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Saudi security is a red line | Pakistan

Unfortunately most Muslim rulers of our day mostly care about themselves and their interests. They will work for non-Muslims even if they work against non-Muslims as long as they can benefit from it. This goes for ALL Muslim countries and rulers of today.

Therefore the only hope is the common people and I know one thing despite many Pakistanis being anti-Arabs here or anti-KSA (a certain group of people under a certain influence let us leave it at that) and that is that Pakistanis are my MUSLIM brothers and that Saudi Arabian-Pakistani relations are a living example that both people care about each other.

In fact I always prefer to use examples from my own life or from ordinary people rather than the leaders. The Pakistani people are the closets to us among the non-Arabs and even closer than some Arabs on certain issues. All this despite the linguistic, geographical and historical differences/distances. All I have to say.

If others have different opinions they are free to have them but I am not going to change mine.

The point you made here is kind off similar to our own. If Pakistan is invaded, the common religious Saudi people will side with us. After all, if it weren't for religion, Arabs & Pakistanis wouldn't have much in common. Even the modern day ties between our countries or the basis of this relationship Saudi Arabia & Pakistan have rests on the idea of Saudis & Pakistanis being Muslim brothers & sisters. Of course religion isn't our only or primary identity. Ethnicity, culture, & language are all important factors that determine a people's identity, & in my opinion are slightly more important than the religious one. The historical interaction between our lands is probably another reason for these close ties.
You have to understand that geopolitics continue to change. What was the situation 10-15-20 years ago is not the situation today.

One shouldn't completely give up Nations National interest under the false impression of brotherhood and that "not to worry, Saudis will always be there fore us", and yet when time comes we are caught with our pants down.

God helps those who help themselves.

If you are worried if this happen without our Ally, we will be fine, our whole Army forces (500K+) will not transfer to Saudi Arabia immediately to leave our country behind. Pakistan is not that simple, Saudis know lot of favor from Pakistan's support on Bahrain and Al Saudi protections.

The national interest both countries are win-win, it is not similar like US back stabbed on Gaddafi or India reduce their oil importing from Iran to satisfy the West.

I am not here to applause the Ummah brotherhood between Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, we see the important benefits of each other in common shares for long terms.
Not supporting Iran in this...but b**** please..your monarchs wont lift a thumb without the collective approvals from NATO and US. So please spare us the GCC tough talk.

Sorry pal, you are in no position to flex you phony muscles :lol:

A- We haven't seen anything except embracing politics when the PLA jumped into your own territory.

B- We haven't see anything except talking big when the Mullahs seized your ships.

Bhai, you are in no better position, please worry about yourself, and yourself only.
The reason is simple, despite Pakistan hosting the second largest Shia Population in the World, in a country about to reach 200 million people....the figures get vastly diluted ! I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out that only 1 in every 15 Pakistani Muslim is a Shia - thats based on my own experience !

When it comes to the Sunnis - quite a few of us admire Iran for her gusty approach of not bowing down to external pressure but at the same time Iran has no religious emotional attachment for Pakistani Sunnis as to a lesser extent Saudi Arabia does. Even when it comes to our Shias - quite a few of our Shias, principally oppose the whole Ayatollah creed of Velayatul Faqih ! At any rate its Iraq that has more emotional significance for them !

The difference here is that the common Pakistani does not despise either KSA or Iran because the common Pakistani Sunni & Shia, contrary to popular opinion, is extremely well integrated with each other with intermarriages a very....very common site ! Therefore because most of us aren't associated with Sectarian Outfits who for one reason or another have their Qiblah set at either of the two countries, the common Pakistani holds not an ounce of ill-will for either Iran or KSA in their hearts !

Only those who've been involved in counter-terrorism activities, bureaucracy & other such state apparatuses & have had brush in with these Sectarian Outfits know about the handlers of these Sectarian Outfits - the common man is by & large indifferent to it & to a lesser extent oblivious to most of it !

Naturally, then, a currency of hating or supporting one against the other doesn't sell at all in Pakistan.

Public Perception - No Role for either !

Those Charged with Governance - Both have overstayed their Welcome by a long shot !

Thanks for the reply.

I think majority of Iranians don't mind or care about close Saudi-Pakistani relations, unlike what it seems to be believed here.

Pakistan can have an alliance with KSA, go to war for it or do anything else for it. It's not an issue for us, it's your country, you choose what to do.
Since when have we considered Iran to be a Muslim state :lol:

I'm afraid that Persians make no roles in this context :no:

Islamic Democracy? What a Sunni version to the Zoro republicb? :lol: :D :rofl: :omghaha: Honey, no thanks, we don't want a democratic play, either all - on our own - or nothing :lol:

Arabs seem not to understand what dangerous Side effects Pakistan encounter in this "religious war", Arabs on the forum keep putting them in 2 classes of Safavid and Sunni.

Putting myself in Pakistani nationalist shoes I think they would like to nuke both Saudi and Iran for them being the centers of Sunni and Shia fighting a religious "proxy" war pulling all other countries with followers into the same war. If I am wrong correct me.
Yes, take it as it is buddy.
My judgement on you didn't come for all of a sudden but after a close observation.
And he claims I have issues :omghaha:

P.S- I have nothing against Arabs. But yeah , I will admit , I tend to prefer a certain sect over the other. But I know awesome people from both sects.
I am surprised Hindu can use these Quran verses and saying something to destroy both Pak-Saudi. :what:

Translation of Quran In English - Surah Al-Fil

'O beloved! Have you not seen how your Lord dealt with the men of the Elephant?

Did He not cause their device to be ruined.

And He sent against them flocks of birds.

Striking them against stones of baked clay.

And thus made them like broken straw eaten up.

SO WHo is the Protector of Two Holy City ALLAH

Takla Nawaz has to worry about his A$$ rather then Saudi Bit$$$$ .

Saudi Bit$$$$ Already made friend with JEWS and Christian Alliance so Allah is not going to Protect them but Destroy them Inshallah Very Some .

Arabs seem not to understand what dangerous Side effects Pakistan encounter in this "religious war", Arabs on the forum keep putting them in 2 classes of Safavid and Sunni.

Putting myself in Pakistani nationalist shoes I think they would like to nuke both Saudi and Iran for them being the centers of Sunni and Shia fighting a religious "proxy" war pulling all other countries with followers into the same war. If I am wrong correct me.

Lol, I have thought of this before, it is better to choose Saudi Arabia (Sunni) over Iran, we should nuke Iran to prevent their virus sect wars.
International sources suggest it is around 10-20 % of your muslim population.

The range from 5% to as much as 30% from what I've read - a Variance like that hardly fills me with confidence so I only use anecdotal evidence ! At any rate I can't recall which one of them were actually based on surveys conducted whereby people were asked how many were Sunnis & how many were Shias ?

The only one I do know of is the Pew based one & even about that I dunno how authentic it is ?

Khair just for reference it maintains that 81% of Pakistani Muslims responded that they are Sunnis, 6% that they are Shias & 12% that they identify just as 'Muslims' with 1% identifying at something else ! (Chapter 1: Religious Affiliation | Pew Research Center's Religion & Public Life Project)
Like always, you seem to have some sort of miscomprehension.

Was my post correlated to Pakistan in the eyes of Arabs/Iranians or vice versa? The post you quoted didn't contain a word related to Pakistan.

Arabs seem not to understand what dangerous Side effects Pakistan encounter in this "religious war", Arabs on the forum keep putting them in 2 classes of Safavid and Sunni.

Putting myself in Pakistani nationalist shoes I think they would like to nuke both Saudi and Iran for them being the centers of Sunni and Shia fighting a religious "proxy" war pulling all other countries with followers into the same war. If I am wrong correct me.
Here we go.:laughcry: As predicted. First rule. Don't attract trolls on matters that do not concern their country or them.

And the real fasadi who wanted them to come into a thread about bilateral relation of Pakistan and KSA accomplished. Know thy enemy.

There is a pattern, any good news about certain countries, or news of expanding relationship between those countries twists the knickers of the members from certain country and they feel the urge to derail the topic.
You don't get it do you ? Iran has very little emotional or religious significance for most of us...including the Shias - the reason why we admire Iran is because of how is withstood International Pressure !

Alhamdulillah with grace and blessing of almighty Allah there are more muslim in india then Pakistan and i guess you are a muslim and you don't understand the Ayat shame on you.

I am surprised Hindu can use these Quran verses and saying something to destroy both Pak-Saudi. :what:

Lol, I have thought of this before, it is better to choose Saudi Arabia (Sunni) over Iran, we should nuke Iran to prevent their virus sect wars.
Like always, you seem to have some sort of miscomprehension.

Was my post correlated to Pakistan in the eyes of Arabs/Iranians or vice versa? The post you quoted didn't contain a word related to Pakistan.

As you know I go off topic and off the comment, but its part of the convo, and partially a response to it being a religious war.
Thanks for the reply.

I think majority of Iranians don't mind or care about close Saudi-Pakistani relations, unlike what it seems to be believed here.

Pakistan can have an alliance with KSA, go to war for it or do anything else for it. It's not an issue for us, it's your country, you choose what to do.

Most Pakistanis too have reconciled with Indo-Iranian Relations & so its not a tit-for-tat kinda a thing for us either !

If truth be told many in Pakistan care about Iran & we remember the Shah of Iran - a good friend of Pakistan - quite fondly ! Whatever he was to you guys....he was a friend to us & someone who helped us in our Wars !
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