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Saudi security is a red line | Pakistan

I am totally against any sort of military intervention anywhere. - However, Pakistan needs to provide help to Saudi Arabia, in training and organization of their armed forces.

I would like our Saudi friends to understand that, if Pakistan supports Saudi Arabia in any future conflict, it also needs to support Pakistan in any future conflict. It is NOT about give and take , its about 'how real relationships work'. I personally want to scrap the Pakistan and Saudi Navies. Ideally, we should have a joint naval command with rotating command structure to establish and maintain a 'blue water' navy, jointly operated by an integrated Pak-Saudi command structure.

If we are to become real allies than we need strong steps. We need to project power in the next 30 years, to protect our interests, fight piracy and maintain a naval balance of power in the gulf,arabian sea and Indian ocean. Pakistan cannot afford a battle group but together we can. Pakistan is building a submarine based nuclear deterrent, then we need to have an air craft carrier and 1 battle group to go along. It should suffice to serve our naval security demands. Instead of going alone, we should join forces. Had the great old man,King Faisal been alive today, we already would have a strategic pact and synchronized military forces, at least as far as the navy is concerned. He is dead and i miss him badly, he was a true blooded Muslim.

@Yzd Khalifa @JUBA @Arabian Knight @al-Hasani @Mosamania
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I really don't think this has anything to do with Iran. But in my opinion Pakistan should focus on it's own security issues, in Pakistan there is a sectarian and ethnic conflict, over 13,000 have died from terrorist attacks so far....If I was a Pakistani I would tell this to STFU and focus on Pakistan.

It is easy to play on national feelings. This is after all a Pakistani forum - dare I say a nationalist one. Every Pakistanis main interest here is their country and its well-being including their citizens. You will not score any cheap points by indirectly saying "screw the Saudi allies and phuck everyone else Pakistan only matters". That is not how the world of today works.

Lastly the discussion concerns Makkah and Madinah and a self-proclaimed Muslim like you should know about its importance. We are not discussing the survival of Al-Saud here, me, Khalifa, Arabian Legend or Riyadh.

I don't know how anyone can miss that unless they have a certain agenda. People are not stupid here and can read between the lines. I at least can.
I felt that this may be important for Iranians as this gives an idea which way Pakistan sways when it comes to the possibility of a conflict between Iran and SA in the future. God forbid.

Especially since some Pakistanis here are claiming that in a war between KSA and Pakistan , most Pakistanis will support KSA.

The truth is about 20%-30% of Pakistan will support Iran!

If one day there is conflict between Iran and SA. Iran would never target the holy sites in Mecca or Medina. The conflict would be about bringing down Al-sauds regime and maybe install Muslim Brotherhood or other Islamist groups there.. It's not gonna be a religious war, of course some Wahhabis will say this, but it wont be a "religious war".
well... I'm happy for you....WTF does that have anything to do with my comment?:azn:

if any country attacks KSA,Makkah or Madina will not be attacked, they have no strategic value for the enemy......

Unless it's a religious war.

i was telling you about mentality of most pakistanis we would die for holy land rather proctecting our home
I don't dispute some of the facts you raised.

It is a valid question that would Pakistan Armed Forces react to a US attack on Hijaz? Perhaps their would be a division, but those that would appose the assistance to the Saudis would be very few, a tiny minority in fact.

Most secular minded officers and generals have already been replaced by more conservative ones. So that really is a no brainer.

I think that whoever arrives to defend the holy sites, whether civilian or military would essentially be fighting to prevent non-Muslims from capturing the holy sites. They wouldn't be fighting to defend KSA's government, that job naturally belongs to the Saudi Army. In any case though, no matter what war occurs, even if the holy sites were hypothetically attacked, we will have to ensure both Pakistan's safety & the safety of the holy sites alone. It isn't our job to defend some other land's government.

Now, i'm no expert on Egyptian politics and won't pretend to be one, however, as many (even pro-FSA and anti-Iranian) members on this very forum posed the question; Why Saudi backed liberals in Egypt against the conservative elected gov.t? In response, a few of your countrymen and pro-Saudi members replied that it was not in Saudi interest or MB wasn't doing good enough, etc, whatever fit the excuse.

In the same manner, as a Nationalist, i will not be 100%, or even 50% sure of a Saudi backing of Pakistan in case of a indo-Pak war if it is not in Saudi interest to side with Pakistan and severe relations with india.

That's a good point. I am sure the religious Saudi people would be on our side in case Pakistan is attacked. However, when it comes to governments, we can never be certain. This is another reason Pakistan needs to progress economically, militarily, technologically, socially, & politically. Other nations side with those that would be most beneficial to them in the future. If Pakistan continues to deteriorate, no one is going to care for us or even bother to help us regardless of our religion.
@Aeronaut pakistan already provide a lot of support to saudi.
Many retired military official get hired as military instructor and trainers in saudi!
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I'm not driven by hate, i just posed valid questions. Perhaps if i'm ignorant to certain facts to which you have been exposed to, you can enlighten me, but that doesn't mean i'm "driven by hate".

Knowledge is supposed to be sought after.

I just don't want to get my a$$e locked up my friend, thats why I asked Imran Khan to further shed some light on this subject as he knows what to say and what not to. He has more access than I do.
I think it would be interesting to listen to their perspective. The Mods will take care of the trolling, if any.

I have been fallowing your posts for a little while, it appears to me that you do happen to have an issue with us, but to be brutally honest, we don't give a damn about you or what you think or what Iranians think or what those of whom you called upon think. If Iran puts a toe out of line with us, the 600k Iranains who died on Saddam hands' will be like drop in the ocean in exchange of what we are doing. We are crazily genocidal, Iran ought better not toy with us.

Yes, this is a religious war, and clearly, we are going to win.
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