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Scrap Rafale, Viva Tejas!

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@Chinese-Dragon Did someone allude that our army would try to march into Xizang? :omghaha: Well, hopefully a topographical map shall serve such a specimen well.
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India is the US attack dog towards your nation.

When did they allow the US military to set up on their soil?

Perhaps you should advise your nation to gtfo out of ours to react towards India?

You invited us there, like you invited America there.

The difference is we are doing business there, economics not military.
When did they allow the US military to set up on their soil?

You invited us there, like you invited America there.

The difference is we are doing business there, economic stuff not military stuff.

You are in our nation to do business?

With the blessings of God, you can kindly **** off and cater to the Indians.

So Pakistan has to watch out as well?


RAZPAK why do you want Chinese hate us? because you hate INDIANS? Neither Chinese nor Indians hate each other.... more over we respect each other culture...... stop non-sense we might have land disputes.... but we don't hate each other.... whatever you speak we fought a war in 62 but we remained silent for 51 years.... the last thing we want is Indo-China war... last night 4 Chinese(a family 2 girls and parents) traveled along with me in the Prasanthi express... they headed to nagarjuna sagar from Vizag... they are all well cultured.... and pleased to learn about India....
No problem, just as soon as your leaders stop selling your resources to us.

What resources are these?

Do you think we need China?

For decades your country has been inflating it's hand to us for tech..

We shared out of friendship, but sad to say even Chinese are capitalists.
What resources are these?

Do you think we need China?

For decades your country has been inflating it's hand to us for tech..

We shared out of friendship, but sad to say even Chinese are capitalists.

You must be joking. :lol:

Did you know that Ayub Khan offered to help India fight against China in 1959?

Bhutto's foreign policy legacy - DAWN.COM

Bhutto was then leading Pakistan's delegation at the UN General Assembly. He was alarmed at President Ayub Khan's offer of joint defence to India. Bhutto felt that only those unlettered in international affairs could believe that such an offer would be accepted. In fact, it was more likely to incur the hostility of China which had so far, despite our membership of anti-communist western alliances, refrained from criticising Pakistan.

He only changed his mind after he saw that China, even the midst of our worst famine ever, was able to hold off India easily in 1962.

Then he switched from offering to help India fight against China, to ceding territory to China in order to hold off India. Opportunism at it's finest.
Hahaha, why are the Pakistanis convincing China and @Chinese-Dragon that India will initiate a war with China?

China ain't Pakistan and this ain't 1971. We the common observers can understand that India is neither prepared nor can be with either Rafale or say F-35 to initiate a war with China. Our military planners, I'm sure know better and are not stupid like what we have seen from the Pakistani side.

India is building to defend against China and is justified as long as it does not go overboard with the military spending.
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Both fighters belong to different class and we need both
You do realize that even China's maximalist position is limited to Arunachal Pradesh and that too not in its entirety. Arunachal Pradesh and Assam are not the same. China has never claimed Assam nor have the Assamese ever sworn nationhood to the Chinese. Perhaps you should educate yourself good sir on the matter you are addressing.

Where did I say China CLAIMS it? I said The Assamese claim allegiance to China. Perhaps you should read posts you're responding to.
@Chinese-Dragon Did someone allude that our army would try to march into Xizang? :omghaha: Well, hopefully a topographical map shall serve such a specimen well.

Anyone who knows anything about Xizang will realize how laughable such an idea would be.

Not to mention that it would be nearly impossible to maintain supply lines from one side to the other, especially when those supply lines are also being targeted.

Attacking upwards into the Himalayas, that is really a strange and illogical thing to suggest.
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You must be joking. :lol:

Did you know that Ayub Khan offered to help India fight against China in 1959?

Bhutto's foreign policy legacy - DAWN.COM

He only changed his mind after he saw that China, even the midst of our worst famine ever, was able to hold off India easily in 1962.

Then he switched from offering to help India fight against China, to ceding territory to China in order to hold off India. Opportunism at it's finest.

Having an aeronautical engineer for a father that has at many times hosted PRC in Karachi, I wish to say nothing.

I could humiliate China, but I will keep my mouth shut due to military secrets.

Go and **** yourself by Indians Chinese-Dragon.

******* Chinese chicken. Mother ******.
Has anyone the total cost of ownership of 126 Rafale jets?

- purchase of planes
- cost of weapons
- maintenance cost
- running/operations cost
- spare parts
You must be joking. :lol:

Did you know that Ayub Khan offered to help India fight against China in 1959?

Bhutto's foreign policy legacy - DAWN.COM

He only changed his mind after he saw that China, even the midst of our worst famine ever, was able to hold off India easily in 1962.

Then he switched from offering to help India fight against China, to ceding territory to China in order to hold off India. Opportunism at it's finest.

You can't compare Pakistan's pre-Bhutto relationship with China with post-Bhutto relationship. One of the reasons Bhutto won his elections was due to his abandon US, adopt China policies. Bhutto went against US influence in Pakistan and paid with his life eventually.
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