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Shadow of Brutal ’79 War Darkens Vietnam’s View of China Relations

You're entitled to your opinion. And I believe that a nuclear Japan, Vietnam and South Korea would actually keep the region stable. It would protect the established boundaries.

really, you do, well by the same logic guns keep people safe. Violence will happen that's just the way it is. Just hope that when it happens, the guy has no gun.

Guns don't kill, people do. Very true, but people with gun kill better than people with no gun.

You are now more American than japanese.

Also overseas Chinese is the same as mainland Chinese, because they are the exact same person, it's like saying if we place you in Canada, you be a different person.
The PRC here keep on bark and bark and attack oversea Chinese for not aligning to PRC. The fact is the SE Asian Chinese were patriot of PRC until PRC action resulted them to be killed and murdered.

One good example is PRC during the Mao's year support Cambodia Pot. Pot murdered as much Chinese as he could find.

Now some PDF PRC still stand on dark side, talk a lot of cxxk.

Despite of that many SE Asian Chinese still stand by PRC, but many of us also have opinions on PRC deeds. And in my opinion PRC should send some higher quality paid commenters to PDF.
To be fair,many high leaders of Khmer Rouge are also Chinese-Cambodians,Pol Pot himself is a Chinese-Cambodian,the natives can't have that light skin.
I personaly dislike Communism,how many people died in Great leap forward and cultural revolution?Anyone think about it,they will dislike communism,but it's you the overseas Chinese who support the Xinhai revolution,opened the pandora,both KMT and CCP are trash to me.
Guns don't kill, people do. Very true, but people with gun kill better than people with no gun.

One can even propose that having a gun provides a person or in this case a nation, with the capability to defend itself or deter an armed conflict.

I think US wont allow SK-JP to make Nuke coz other US allies will demand to go nuke to, but VN is ok for US coz we r not US allies .

Regardless of the political machinations in East Asia, I personally believe that Japan be a nuclear power.
China understands that with a World Class SUPER POWER status come some International Responsibilities.

Vietnam has more to gain by having a good relations with China rather than having a Confrontational Attitude.
China is still divided into 2 parts by US . A country that divided by other country can not even be called Regional power.

We will try to keep a balance relations with China and US. We hold the important sea lane in SCS(east sea) to both US and China in our hand and we r strong enough to keep it and use it to get Nuke and get Rich first .
I personaly dislike Communism,how many people died in Great leap forward and cultural revolution?Anyone think about it,they will dislike communism,but it's you the overseas Chinese who support the Xinhai revolution,opened the pandora,both KMT and CCP are trash to me.

You sound like a genuine Chinese , with the spirit of logic of the late Dr. Sun Yat Sen. I respect this. And I also appreciate your very broad point of view and interest, too. It is a breath of fresh air as compared to the vicious , and racist vitriol posts by some people who claim to be "Chinese".

We need more Chinese posters like you.
U can't kill all VNese just by stopping water in red river when we can destroy ur economy in 3 weeks by sinking all China merchant ships passing through SCS(east sea) :pop:

Of course, we're not going to stop Vietnamese from drink...that's too evil but at least we can stop vietnamese military boats from coming near ours border. We know that you guys are capable of, I guess it's genetic that we Chinese alway been the losers when facing Vietnameses throughout the history, pathetic isn't it and we already conceded our defeat in 1979...you should take that a consolation prize.
You sound like a genuine Chinese , with the spirit of logic of the late Dr. Sun Yat Sen. I respect this. And I also appreciate your very broad point of view and interest, too. It is a breath of fresh air as compared to the vicious , and racist vitriol posts by some people who claim to be "Chinese".

We need more Chinese posters like you.
I didn't like Sun Yat Sen:P,I don't think the Xinhai revolution is good thing,reform is better than the revolution,Sun for some reasons dislike the Manchus
Regardless of the political machinations in East Asia, I personally believe that Japan be a nuclear power.
U should learn a lesson from former South VN govt. US only treat her Asian allies as meat shields. US will head-shot ur leaders like S.VN president Ngo DInh Diem if ur leaders dont listen to US.

I think US has set the game like that:

To stop China, US will let VN make nuke secretly, JP-SK can not make nuke coz other allies will ask for nuke too, so, US will let JP-VN-Phil to have a better relationship to help each other against China.
To be fair,many high leaders of Khmer Rouge are also Chinese-Cambodians,Pol Pot himself is a Chinese-Cambodian,the natives can't have that light skin.
I personaly dislike Communism,how many people died in Great leap forward and cultural revolution?Anyone think about it,they will dislike communism,but it's you the overseas Chinese who support the Xinhai revolution,opened the pandora,both KMT and CCP are trash to me.

True Pot is Chinese. so is Ieng Sary..etc. Even Hun Sen is part Chinese.

Without Mao will thing be worse? I cannot tell. Its really a dilemma. Without Mao, Tibet may become Indian land. You want Tibet or Mao?

Also Chiang Kai Shek "laissez faire" capitalism is big reason that bring KMT down. If KMT embark on land reform, today KMT will still be in power. Same thing in Vietnam. If Ngo Dinh Diem of S Vietnam distribute land to the poor, Ho Chi Minh wont have a chance.

In 1950s, S Korea was under a much serious security situation than S Vietnam. Syngman Rhee started the land reform and the people stop supporting communist.

The advent of Mao though brutal has actually short circuit China progression from semi feudal to modern society. KMT has missed the opportunity given to them for land reform.
One can even propose that having a gun provides a person or in this case a nation, with the capability to defend itself or deter an armed conflict.

Regardless of the political machinations in East Asia, I personally believe that Japan be a nuclear power.

That's the American in you talking, I will say this and take it to the bank, it doesn't matter what anyone has, weapons will not deter if they are determined to fight. China has nukes, when has it ever stopped the Asian pivot, or any of the American's provocative actions?

The fundamental facts are these, in 10 years China will triple Japanese GDP nominally, we already more than do so in PPP. China being stronger than Japan in economics, technology, and military will be more than apparent.

But will your buddies accept this fact. Abe's current action suggest that he won't treat China the way a nation of this size is to be treated. Respect not servitude. He treats China like the weak nation we were.

Whether or not you think you apologized enough, would you say to someone you respect that, I'm not sorry now I cut off your leg some years ago, and really, it was you that stood in the way of my sword, also I already said sorry. Even in law, someone has the right to sue even after time passes.
I didn't like Sun Yat Sen:P,I don't think the Xinhai revolution is good thing,reform is better than the revolution,Sun for some reasons dislike the Manchus

I admire Dr. Sun Yat Sen's democratic ideology. He was ahead of his time, especially in a time era and region where growing militarism was uninhibited.

As for his basilar instincts-- namely his anti-Manchu, well, he once wrote articles blaming the defeat of China to Western Powers , Spheres of Influence , as well as the catastrophe China had endured with her war with Japan -- and relegated blame to the Manchus. His view was that in the later years, the old Imperial system was ineffective.

My view is that the Manchus contributed much for China; and the early years of the Manchu Dynasty saw much expansion of Chinese interests in Asia. It was only in the latter years where decadent lifestyle and poor understanding of European Imperialism that led to China's unfortunate decline.
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