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Scrap Rafale, Viva Tejas!

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are there any US bases on Indian soil? no!

is India prime Non-NATO ally of US? no!

our policy is simple> Retain the superiority on western border and be enough strong on eastern border

the current infra projects in NE are meant to counter huge military buildup of China in Tibet

You're barking up the wrong tree bro, these people are being gangbanged by every possible nation. Do you really think you'll get a sane answer?
It WAS about an airplane, CD disagreed with "Threat perception" that's all.

It's true though. China has no real threat perception from India, since not only would they have to attack upwards into the highest mountain range on the planet (Tibetan plateau), their military is far weaker than ours.

For China the big issues are Diaoyutai/Japanese war crimes/Taiwan/SCS, all Pacific-orientated problems created for us by the American puppet master.

That's why you see Chinese people rioting on the streets and smashing up vehicles whenever there is a dispute regarding one of the above topics. But not for India, because there is zero threat perception and the idea itself (rioting over India) is laughable.
Perhaps you should visit Assam instead of making your own assumptions. Not all Assamese belong to ULFA. It's like saying all Pashtuns belong to the Taliban.

I did qualify my statements that its not 100% and I am not emphasizing on that. But the issues are there and Indian abuses are there too.

China is a world leader a global player. It is close to unseating the US from its traditional role... It will have to take up such issues in the future and ensure human rights abuses don't happen.
It's true though. China has no real threat perception from India, since not only would they have to attack upwards into the highest mountain range on the planet (Tibetan plateau), their military is far weaker than ours.

For China the big issues are Diaoyutai/Japanese war crimes/Taiwan/SCS, all Pacific-orientated problems created for us by the American puppet master.

That's why you see Chinese people rioting on the streets and smashing up vehicles whenever there is a dispute regarding one of the above topics. But not for India, because there is zero threat perception and the idea itself (rioting over India) is laughable.

Chinese are breaking Chinese streets because there is a threat from Japan? Maybe they should break Japanese streets!

Just kidding, Pakistani rioters do the same.
Chinese are breaking Chinese streets because there is a threat from Japan? Maybe they should break Japanese streets!

Just kidding, Pakistani rioters do the same.

Our rioters actually target Japanese businesses, which led to a lot of them pulling out, and Japan falling back into negative GDP growth i.e. recession. :wave:

And a person from HK actually died for the Diaoyutai islands, chaining himself to a boat. Damn.
It may not be mainstream in China, but if China DID support them they would get support back.

Assamese look up to China. They are oriental in appearance (at least many of them, mixed with Indian genes over the years though) and most of all that counts, they are politically aligned with Chinese philosophies of communism.

But as you said the same is not the case vice versa for the Chinese. I'm sure many Chinese don't know much about Pakistan either. Not rioting on the streets does not change the fact that there is probably a governmental team assigned to monitor the situation and contribute towards policy making.

Bhaijaan does this Assamese ( I know he is a moron :D) look oriental to you??


Most people from our Himalayan region ( I should know 'coz I have lived amongst them) may have mongoloid looks but they do not identify with the Chinese.
The Indian crimes against the Assamese are basically crimes against Chinese. The Assamese lay allegiance to China more than India.

You also have Tibetan nonsense all supported by India directly and US indirectly.

You don't have a threat of invasion from India, but you may decide to take action once again due to their shenanigans in Tibet. Hence the threat perception from China.
can u put more ***** in ur eyes before posting such ***** in the forum ???
i am an Assamese Bengali, i know better than your lies.
i would be lying if i say everything is hunky dory, but there's no genocidal crimes in Assam (like it was in east pak or happening in Baluchistan). i recall when ULFA (Google abt it yourself) publicly supported Pakistan during Karil, its popularity sank to the **** pits. members of ULFA left the organization due to rajkhowa's allegiance to pakistan.
and their allegiance to china.....lol even arunachalees think they are better off with india after hearing stories from tibet.
This moron was probably the first and last Indian to try and invade China.

Muhammad Bin Tughlaq


Moron sent an army of around 1,00,000 troops, most died due to exhaustion and cold weather in the Himalayas. Legend has it only 5 made it back, they too were put to death for the fear of the news spreading out about the failed invasion :lol:.

A Lunatic Visionary – Tughlaq | Vikramjit's Travel log
I did qualify my statements that its not 100% and I am not emphasizing on that. But the issues are there and Indian abuses are there too.

China is a world leader a global player. It is close to unseating the US from its traditional role... It will have to take up such issues in the future and ensure human rights abuses don't happen.

Chinese are saner than this and they are very self centered (in good sense). They are still occupied to uplift their people lives and doing good job.

They are most unlikely to give up important task at hand and I do not see them poking their nose in other $h*t in near future.

@Chinese-Dragon what do you think?
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No, RazPaK has been at me for a long time.

This was just the tipping point apparently. :wave:

Thats personal. But yes when we have our own battles to fight, fighting for somebody else is just stupidity.
This moron was probably the first and last Indian to try and invade China.

Muhammad Bin Tughlaq


Moron sent an army of around 1,00,000 troops, most died due to exhaustion and cold weather in the Himalayas. Legend has it only 5 made it back, they too were put to death for the fear of the news spreading out about the failed invasion :lol:.

A Lunatic Visionary – Tughlaq | Vikramjit's Travel log

The very point that aside from Arunachal Pradesh there is no possibility of any massed military mobilization due to the geography is what me and @Chinese-Dragon were making. Even our defense preparedness is based in Arunachal for good reason. Neither India nor China can send mechanized columns across the Himalayas from Xizang or into Xizang.
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The very point that aside from Arunachal Pradesh there is no possibility of any massed military mobilization due to the geography is what me and @Chinese-Dragon were making. Even our defense preparedness is based in Arunachal for good reason. Neither India nor China can send mechanized columns across the Himalayas from Xizang or into Xizang.

Plus, as I said, all our main fights are in the Pacific. And our main strategic rival is the USA.

Even if we could somehow maintain proper supply routes through the Himalayas, and somehow protect these same supply routes from being hit constantly by missiles etc. it still wouldn't make sense from an economic or strategic angle.

We are aiming to break the uni-polar American world order, and that requires that we focus on economy and avoid wars. We'll do what's good for us, not for others, and anyone who doesn't know that is just fooling themselves.
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Plus, as I said, all our main fights are in the Pacific. And our main strategic rival is the USA.

Even if we could somehow maintain proper supply routes through the Himalayas, and somehow protect these same supply routes from being hit constantly by missiles etc. it still wouldn't make sense from an economic or strategic angle.

We are aiming to break the uni-polar American world order, and that requires that we focus on economy and avoid wars. We'll do what's good for us, not for others, and anyone who doesn't know that is just fooling themselves.

Tell that to the Pakistani posters who believe that China shall be joining a great war against India along with the Pakistanis..although they will dispute your logic by stating that it belongs to an isolated and singular person and is thus not a reflection of what the majority in Chinese feel. It is perhaps difficult for people to grasp the idea that even a rivalry can be conducted with level-headed policies and without constant wars.
Tell that to the Pakistani posters who believe that China shall be joining a great war against India along with the Pakistanis..although they will dispute your logic by stating that it belongs to an isolated and singular person and is thus not a reflection of what the majority in Chinese feel. It is perhaps difficult for people to grasp the idea that even a rivalry can be conducted with level-headed policies and without constant wars.

I don't know why anyone would believe that in the first place.

We did not launch a military intervention in 47, 65, 71, 2001 (if I got my dates right) or any other Indo-Pakistani conflict.

Why should we?

It's all about national interests. Look at how Ayub Khan offered to help India fight against China as well, but for some reason you guys turned it down.

Chinese are saner than this and they are very self centered (in good sense). They are still occupied to uplift their people lives and doing good job.

They are most unlikely to give up important task at hand and I do not see them poking their nose in other $h*t in near future.

@Chinese-Dragon what do you think?

Sounds perfectly logical to me.
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