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Saudi Arabian Air, Land, Naval Forces & SANG

Yeah.. hes pretty big (and weighs like 130 kgs or something)... also by african saudi... are they zanji people?

You mean black people? If so, then Yes.

Bro, those words are insulting, just call them black people. And yes, there are Arab black people.

Zinji is being used in Urdu language as it is.

Amazing video Mosab.:tup:

Yes, he is an African-Arab or Afro-Arab. 10% of the population of KSA are Afro-Arabs or partially Afro-Arabs. They are really friendly people.

I wonder how tall that guy is? I thought that I was tall being 1.90-1.92 m but he is probably 10 cm taller - at least!
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These Iranians are a funny lot.

The article says they built an DESTROYER named JAMARAN , which is 1420 Tons.

I thought the Destroyers had to be heavier than at least 6000 tons and carry sophisticated sensors and including Aesa Radars and BVR missiles to qualify as a Destroyer.

1400 ton vessel is not even a Frigate - more like a Corvette.
I just can't wait to see it :laughcry:, and what kind of jet fighters are they going to use with it? F-5 or F-4?

Hahahaha okay buddy, stop embarrassing yourself for one day now.
I am fine mate.BTW,will you be laughing like this when you see the operated F-313?probably by the end of Persian year?

@BLACKEAGLE the real model is also fantastic:devil:
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