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Saudi security is a red line | Pakistan

Absolute Bull Sh*t !

Even our Shias don't like what the Ayatollahs have been up to !

I remember you were saying Iran and Saudi Arabia are main causes of many security problems in Pakistan.
Now you are saying even Shias don't like Iran, while you said earlier in this thread that this positive feeling for KSA is genuine for majority of Pakistanis. It raises the very simple question, why? What's the difference here?

If we assume that your word is true and Iran and KSA are causing troubles in Pakistan, then is Iran's role seen more negatively? Why?

How many Shia Pakistanis have you seen on this very forum thinking about Iran as being anything more than just another country in the neighborhood ? Heck even the Shrines are in Iraq not Iran !

At any rate Shias are not 20 or 30 percent of Pakistan....not by any stretch of the imagination....its more like 1 in every 15 Pakistani Muslim is a Shia !
I have been fallowing your posts for a little while, it appears to me that you do happen to have an issue with us, but to be brutally honest, we don't give a damn about you or what you think or what Iranians think or what those of whom you called upon think. If Iran puts a toe out of line with us, the 600k Iranains who died on Saddam hands will be like drop in the ocean in exchange of what we are doing.

Yes, this is a religious war, and clearly, we are going to win.

So pakistan would go to war with neighbour iran over saudi arabia and shia sunni problems?Nawaz forgot the meaning of word 'foreign policy'.
Unfortunately most Muslim rulers of our day mostly care about themselves and their interests. They will work for non-Muslims even if they work against non-Muslims as long as they can benefit from it. This goes for ALL Muslim countries and rulers of today.

Therefore the only hope is the common people and I know one thing despite many Pakistanis being anti-Arabs here or anti-KSA (a certain group of people under a certain influence let us leave it at that) and that is that Pakistanis are my MUSLIM brothers and that Saudi Arabian-Pakistani relations are a living example that both people care about each other.

In fact I always prefer to use examples from my own life or from ordinary people rather than the leaders. The Pakistani people are the closets to us among the non-Arabs and even closer than some Arabs on certain issues. All this despite the linguistic, geographical and historical differences/distances. All I have to say.

If others have different opinions they are free to have them but I am not going to change mine.
I have been fallowing your posts for a little while, it appears to me that you do happen to have an issue with us, but to be brutally honest, we don't give a damn about you or what you think or what Iranians think or what those of whom you called upon think. If Iran puts a toe out of line with us, the 600k Iranains who died on Saddam hands' will be like drop in the ocean in exchange of what we are doing. We are crazily genocidal, Iran ought better not toy with us.

Yes, this is a religious war, and clearly, we are going to win.

And he claims I have issues :omghaha:

P.S- I have nothing against Arabs. But yeah , I will admit , I tend to prefer a certain sect over the other. But I know awesome people from both sects.
How many Shia Pakistanis have you seen on this very forum thinking about Iran as being anything more than just another country in the neighborhood ? Heck even the Shrines are in Iraq not Iran !

At any rate Shias are not 20 or 30 percent of Pakistan....not by any stretch of the imagination....its more like 1 in every 15 Pakistani Muslim is a Shia !

International sources suggest it is around 10-20 % of your muslim population.
Translation of Quran In English - Surah Al-Fil

'O beloved! Have you not seen how your Lord dealt with the men of the Elephant?

Did He not cause their device to be ruined.

And He sent against them flocks of birds.

Striking them against stones of baked clay.

And thus made them like broken straw eaten up.

SO WHo is the Protector of Two Holy City ALLAH

Takla Nawaz has to worry about his A$$ rather then Saudi Bit$$$$ .

Saudi Bit$$$$ Already made friend with JEWS and Christian Alliance so Allah is not going to Protect them but Destroy them Inshallah Very Some .
I remember you were saying Iran and Saudi Arabia are main causes of many security problems in Pakistan.
Now you are saying even Shias don't like Iran, while you said earlier in this thread that this feeling for KSA is genuine for majority of Pakistanis. It raises the very simple question, why? What's the difference here?

The reason is simple, despite Pakistan hosting the second largest Shia Population in the World, in a country about to reach 200 million people....the figures get vastly diluted ! I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out that only 1 in every 15 Pakistani Muslim is a Shia - thats based on my own experience !

When it comes to the Sunnis - quite a few of us admire Iran for her gusty approach of not bowing down to external pressure but at the same time Iran has no religious emotional attachment for Pakistani Sunnis as to a lesser extent Saudi Arabia does. Even when it comes to our Shias - quite a few of our Shias, principally oppose the whole Ayatollah creed of Velayatul Faqih ! At any rate its Iraq that has more emotional significance for them !

The difference here is that the common Pakistani does not despise either KSA or Iran because the common Pakistani Sunni & Shia, contrary to popular opinion, is extremely well integrated with each other with intermarriages a very....very common site ! Therefore because most of us aren't associated with Sectarian Outfits who for one reason or another have their Qiblah set at either of the two countries, the common Pakistani holds not an ounce of ill-will for either Iran or KSA in their hearts !

Only those who've been involved in counter-terrorism activities, bureaucracy & other such state apparatuses & have had brush in with these Sectarian Outfits know about the handlers of these Sectarian Outfits - the common man is by & large indifferent to it & to a lesser extent oblivious to most of it !

Naturally, then, a currency of hating or supporting one against the other doesn't sell at all in Pakistan.

If we assume that your word is true and Iran and KSA are causing troubles in Pakistan, then is Iran's role is seen more negatively? Why?

Public Perception - No Role for either !

Those Charged with Governance - Both have overstayed their Welcome by a long shot !
Although Nawaz Sharif has had good relations with Saudi Arabia in the past, i however don't see the same this time around.


- Does not let Musharraf go
- Received no offer of Oil on deferred payment
- Commits to Iran-Pakistan Gas Pipeline
- Does not agree to send Jihadis to Syria
- Does not support Military Coup in Egypt
- Does not support foreign invasion in Syria

This recent statement he makes is showing his diplomacy. In reality its just about the two Holy Mosques that any Muslim would come first to protect
and none of the holy sites will be targeted, because to the Shia Muslims in Iran those are considered holy sites as well.

Since when have we considered Iran to be a Muslim state :lol:

It's won't be a religious war, because most likely Iran's goal would be to bring Islamic democracy to Saudi Arabia and bring down the Al-sauds monarchy.

I'm afraid that Persians make no roles in this context :no:

Islamic Democracy? What a Sunni version to the Zoro republicb? :lol: :D :rofl: :omghaha: Honey, no thanks, we don't want a democratic play, either all - on our own - or nothing :lol:
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