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These stylish Saudi Arabian women entrepreneurs mean business

Yeah, because every Najdi and Qatari is conservative. This depends on the family and region. Nothing like idiotic generalizations.

Where are you from anyway? Last time I asked you then you avoided my question.
Left hand side, first flag
these poor ugly girls are not even permitted to drive a damn car.
these poor ugly girls are not even permitted to drive a damn car.

Arabian beauty is world famous, cretin.

Should you not worry about all those plastic operations that your women are leading in and especially the removal of those giant noses? Or the obsession about fake blond hair?

Maybe stone some underage women to death while you are at it, Farsi retard.

Also poor? What the hell are you talking about? Saudi Arabians are on average 2.5 times WEALTHIER than Farsis. Don't make me laugh, Mullah.:lol:

Good to know about the changes. By the way I like abayas! The fashionable abayas are beautiful!

They are indeed.
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Arabian beauty is world famous, cretin.

Should you not worry about all those plastic operations that your women are leading in and especially the removal of those giant noses? Or the obsession about fake blond hair?

Maybe stone some underage women to death while you are at it, Farsi retard.

They are indeed.
perverts, tharki.........
Should you not worry about all those plastic operations that your women are leading in and especially the removal of those giant noses? Or the obsession about fake blond hair?

Maybe stone some underage women to death while you are at it, Farsi retard.

They are indeed.

don't quote me angry troll ! :D lol
your en language is aweful ! poor here means " pauper "
underage stoning? yeah that's too much in your country not mine. underage!!! WTH ! :D


again sorry for your women that they even can't do anything about their giant noses or even they are not permitted to change their hair color :D . LOL
by the way i meant those women in the photo.not all arabs! lebanan's arabs are beautiful. i don't know if you call them (in that photo) beauty then what's ugly? LOL

now just say whatever you want to say. bye bye ignored troll :)
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Are you illiterate? You call 6 young, beautiful and successful women entrepreneurs for poor and ugly because you are envious and just want to troll this thread.

There is nothing wrong with my English whatsoever. Unfortunately one cannot say the same about your barely existing English.

Yes, and if you make a search on Google named "Arab women" the same will be seen. Big deal.

That does not change the fact that a Saudi Arabian is 2.5 times wealthier than an Iranian on average and that Arabian beauty is world famous and always was no matter how much you are going to cry and show your inferiority complexes here.

Cretin. Stoning in KSA does not exist and let alone that of minors unlike Iran where such things happened not many years ago. Don't force me to post plenty of sources here to drag this discussion on to prove you wrong.

It's a fact that Iranian women are leading when it comes to plastic surgery and especially nose jobs in the ME. Hardly a secret. I know that it hurts but it could be worse.

But unlike you I don't call women ugly in public and understand that you have beautiful, which is more often than not subjective, and less beautiful women in every nation and country.

Thankfully we ME people have been blessed in that regard if you ask me but that's another discussion.

Now get lost with your trolling. I tried to be as polite as I could. You don't want to get me started so I warn you.

Left hand side, first flag

Can't see the flag hence why I asked.
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don't quote me angry troll ! :D lol
your en language is aweful ! poor here means " pauper "
underage stoning? yeah that's too much in your country not mine. underage!!! WTH ! :D


again sorry for your women that they even can't do anything about their giant noses or even they are not permitted to change their hair color :D . LOL
by the way i meant those women in the photo.not all arabs! lebanan's arabs are beautiful. i don't know if you call them (in that photo) beauty then what's ugly? LOL

now just say whatever you want to say. bye bye ignored troll :)
wow, really, thats authentic
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