asia, No hope for China to defeat US in the region with this kind of soldiers :cry:

You know, I can't believe that you are a normal Vietnamese, how many vietnamese have same opinion like you? the more the better. hehe.
Check on the map, see who is control the biggest and the most important part of SCS(east sea) :pop:
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Waiting for US to let VN make nuke bomb without any sanction. :pop:

China army is a disgrace of Asia, No hope for China to defeat US in the region with this kind of soldiers :cry:
Keep waiting.

Seems you represent for Whole asia, hehe, why here drag US in, you are Vietnamese, and the thread is about China and Vietnam, seems US now don't see you as Godson.

And Why should we defeat US?

Check on the map, see who is control the biggest and the most important part of SCS(east sea) :pop:
Great "Achievement", Now you "control" the lane, so China and USA is in your hand, I am "scared".

BUT, WAIT, you have these, why you still need waiting for nuke license from USA?
She will not. They even have argument(s) for their support of the murderous Khmer Rouge ! In fact, one of the pretext for their invasion of Vietnam was to support the Khmer Rouge during Vietnamese Liberation of Cambodia from the Khmer Rouge.

Liberation my ***. Every single Southeast countries were happy when we weight in to stop further expansion of Vietnam in Indochina.
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