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Obama begins official visit to Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is not your terror enclave called Gaza which everybody spanks left and right.

What a stupid comment which has no relation to my post, typical so called 'Muslim Arab' supporting Jewish extremists over his own Caliph Umar which gained us this land and blessed it. You have no shame, of course when you can't respond to my posts you resort to childish enemy of God remarks.
What a stupid comment which has no relation to my post, typical so called 'Muslim Arab' supporting Jewish extremists over his own Caliph Umar which gained us this land and blessed it. You have no shame, of course when you can't respond to my posts you resort to childish enemy of God remarks.
You're just a takfiri terrorist, just like your beloved Hamas. You'll always be occupied as long as you're with this stupid disgusting mentality. If you hate America so much, get the hell out of it and return back to the shit hole Gaza.
You're just a takfiri terrorist, just like your beloved Hamas. You'll always be occupied as long as you're with this stupid disgusting mentality. If you hate America so much, get the hell out of it and return back to the shit hole Gaza.

No I want, we will change America from within. Our foreign policy will change, everything else is up to the Americans to decide. Our foreign policy already is changing, Americans don't want to fight wars for Saudis or Israelis. Of course our administration has interests and wants to keep supporting injustice. Your mentality is disgusting, you support 'takfiris' in Syria. Don't give me the disgusting term, you don't even pray five times a day and call other people 'terrorists' just because they side against injustice. God is going to burn you cowards.
No I want, we will change America from within. Our foreign policy will change, everything else is up to the Americans to decide. Our foreign policy already is changing, Americans don't want to fight wars for Saudis or Israelis. Of course our administration has interests and wants to keep supporting injustice. Your mentality is disgusting, you support 'takfiris' in Syria. Don't give me the disgusting term, you don't even pray five times a day and call other people 'terrorists' just because they side against injustice. God is going to burn you cowards.
You're disgusting.
Because we side against injustice, meanwhile your army is murderinf Syrian refugees. Want me to post that video again?

You're the injustice. You kill innocent civilians with your primitive rockets. You have spread terrorism and violence in Egypt, the country that has fought 4 wars for you. You're not only a takfiri terrorist but also ungrateful traitor.
Both of you belong to the same stock. Takfiris. :D

Because we side against injustice, meanwhile your army is murderinf Syrian refugees. Want me to post that video again?
You're the injustice. You kill innocent civilians with your primitive rockets. You have spread terrorism and violence in Egypt, the country that has fought 4 wars for you. You're not only a takfiri terrorist but also ungrateful traitor.
You're the injustice. You kill innocent civilians with your primitive rockets. You have spread terrorism and violence in Egypt, the country that has fought 4 wars for you. You're not only a takfiri terrorist but also ungrateful traitor.

Same bull crap lies, it's an eye for an eye. Israel regularly used to bomb civilians and civilian homes and kill civilians all over the West Bank. We have the right to respond to defend our people. Israel kills thousands of civilians and many if them deliberately as documented by amnesty international and other nations and human rights organizations yet not a word comes from you coward supporters of Israeli terrorism. A Muslim can't be a Muslim that supports injustice. Meanwhile, you lie about Egypt, as I just made a thread on the leak recently. I'm not a traitor to nothing, I follow Islam and sympathize with Islamic causes and stand against injustice. I have not betrayed my God or Prophet, you guys betrayed them.
Same bull crap lies, it's an eye for an eye. Israel regularly used to bomb civilians and civilian homes and kill civilians all over the West Bank. We have the right to respond to defend our people. Israel kills thousands of civilians and many if them deliberately as documented by amnesty international and other nations and human rights organizations yet not a word comes from you coward supporters of Israeli terrorism. A Muslim can't be a Muslim that supports injustice. Meanwhile, you lie about Egypt, as I just made a thread on the leak recently. I'm not a traitor to nothing, I follow Islam and sympathize with Islamic causes and stand against injustice. I have not betrayed my God or Prophet, you guys betrayed them.
You've crossed the line with me, my treatment with you will change 360 from now on. You creep are so rude, you want to impose your point of view on us with this rudeness. You can't stop making things personal all the time. You psycho are not supposed to do that, you discuss the ideas you sick freak.
You've crossed the line with me, my treatment with you will change 360 from now on. You creep are so rude, you want to impose your point of view on us with this rudeness. You can't stop making things personal all the time. You psycho are not supposed to do that, you discuss the ideas you sick freak.

Stop being a little baby, I can't imagine how sensitive you are. All I told was don't take this recent meeting seriously, America is not going to anything significant anytime soon. The support will only be slightly increased and won't help change much on the ground anytime soon. It's you that started lashing out at me because I understand politics better than you do. America isn't going to do what Saudi Arabia wishes, it makes calculations and Americas benefit to is to prolong the war.
Stop being a little baby, I can't imagine how sensitive you are. All I told was don't take this recent meeting seriously, America is not going to anything significant anytime soon. The support will only be slightly increased and won't help change much on the ground anytime soon. It's you that started lashing out at me because I understand politics better than you do. America isn't going to do what Saudi Arabia wishes, it makes calculations and Americas benefit to is to prolong the war.
You have no honor nor dignity and you think people are like you. Don't get me down to your level here again or you will be humiliated. I just regret making topics to mods to ban that Israeli, he should have stayed here to keep you under control
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