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Saudi Arabia has started building the world’s biggest botanical gardens

You mean anglo saxons engineers? Why KSA don't give jobs for muslims?
just for fun, saudi trying to mess with pathan. :P

@cheekybird who do you think will win a wrestling match between saudi and pathan?....Soft-muscled al-hasani with lot of fat vs pak-one, the hard pashtun with huge endurance and physical strength, muscles not flabby and full of fat like al-hasani
People wasting water and in general just resources is a big problem across the ME. Not just in the UAE. But they often take things to the extreme since they can afford it. It's the same in KSA, Iran and elsewhere when it comes to being wasteful.

I don't know what the situation is in Turkey but probably better in this regard.

People need to learn how to be less wasteful and focus more on protecting the environment and alternative energy resources. There is no other way around it.

Most countries of the ME have a huge potential when it comes to solar and wind energy for instance. A bigger push should be made in that direction. KSA has started it but not sure about other countries of the region.

People are often completely ignorant compared to Western Europe were nearly everyone is aware of such things although not all follow it up with action it has to be said. But at least the governments are actually recycling resources and not wasting them.

A cultural change need to happen on this front. A big one if you ask me.

agreed, we are too messed up when it comes to spending, be it water, energy or even food.

People in Iran use water af if they are living in Canada or Antarctica with almost unlimited fresh water resources, many don't see a future where water resources are depleted. Our culture in this regard sucks badly. Don't know about KSA or other ME nations, but my own country is going to face a serious water shortage in the coming decade. There should be some planning to at least delay it, if not stop it.

I think it would be interesting to create a thread about water resources in ME, plannings, possibilities, dangers and ideas about how to overcome them.
just for fun, saudi trying to mess with pathan. :P

@cheekybird who do you think will win a wrestling match between saudi and pathan?....Soft-muscled al-hasani with lot of fat vs pak-one, the hard pashtun with huge endurance and physical strength, muscles not flabby and full of fat like al-hasani
Punjabi here to defend his Arab brother from an Afghan !!! :D

Doesnt matter, one pashtun is more than enough for a punjabi and an arab.....I believe you will put up some resistance but al-hasani will be eating the dust within seconds :D

If he was wrong, then why not. :lol:

I like the Pashtuns BTW.

agreed, we are too messed up when it comes to spending, be it water, energy or even food.

People in Iran use water af if they are living in Canada or Antarctica with almost unlimited fresh water resources, many don't see a future where water resources are depleted. Our culture in this regard sucks badly. Don't know about KSA or other ME nations, but my own country is going to face a serious water shortage in the coming decade. There should be some planning to at least delay it, if not stop it.

I think it would be interesting to create a thread about water resources in ME, plannings, possibilities, dangers and ideas about how to overcome them.

Man, we are screwed. In short, same here.
Doesnt matter, one pashtun is more than enough for a punjabi and an arab.....I believe you will put up some resistance but al-hasani will be eating the dust within seconds :D
Resistance ??? you'll be on the floor in 5 secs :D

You know what's funny ??? most of the fights i've ever had were with Pashtuns. and no i didn't start them most of the time and i don't have anything against them. :P
just for fun, saudi trying to mess with pathan. :P

@cheekybird who do you think will win a wrestling match between saudi and pathan?....Soft-muscled al-hasani with lot of fat vs pak-one, the hard pashtun with huge endurance and physical strength, muscles not flabby and full of fat like al-hasani

Arabs created 3 of the 11 largest empires the world has ever seen. More than any other people in the top 15. The military history of Arabs compared to that of the Pashtun people (LOL) is like comparing the military history of Romans with those of the Inuits. You are making a fool out of yourself and don't remember your military, cultural and religious conquerors.

Lastly that video is fake and Arabs are taller on average than your people.

Male Average Height By Country | Map & Chart | Men only

Female Average Height By Country | Map & Chart | Women only

Last time I was measured I was 1.90 m tall and I have done mixed martial arts for years and I am and have never been fat.

Now get lost and stop trolling several threads and derailing them due to your inferiority complexes.

agreed, we are too messed up when it comes to spending, be it water, energy or even food.

People in Iran use water af if they are living in Canada or Antarctica with almost unlimited fresh water resources, many don't see a future where water resources are depleted. Our culture in this regard sucks badly. Don't know about KSA or other ME nations, but my own country is going to face a serious water shortage in the coming decade. There should be some planning to at least delay it, if not stop it.

I think it would be interesting to create a thread about water resources in ME, plannings, possibilities, dangers and ideas about how to overcome them.

Yes, you are completely right. Serious measures need to be taken. Awareness needs to be raised from a young age and elders should be an example. Let's hope for the better.

Yes, people are also extremely wasteful when it comes to food. Pretty much everything.
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What's a 'botanical' garden? Is it meant for research?
The eco-friendly movement in Saudi Arabia

Last updated: Tuesday, March 04, 2014 06:40AM

GCC has taken large strides towards creating an eco-friendly environment. Saudi Arabia in particular has various projects underway aimed to protect our environment. Examples include a SR 4.5 billion expansion project of the Prince Muhammad International Airport in Madinah. The airport will use green technology and incorporate metro and public bus stations, carrying pilgrims back and forth. Expected to be completed in 2015, the airport has already been titled the first eco-friendly airport in the Middle East.


Banks in Saudi Arabia have also been involved in projects to conserve the environment. For example, the National Commercial Bank (NBC) has a launched a campaign aiming to develop a 1000 gardens across the Kingdom using eco-friendly technology. The campaign which is headed by 40 male and female NBC employees will attempt to create ecological parks under municipality supervision. The team will also raise awareness amongst communities regarding the importance of protecting the environment.

Unfortunately, many people consider going green to be an expensive process. This is mainly because of lack of demand and competition for green products. Plus, high production costs have driven prices up in comparison to other products. However, this doesn’t have to be the case, with little changes to our lifestyle, we can save money on household bills and protect the environment. Below are just a few examples of how we can conserve our environment.

    • Keep your AC temperature at around 23 degrees or replace your old AC unit with a new one. This will help in saving both energy and money on cooling costs.
    • Keep lights and other appliances switched off from the main switch and save on utility bills.
    • Keep your freezer full and increase energy efficiency.
    • Cover swimming pools to prevent evaporation and conserve around 19 liters of water per day.
    • Wash clothes with cold water rather than warm and save money on electricity bills.
    • Takeout all unnecessary things from your car and increase your fuel efficiency.
    • Save on utility bills and water by keeping water taps off while brushing your teeth.
    • Carry your own bags to the supermarket rather than using the plastic ones available at stores.
    • Replace cleaning chemicals with homemade remedies. For example use basic ingredients such as baking soda and vinegar to clear clogged drains
Before buying green products make sure you read the labels. Sometimes products only come in biodegradable containers while the product itself contains chemicals. If you’re a looking to get purely organic products, read the bottle to ensure this is not the case.

Saudi Arabia is currently in the planning stages of renovating and building around 90,000 eco-friendly mosques across the Kingdom. Discussions during the Saudi Green Building Forum revealed the government’s intent to incorporate renewables sources of energy and eco-friendly technology to build and maintain these mosques while promoting the concept of green buildings across the Kingdom.

Sources: Arab News; Asharq Al-Awsat

The eco-friendly movement in Saudi Arabia | Souqalmal.com
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