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Scrap Rafale, Viva Tejas!

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After first page was there any discussion regarding the topic??

I have been seeing many threads about stalled MMRCA deal, IMO there is either some change in requirements of IAF, or there can be some issue of kick-backs or it can be Russian/Europeans or Americans coming up with some new proposals or it can be French trying to get more juice out of this deal?

Any how best of luck to Indians, such huge sums of $$$ always have many catches with it, In Pakistan it was $1.5 billion for Augusta Subs with France. The controversy with that deal still remains even after 18 years.
After first page was there any discussion regarding the topic??

I have been seeing many threads about stalled MMRCA deal, IMO there is either some change in requirements of IAF, or there can be some issue of kick-backs or it can be Russian/Europeans or Americans coming up with some new proposals or it can be French trying to get more juice out of this deal?

Any how best of luck to Indians, such huge sums of $$$ always have many catches with it, In Pakistan it was $1.5 billion for Augusta Subs with France. The controversy with that deal still remains even after 18 years.

Dude.. almost all indian members have termed this article as total crap ! Still if some people wanna take pot shots to relieve them off their own frustration then its a matter of time it becomes a troll thread !

I read the first few lines and knew it this non sense article was straight out of some one's fantasy !
What kind of idiot wrote this BS???? :hitwall:

Is that guy living in a cave? Official statements concerning this have been already issued by the IAF itself :hitwall:

1. Comparing a non existing plane (MK2) with the best 4.5 gen fighter which is in serial production and has seen combat says everything about the quality of this article. Period.

2. How can Tejas come even close to the Rafale? Do those idiots think that India can just come up with a 4 gen fighter just like that??? Manufacturing an aircraft like this is crown of a countries industrial capability and it takes decades of experience with previous generations.

But this appalling level of stupidity is no problem since the IAF knows it better :cheers:, too bad though that those dumb defense journos keep publishing such BS and make complete retards out of themselves.

Sry had to be said once. Critics are welcomed to this thread.

well I always beg same to don't compare LCA with anything often og JFT thread……
yeah I agree with you this article is bullshit as the parameters and actual in flight performance ofLCA is still to be judged……
well his 1 point is good and I agree with him
by slecting LCA the speed on program I hope would increase and so tje speed of moderinazation……
Maybe initially IAF has to use a bit less comperitive fighter but it will improve much master and cost much less i.e JFT when induced was with semi digital FBW and without HMDS but in a year both are provided while block 2 is just on the edge just the only prob is engine while taxi test of more comparitive engine with 98-100Kn thrust is completed………
I just mean thing developed by us can't compared with foreign………
but i suppose IAF will go with Rafael and this will just stop the process of development and upgradation of LCA as there would not be any hopes for induction atleast it would effect the project speed……
Factually wrong crap but surely worth a thought.

Component wise comparison would be informative and also alternative solutions are for sure, time-bound but is not impossible to procure/produce.

But the nation lacks the will power to go the distance hence depending on costly import is the only solution for the time being.
Dude.. almost all indian members have termed this article as total crap ! Still if some people wanna take pot shots to relieve them off their own frustration then its a matter of time it becomes a troll thread !

I read the first few lines and knew it this non sense article was straight out of some one's fantasy !

don't worry dude take it easy:cool:
he is new he must be hit hard by some guy frm your country thats why you are feeling sence of anger in his comments:pop:
well I always beg same to don't compare LCA with anything often og JFT thread……
yeah I agree with you this article is bullshit as the parameters and actual in flight performance ofLCA is still to be judged……
well his 1 point is good and I agree with him
by slecting LCA the speed on program I hope would increase and so tje speed of moderinazation……
Maybe initially IAF has to use a bit less comperitive fighter but it will improve much master and cost much less i.e JFT when induced was with semi digital FBW and without HMDS but in a year both are provided while block 2 is just on the edge just the only prob is engine while taxi test of more comparitive engine with 98-100Kn thrust is completed………
I just mean thing developed by us can't compared with foreign………
but i suppose IAF will go with Rafael and this will just stop the process of development and upgradation of LCA as there would not be any hopes for induction atleast it would effect the project speed……

U have to look at IAF's doctrine.. IAF wants to have 3 categories of fighters..
Heavy -> Su 30MK / FGFA
MMRCA -> Rafale/Mig29s/Mirage/AMCA ( :P )
Light weight -> Mig 21(B)/LCA

I dont know why people are even discussing about replacing Rafale with LCA.. those idiots doesn't know jackshit about interceptors or point defense or sead or anything about offensive/defensive tactics at all ..
After first page was there any discussion regarding the topic??

I have been seeing many threads about stalled MMRCA deal, IMO there is either some change in requirements of IAF, or there can be some issue of kick-backs or it can be Russian/Europeans or Americans coming up with some new proposals or it can be French trying to get more juice out of this deal?

Any how best of luck to Indians, such huge sums of $$$ always have many catches with it, In Pakistan it was $1.5 billion for Augusta Subs with France. The controversy with that deal still remains even after 18 years.
The issues are purely contraction-related in nature, none of the other possilbities you have mentioned are in fact true.

Is that what they mean ?;)

LOL quiet possible. :lol:
but surely worth a thought.

But on what basis mate? Apart from the funny claims about similar capability, not even the timelines fit here. First MMRCA squad is suppose to be inducted by 2015/16, the first LCA MK2 is estimated to be available in 2018. Going by currently know orders, around 2021 all 126 x Rafales should be available, just as 40 x LCA MK1 and around 80 x LCA MK2. To produce all the speculated 200, 300 or even 600 LCAs, would take even up to 2030, which is completely insane, since the possible capability and performance upgrades are limited for a light class fighter.

The fact is, we had to go for MRCA BECAUSE LCA will not be available in time and that remains the same today, so we don't just buy expensive foreign fighters for no reason, but to counter the problems caused by mistakes and failures during the indigenous development.
You must be joking. :lol:

Did you know that Ayub Khan offered to help India fight against China in 1959?

Bhutto's foreign policy legacy - DAWN.COM

He only changed his mind after he saw that China, even the midst of our worst famine ever, was able to hold off India easily in 1962.

Then he switched from offering to help India fight against China, to ceding territory to China in order to hold off India. Opportunism at it's finest.

U were still poor in the 60s... PIA was the first airline to operate directly to ur country,we helped u with the americans and so on... china wasnt a rising power back than as it is now..
The Indian crimes against the Assamese are basically crimes against Chinese. The Assamese lay allegiance to China more than India.

You also have Tibetian nonsense all supported by India directly and US indirectly.

You don't have a threat of invasion from India, but you may decide to take action once again due to their shenanigans in Tibet. Hence the threat perception from China.

Why not resolve your differences with India by putting your ego aside instead of going and searching for a big guy who can side by you against India.

All these Years your leaders tried to make anti India sentiments as a binder for your nation, The moment India becomes a friend the oppressed regions inside Pakistan will raise their voice against Punjabi Domination.
So your leaders will keep the status co. like that and rant anti India slogans and also initiate wars against India to divert Pakistan's attention from domestic failures.

Regarding Assam, Assamese are different from Chinese Hans. Chinese have nothing to do with Assam or northeast. Even they try to invade North east they cannot hold on to it for long.

You are trying pathetically to pit Chinese against India.


Seeing as how US-India relations are at an all time high, we believed that your uphill advantage doesn't mean ****.

India is the US attack dog towards your nation.

Oops..Too busy defending India?

Perhaps you should advise your nation to gtfo out of ours to react towards India?

As usual B.S from you, It is pakistan that did USA dirty work during Afghan Jihad and doing the same in WOT. Where as India voted against USA in many occasions in UN.

do not get frustrated here, You people read some fairy tales as academic lessons and try to match that when you are grown up.

Try overcoming that, it will help you.


Seeing as how US-India relations are at an all time high, we believed that your uphill advantage doesn't mean ****.

India is the US attack dog towards your nation.

Oops..Too busy defending India?

Perhaps you should advise your nation to gtfo out of ours to react towards India?

think again:

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