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Saudi security is a red line | Pakistan


And which region, country are those two cities part of? Papua New Guinea?

Who are their inhabitants?

Al-Quds is another example.

Those two cities happen to be the most sacred places for nearly 2 billion Muslims worldwide. They are not located in Pakistan or any other country/region.

The question should rather be. Who would be dumb enough to attack Hijaz? All this is hypothetical anyway.

Would Pakistan help us if the USA attacked Hijaz? I am not talking about people here.

Oh, be sure of the fact that Saudi Arabians would go to Pakistan to fight the Indians if an all out war took place.

Besides whether people like it or not then KSA-Pakistani relations are wonderful and deeply rooted.

I don't dispute some of the facts you raised.

It is a valid question that would Pakistan Armed Forces react to a US attack on Hijaz? Perhaps their would be a division, but those that would appose the assistance to the Saudis would be very few, a tiny minority in fact.

Most secular minded officers and generals have already been replaced by more conservative ones. So that really is a no brainer.

Now, i'm no expert on Egyptian politics and won't pretend to be one, however, as many (even pro-FSA and anti-Iranian) members on this very forum posed the question; Why Saudi backed liberals in Egypt against the conservative elected gov.t? In response, a few of your countrymen and pro-Saudi members replied that it was not in Saudi interest or MB wasn't doing good enough, etc, whatever fit the excuse.

In the same manner, as a Nationalist, i will not be 100%, or even 50% sure of a Saudi backing of Pakistan in case of a indo-Pak war if it is not in Saudi interest to side with Pakistan and severe relations with india.
@Desert Fox

In the past, we backed you up during the last two wars already, I'm seeing no more wars between both states concerned.

We don't impose an embargo on an X or Y states out of the blue, there has got to be a rational reason for it. Additionally, If we imposed an embargo on India, we will lose our political influence on them.

First article in defense cooperation pact include intelligence gatherings against terror groups, second was dedicated to share experience in combat rids in mountainous areas.

We did it once with much powerful states, and we can do it again.

Are you from Royal family? ;)
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No thank you. Not sure how relevant their opinion is in strictly KSA-Pakistani relations. Just like Suriname is not relevant here either.

Only trolling will come from those individuals. So spare us one thread at least.

I think it would be interesting to listen to their perspective. The Mods will take care of the trolling, if any.
[Bregs];4710713 said:
Go ahead its because of trolls like you leg pulling threads are made here for India , what offence i did if i said you are trolling in a thread

i am worried about my country image (which trolls like you destroy here) and respect other countries too an am not used to, to troll like you in others thread

As someone who has spent 4 years here, I would advice you not to take these things too seriously. That's a rookie mistake. Country's image on PDF :lol:

Anyways I have not reported your post but you are in clear violation of forum rules. Be careful next time. :)



Did that country's image post from [Bregs] make you laugh? :lol:
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Without public annoucements, you know behind the scene and agreements , Saudi Arabia given free massive oil to Pakistan. That's enough support from the heart of Saudis. ;)

Iran already punish India and seize their ships for more demanding million dollars.

You have to understand that geopolitics continue to change. What was the situation 10-15-20 years ago is not the situation today.

One shouldn't completely give up Nations National interest under the false impression of brotherhood and that "not to worry, Saudis will always be there fore us", and yet when time comes we are caught with our pants down.

God helps those who help themselves.
I don't dispute some of the facts you raised.

It is a valid question that would Pakistan Armed Forces react to a US attack on Hijaz? Perhaps their would be a division, but those that would appose the assistance to the Saudis would be very few, a tiny minority in fact.

Most secular minded officers and generals have already been replaced by more conservative ones. So that really is a no brainer.

Now, i'm no expert on Egyptian politics and won't pretend to be one, however, as many (even pro-FSA and anti-Iranian) members on this very forum posed the question; Why Saudi backed liberals in Egypt against the conservative elected gov.t? In response, a few of your countrymen and pro-Saudi members replied that it was not in Saudi interest or MB wasn't doing good enough, etc, whatever fit the excuse.

In the same manner, as a Nationalist, i will not be 100%, or even 50% sure of a Saudi backing of Pakistan in case of a indo-Pak war if it is not in Saudi interest to side with Pakistan and severe relations with india.

We can never know about such hypothetical scenarios. Talk is easy after all. The thing I know though is that at the end of the day our countries security depends on us first and foremost. I would like to make that clear for everybody who has illusions.

The Egyptian topic has been discussed hundred of times and is a very dividing topic among ordinary Saudi Arabians which is correct whether some of my fellow compatriot will deny it here. Besides we have a rather good track record in terms of internal Middle Eastern issues. Sometimes you have to pick your side and the Al-Saud did that. As did other Arab and non-Arab countries. All for their own interests. It is no secret that the MB has tried to topple the UAE rulers and the same happened in Jordan. All very unpopular moves.

Besides I would not compare Egypt with Syria at all for a lot of reasons. Not the thread for it though.

Kalu_Miah started a thread called "the survival of the Arab monarchies" where we have quickly discussed this topic and others and I will further elaborate on a lot of issues concerning the region. You might look at the thread and give your own opinions if interested.
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I really don't think this has anything to do with Iran. But in my opinion Pakistan should focus on it's own security issues, in Pakistan there is a sectarian and ethnic conflict, over 13,000 have died from terrorist attacks so far....If I was a Pakistani I would tell this to STFU and focus on Pakistan.

if india Attack my country and Makkah or Madina is Attacked i would like to go to KSA i will defend those cites till the last drop of my blood
I will let @Imran Khan to address you Qs, I don't want to reveal any Military info. But yes India is not valuable to us, We are using them to further squeeze the lunatic mullah of Iran economically, when it comes to Pakistan we will definitely ditch them. History can prove my words. Read about Indo-pakistan war and Saudi arabia support military, economically and politically. Do you know that pakistan has been given many strategic locations to counter India in any case of war in the arabian sea/ gulf of Aden. Why do you think Saudi Arabia is buying all of these weapons, why do you think saudi Arabia is supporting Pakistan military projects with China and other countries. Next time try not to be driven by hate and be rational for once.


' @Dazzler Bhai any comments on the above ? :unsure:
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I really don't think this has anything to do with Iran. But in my opinion Pakistan should focus on it's own security issues, in Pakistan there is a sectarian and ethnic conflict, over 13,000 have died from terrorist attacks so far....If I was a Pakistani I would tell this to STFU and focus on Pakistan.

I felt that this may be important for Iranians as this gives an idea which way Pakistan sways when it comes to the possibility of a conflict between Iran and SA in the future. God forbid.

Especially since some Pakistanis here are claiming that in a war between KSA and Pakistan , most Pakistanis will support KSA.
I will let @Imran Khan to address you Qs, I don't want to reveal any Military info. But yes India is not valuable to us, We are using them to further squeeze the lunatic mullah of Iran economically, when it comes to Pakistan we will definitely ditch them. History can prove my words. Read about Indo-pakistan war and Saudi arabia support military, economically and politically. Do you know that pakistan has been given many strategic locations to counter India in any case of war in the arabian sea/ gulf of Aden. Why do you think Saudi Arabia is buying all of these weapons, why do you think saudi Arabia is supporting Pakistan military projects with China and other countries. Next time try not to be driven by hate and be rational for once.


I'm not driven by hate, i just posed valid questions. Perhaps if i'm ignorant to certain facts to which you have been exposed to, you can enlighten me, but that doesn't mean i'm "driven by hate".

Knowledge is supposed to be sought after.
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if india Attack my country and Makkah or Madina is Attacked i would like to go to KSA i will defend those cites till the last drop of my blood

well... I'm happy for you....WTF does that have anything to do with my comment?:azn:

if any country attacks KSA,Makkah or Madina will not be attacked, they have no strategic value for the enemy......

Unless it's a religious war.
We can never know about such hypothetical scenarios. Talk is easy after all. The thing I know though is that at the end of the day our countries security depends on us first and foremost. I would like to make that clear for everybody who has illusions.

The Egyptian topic has been discussed hundred of times and is a very dividing topic among ordinary Saudi Arabians which is correct whether some of my fellow compatriot will deny it here. Besides we have a rather good track record in terms of internal Middle Eastern issues. Sometimes you have to pick your side and the Al-Saud did that. As did other Arab and non-Arab countries. All for their own interests. It is no secret that the MB has tried to topple the UAE rulers and the same happened in Jordan. All very unpopular moves.

Besides I would not compare Egypt with Syria at all for a lot of reasons. Not the thread for it though.

Kalu_Miah started a thread called "the survival of the Arab monarchies" where we have quickly discussed this topic and others and I will further elaborate on a lot of issues concerning the region. You might look at the thread and give your own opinions if interested.

Al-Saud picked his side after the first world war when he pledged with the west in exchange of kingship and a huge betrayal to the Ottoman caliphate.
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