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Saudi Arabia opens soldier rank positions for women in seven regions


Jun 1, 2017
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The official uniform for women showcased at the prison exhibition in al-Janadriyah. (Supplied)

Mariam al-Jaber, Al Arabiya.netThursday, 22 February 2018

Saudi’s General Security division announced that soldier rank positions will be available for Saudi women in different regions including Riyadh, Mecca, al-Qusaim and al-Madina.

The conditions to apply include that the woman has to be of Saudi origin and to have been brought up in the kingdom, with the exception of women who lived with their fathers abroad due to a government-related responsibility.

They also need to be between the ages of 25-35 with a minimum of a high school education.

The applicants will have to pass some tests and interviews, as well as a medical checkup. They added that the applicant must have good conduct, and to have never worked in any government or military-related institution.

Those married to non-Saudi nationals are not eligible to apply.

The conditions also include the presence of her guardian and place of residence in the same area as the job’s location, and the applicant’s height must also not be less than 155 centimeters, with a good weight to height ratio.

Last Update: Thursday, 22 February 2018 KSA 14:15 - GMT 11:15

Pakistan should also enlist women in Infantry

No not in Infantry. Infantry soldiers face many situations that aren't normal, such as training that exposes much part of the body, even they can get their uniform teared during combat or later being caught by the enemy forces they are feared for sexual abuse. We have loads of other arms for sending women into.
No not in Infantry. Infantry soldiers face many situations that aren't normal, such as training that exposes much part of the body, even they can get their uniform teared during combat or later being caught by the enemy forces they are feared for sexual abuse. We have loads of other arms for sending women into.
right now Army only recruits women in support Branches they should at least commission them in Armored corps
and Aviation
right now Army only recruits women in support Branches they should at least commission them in Armored corps
and Aviation

We have enough men to recruit in combat arms like Armor and Infantry. No need for women there. They're okay in medical, signal, engineer corps etc.
I believe in 100% equality...women being 50% of the population should constitute 50% of the armed forces in whatever role the men are employed.

Heck I would like to see 50-50 ratio in garbage collecting, construction, sewer works etc. True equality!
I believe in 100% equality...women being 50% of the population should constitute 50% of the armed forces in whatever role the men are employed.

Heck I would like to see 50-50 ratio in garbage collecting, construction, sewer works etc. True equality!
Women do make uo a good portion of garbage collectors. As of armed forces women arent put into combat roles cause of few reaons. 1. They could be raped if captured by enemy . 2. Their physical strength acts as limitation

I am also not in favor of women coming in combat roles except maybe handful of them ,they should be trained in combat for emergency use but employed in support roles.


@Reichsmarschall jon why u changed nick man and its so difficult. Bata tau dena tha u are changing nick
Women do make uo a good portion of garbage collectors. As of armed forces women arent put into combat roles cause of few reaons. 1. They could be raped if captured by enemy . 2. Their physical strength acts as limitation

Fair enough about the garbage part(in Pakistan). That still leaves us with construction work...can't wait to see equality there.

Brother Ocean, I disagree with you in regards to women being put in to combat roles. It's either they're snow flakes or they are not, we can not pick and choose equality. Lay your life on the line like men do, men get killed and gets taken as POW as well. In terms of physical strength...well if you're screaming for equality and equal pay then put up with the required amount of strength as well. The problem I usually have is with "selective equality", soft cushy jobs for women, equal pay for women (when they do not put in the required amount of effort or hours) while men can do all the real work.

What you said about strength and rape are absolutely true, but it also means that they're in essence not equal to men as we would like to believe. Religious, scientific, philosophical, whichever angle you come from would support this argument.

Pakistan and KSA are changing in this regards, 3rd wave feminism is in full force and it will have disastrous consequences for the social fabric, moral fabric, and the demographics of these countries. Apologies for going a bit off-tangent :)



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It is a good move.. there are many support, administrative, technical and medical...etc roles and positions that can be filled by women.. and free more men for field operations ..
A very good step and a long overdue return to ancient practices, including the earliest Islamic period.

People should not forget that some of the oldest recorded female rulers in the world (as well as some of the most famous - Queen Sheba and Queen Zenobia) emerged in Arabia and the Arab world. Arab queens/rulers such as Queen Sheba (almost 3000 years ago), Queen Shamsi (ruled almost 3000 years ago) Queen Zabibe (almost 3000 years ago), Queen Mavia (1600 years ago), Queen Yatie (almost 3000 years ago) and Queen Zenobia (1750 years ago).







Even an Arab women became de facto the only Caliph in history during the Fatimid era. Sitt al-Mulk (1021-1036).


Women had much greater rights in pre-Islamic Arabia than most other places of the world as well as early Islamic era.

@SALMAN F @The SC @Arabi @Gomig-21

Women who are qualified and eager to serve and defend the homeland are more than welcome. People complaining need to see a doctor IMO.
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A very good step and a long overdue return to ancient practices, including the earliest Islamic period.

People should not forget that some of the oldest recorded female rulers in the world emerged in Arabia and the Arab world. Arab queens/rulers such as Queen Sheba (almost 3000 years ago), Queen Shamsi (ruled almost 3000 years ago) Queen Zabibe (almost 3000 years ago), Queen Mavia (1600 years ago), Queen Yatie (almost 3000 years ago) and Queen Zenobia (1750 years ago).







Even an Arab women became de facto the only Caliph in history during the Fatimid era. Sitt al-Mulk (1021-1036).


Women had much greater rights in pre-Islamic Arabia than most other places of the world as well as early Islamic era.

@SALMAN F @The SC @Arabi @Gomig-21

Women who are qualified and eager to serve and defend the homeland are more than welcome. People complaining need to see a doctor IMO.
There is also the example of Rabia al 'Adawia in the Islamic period and the Muslim women who used to hit their husbands fleeing from the battlefield until they return back and fight.. or even taking their weapons if they fall and fight.. there are a few well known examples..
There is also the example of Rabia al 'Adawia in the Islamic period and the Muslim women who used to hit their husbands fleeing from the battlefield until they return back and fight.. or even taking their weapons if they fall and fight.. there are a few well known examples..

Khawlah bint al-Azwar and countless of others.

Indeed. Even much later in the Islamic period. There are even examples of female warriors during the House of Saud era that began in 1744. Some even took part in the Arab Revolt.

So a return to normality and tradition IMO whether Islamic or pre-Islamic era. Good news overall as lately seems to be the ongoing trend.
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No not in Infantry. Infantry soldiers face many situations that aren't normal, such as training that exposes much part of the body, even they can get their uniform teared during combat or later being caught by the enemy forces they are feared for sexual abuse. We have loads of other arms for sending women into.
Its very likely that women will join PA infantry in a few years. They are already in FC and Rangers.

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