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Secret Israeli report on Temple Mount, buried by government, published in US

Was there any temple when Muslim built mosque? NO in both cases, but yeah you already demolished and killed Muslims based on your myths.
We got proofs, Carbon Dating Doesn't LIE! If you say Carbon Dating is a LIE I WANT TO SEE what you did to challenge this theory?
When are you coming round to the west again with your begging bowls for the next bit of spare change we might give you?

All that crawling for $7b :lol:
Says a race notoriously known for being a bunch of tight bastards no point coming on here acting 10 men you are most likely a nobody washed up person your type of attitude to people is the opppsite to that attitude which leads to success and i don't mean financially i mean socially so bye bye go troll somewhere else
They have no history.

Hence no artefacts, coins or anything relating to a 'palestinian' civilisation. Nothing.

They claim to be ancient people yet in their whole 'ancient' time, their only leader before Abbas was Arafat!!

In thousands of years, only Arafat! :rofl::rofl:
Ain't that right ask them about,BABRI MOSQUE? THEY WILL beat their hearts out, but they never know the history and reality!
We got proofs, Carbon Dating Doesn't LIE! If you say Carbon Dating is a LIE I WANT TO SEE what you did to challenge this theory?

Was there temple and people were worshiping when Muslims built mosque? If No than whatever proof you have doesn't matter because in this way all whites should be thrown out of America because it was land of red indian.
Ain't that right ask them about,BABRI MOSQUE? THEY WILL beat their hearts out, but they never know the history and reality!
They are experts at destroying holy sites. Their own and everyone elses.

They have destroyed many Jewish sites in Judea & Samaria.
Was there temple and people were worshiping when Muslims built mosque? If No than whatever proof you have doesn't matter because in this way all whites should be thrown out of America because it was land of red indian.
I want to ask the same thing why are you guys bothered over Babri Masjid?
Says a race notoriously known for being a bunch of tight bastards no point coming on here acting 10 men you are most likely a nobody washed up person your type of attitude to people is the opppsite to that attitude which leads to success and i don't mean financially i mean socially so bye bye go troll somewhere else

Oh please west...PLEASE give us some money. We'll do ANYTHING you ask. We'll stop enriching to 20%...we'll let you inspect every facility and even our underpants...just PLEASE stop the sanctions...we can't even afford medication

Each stone will be removed carefully and handed/shipped over to Mecca for rebuilding at the home of Islam and not the home of the Jews where it is currently.

recipe for world war III and it seems you guys are hell bent on doing this

as far as temple of solomon is concerned , there is no real proof that it stood in the place of Al-Aqsa mosque and also your own narrative says that the Romans destroyed the temple and not muslims so why vent anger at muslims.

Also to re-create the temple , dont you have to first find the arc of the convnenet ? again there is no poof that this entity existed , it is described in your scripture but there is no trace of it in reality.
When are you coming round to the west again with your begging bowls for the next bit of spare change we might give you?

All that crawling for $7b :lol:
Uranium enrichment did not stop even for one second and never will and Israhel is shaking :D.It is retired Europe need us and we need our wealth which is over 150$ billion.
Nuke sanctions is just excuse and u cannot even dream Iran go one centimetre back despite west pressure,it was very very clear in 35 years ago.. .Attarigho ela alghods without any Zion. (go to Quds)
Was there temple and people were worshiping when Muslims built mosque? If No than whatever proof you have doesn't matter because in this way all whites should be thrown out of America because it was land of red indian.
No one can destroy better than them,They will Destroy themselves ! :D
true hopefully we can learn from our mistakes and patrion india better this time and take a mineral rich bit the border regions are becoming muslim so hopefully its a possibility
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recipe for world war III and it seems you guys are hell bent on doing this

as far as temple of solomon is concerned , there is no real proof that it stood in the place of Al-Aqsa mosque and also your own narrative says that the Romans destroyed the temple and not muslims so why vent anger at muslims.

Also to re-create the temple , dont you have to first find the arc of the convnenet ? again there is no poof that this entity existed , it is described in your scripture but there is no trace of it in reality.

My anger at the Muslims stems from the fact they build on other people's holy sites because of Islamic domination. They want to dominate and control everyone else.

Islam is in conflict with every major religion including itself.

It is not a coincidence that they built on Judaism's holiest site.

Arabs are from Arabia. Neither Israel nor Jerusalem are geographically in Arabia. So why have Arab Muslims travelled 750miles from Arabia to stick a dome on top of Judaism's holiest site?
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