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Gunmen target police officers in Saudi Arabia

Many atrocities were committed by your lovely regime before the conflict and in the very beginning and to this day. This has created animosity and attracted radicals. But the blame need to be put on your regime. If people were happy nobody would have rebelled.

Al-Asshead regime also started targeting all those thousand of Saudi Arabians that lived in Syria or had married Syrians or vice versa. Many Saudi Arabians have ancestral ties to Syria and vice versa! Same tribes live in both countries. Just a tiny strip of Jordan territory is separating us.

Close or not the relations were not problematic at all.

If KSA wanted to topple your regime they would have tried to stir something up long before. This conflict was started by Syrians against Syrians (the regime).

No amount of propaganda is going to change that or talk about any inside job.
like I said many times before, if Syrians wanted to get rid of Alasad he would have been gone long time ago... now all the bloodshed that is happening in Syria is because the west and their puppet support to terrorism which pro long the war, more weapons sent to those terrorists more bloodshed, Saudi "Arabia" can't do crap, it has begged the west many times to attack Syria and it failed, it even used chemical weapons as a pretext for an intervention and it failed... and don't start that tribe crap...

and btw more this conversation to the Syrian thread, I'm done here...
like I said many times before, if Syrians wanted to get rid of Alasad he would have been gone long time ago... now all the bloodshed that is happening in Syria is because the west and their puppet support to terrorism which pro long the war, more weapons sent to those terrorists more bloodshed, Saudi "Arabia" can't do crap, it has begged the west many times to attack Syria and it failed, it even used chemical weapons as a pretext for an intervention and it failed... and don't start that tribe crap...

and btw more this conversation to the Syrian thread, I'm done here...

Yet Al-Asshead is not welcome in 50% + of Syria. He is hated by most. Only fear keeps him in power.

Yes, Saudi Arabia used chemicals indeed. In your fantasy maybe. We never used chemicals against anyone.

We do not kill Shia Muslims in KSA that protest.

But that's correct. As an Syrian Christian you might not know about those ties.
Yet Al-Asshead is not welcome in 50% + of Syria. He is hated by most. Only fear keeps him in power.

Yes, Saudi Arabia used chemicals indeed. In your fantasy maybe. We never used chemicals against anyone.

We do not kill Shia Muslims in KSA that protest.

But that's correct. As an Syrian Christian you might not know about those ties.
oh I do know those ties very well, why do you think Jaraba is the "president' of the terrorists opposition?? anyways, Saudi "Arabia" didn't directly use it, but it did sponsor the use and helped the use of Chemical weapons by terrorists in Syria...

we have seen what Saudi "Arabia" have done in Bahrain...
oh I do know those ties very well, why do you think Jaraba is the "president' of the terrorists opposition?? anyways, Saudi "Arabia" didn't directly use it, but it did sponsor the use and helped the use of Chemical weapons by terrorists in Syria...

we have seen what Saudi "Arabia" have done in Bahrain...

Terrorist opposition in your eyes. For me and most others your dictator and mass-murderer is the terrorist here and the ISIS which he never attacks. Funnily enough!

Nonsense. No proof of that.

Yes, what have we done? Restored order after an invitation by Bahrain. We did not kill anybody. In the past 3 years 80 or so Bahrainis have died half of them policemen.

80 people alone have been killed by your regime just today.
Discussion has ended with you since you cannot admit that you support a mass-murdering dictator and his regime.
Terrorist opposition in your eyes. For me and most others your dictator and mass-murderer is the terrorist here and the ISIS which he never attacks. Funnily enough!

Nonsense. No proof of that.

Yes, what have we done? Restored order after an invitation by Bahrain. We did not kill anybody. In the past 3 years 80 or so Bahrainis have died half of them policemen.

80 people alone have been killed by your regime just today.
Discussion has ended with you since you cannot admit that you support a mass-murdering dictator and his regime.
all I have to say is compare Syria before and after the conflict, all that bloodshed happened when outside force intervened and supported terrorists... you are really dumb, daily missiles fall on ISIS in Al Raqqa but the media ignores it... don't forget there is still a whole military division in Al Raqqa that is fighting those terrorists... and btw many Saudis admitted that ISIS is Saudi funded and many of their fighters are Saudi... ...

yes dissuasion with you is pointless, since you support terrorists that kill innocents just to blame others and gain sympathy...
all I have to say is compare Syria before and after the conflict, all that bloodshed happened when outside force intervened and supported terrorists... you are really dumb, daily missiles fall on ISIS in Al Raqqa but the media ignores it... don't forget there is still a whole military division in Al Raqqa that is fighting those terrorists... and btw many Saudis admitted that ISIS is Saudi funded and many of their fighters are Saudi... ...

yes dissuasion with you is pointless, since you support terrorists that kill innocents just to blame others and gain sympathy...

No report about Al-Assheads regime soldiers and foreign Shia militias attacking ISIS. Al-Asshead himself created iSIS in Iraq during the civil war there to spread chaos so they could annex the Sunni Arab parts of Iraq and create their "Greater Syria" nonsense that has no historical basis at all.


You are contradicting the Iraqi foreign minister who admitted recently in an interview that ISIS is lead by Iraqis and former Ba'ath members. Ironically your regime is Ba'athi.

ISIS is just a trojan horse. They are as big enemies as your Al-Asshead regime. Both have the same agenda.
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