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Saudi Arabia expresses interest in JF-17 co-production with Pakistan.

Look if it happens great, if it dosent then it dosent, no matter.

The JF 17 if a young plane, Block 2 now is the real deal with a range of weapons integrated and a bunch of upgrades, once we actually starting producing the block 2 and head towards block 3 is when the orders will come in

countries dont tend to snap impulse buy fighter jets

So when egypt, azerbijan or saudi have shown intrest they are thinking about in a few years time when the JF-17 is more mature and properly equipped

Have no doubt in the coming years exports of this plane will rise.

The only advantage of the saudi's buying or placing an early order is that they could influence the layout of the block 3 to meet their requirments
@Yzd Khalifa

i have heard a similar story, Saudis are interested in deep partnership (more than license assembling) as the Europeans and Americans have offered limited ventures only. Pakistan has offered a full fledged cooperation. Please confirm this if you have any info.

Saudi eyeing Pakistan’s JF-17 fighter jet, modeled from U.S. F-16
Special to WorldTribune.com

ABU DHABI — Saudi Arabia has been examining the prospect of becoming a partner in Pakistan’s fighter jet program.

Officials said the Saudi Defense Ministry has been reviewing Pakistan’s JF-17 fighter jet program.

Pakistani JF-17

The officials said representatives of the ministry as well as the Royal Saudi Air Force were examining the feasibility of procuring JF-17 as part of cooperation with Islamabad.

“This project could provide the kingdom with technology that could be used in future projects,” an official said.

On Jan. 20, Saudi Deputy Defense Minister Prince Salman Bin Sultan visited Pakistan and toured the JF-17 project, modeled after the U.S.-origin F-16 and which entered production in late 2013. Salman, hosted by Pakistani Chief of Staff Gen. Raheel Sharif, was said to have focused on enhanced defense cooperation, including training and an exchange of expertise.

“During the meeting, matters of mutual interest, regional security and
enhanced bilateral defense collaboration including training exchange program
were discussed,” an official statement said.

Pakistan has been deemed the leading strategic ally of Saudi Arabia.
Western diplomats said Pakistan, with assistance from China, has provided
ballistic missiles and non-conventional weapons expertise to the Gulf
Cooperation Council kingdom.

Officials said Pakistan has offered to supply the Saudi military with
aircraft, main battle tanks and submarines. They said the offer included
technology transfer as well as co-production in Saudi Arabia.

“The expectation is that Saudi purchases from Pakistan will increase
over the coming year,” the official said.
Firstly it's not Pakistan's project- it is China's.

I can see the Saudis being somewhat interested in this as they are trying very hard to build up their own defence industrial manufacturing base. However I just don't see the Thunder project being all that attractive to them. Firstly they have 0 need for the Thunder and they are already spending a lot in other areas related to the EFT and lastly what kind of relations do the Saudis have with the Chinese? Would the Chinese even want the Saudis involved? The Chinese will be the ones calling the shots after all- they have the final say. They hardly need their money and the Saudis bring almost NOTHING to the project from a knowledge point of view.

All in all I am more than willing to state for the record that nothing will come of this.

There always seems to be a lot of speculation around the Thunder that turns to naught after a while- how many nations have been reported to be "seriously' interested in the Thunder now? And how many export orders? I'm not sure if it is just spin or someone is intentionally making things up but it makes one very cynical about anything that is reported on the Thunder from this point of view.
Firstly it's not Pakistan's project- it is China's.

I can see the Saudis......Chinese even want the Saudis involved? The Chinese will be the ones calling the shots after all- they have the final say. They hardly need their money and the Saudis bring almost NOTHING to the project from a knowledge point of view.

Who told you that ? :unsure:
Who told you that ? :unsure:
It's pretty obvious. They are the ones who funded the R&D almost entirely, they are the ones who undertook the vast majority of testing work, they are the ones who have invested the most in this project and,if they respected them would, hold all the IPRs. Are you seriously going to sit there and tell me Pakistan added much to the project? Before the Thunder they had next to 0 aeronautical engineering base fro supersonic fighters. Where has Pakistan picked up all its knowledge? From China of course! Is Pakistan getting Thunders on soft-loans from China- yay or nay? Yes, China lets Pakistan show of the JF-17 and promote it as they are the only AF in the world operating them- to date the PLAAF is yet to place a single order for them so it makes sense for the PAF to market the bird.

It doesn't take a genius to see who holds all the cards here.
Who told you that ? :unsure:
We have discussed this time and again with Indian members that Pakistan is equal (more than equal actually) partner in this project including R&D but alas....

It's pretty obvious. They are the ones who funded the R&D almost entirely, they are the ones who undertook the vast majority of testing work, they are the ones who have invested the most in this project and,if they respected them would, hold all the IPRs. Are you seriously going to sit there and tell me Pakistan added much to the project? Before the Thunder they had next to 0 aeronautical engineering base fro supersonic fighters. Where has Pakistan picked up all its knowledge? From China of course! Is Pakistan getting Thunders on soft-loans from China- yay or nay? Yes, China lets Pakistan show of the JF-17 and promote it as they are the only AF in the world operating them- to date the PLAAF is yet to place a single order for them so it makes sense for the PAF to market the bird.

It doesn't take a genius to see who holds all the cards here.

Where are you getting that from ? :what:

I hope some of your misconceptions would clear away from the following interview : JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 5] | Page 180
Having to eat your own words is never a good thing.

Please refer to the first answer in this interview here. Your ill-informed ideas will lead to a troll fest.
JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 5] | Page 176
Sir, I don't see why I have to eat my own words. My points are still valid. The spin a PAF Air Cdre may put on things doesn't really change anything.

it's just like when the IAF brass tries to claim the LCA is a fully Indian bird- of course this is a little different as most of the R&D and all of the funding was done in-country- but conveniently overlook many of the key systems are foreign.

You'd agree, at the very least then, that without China there would be no JF-17?

Your ill-informed ideas will lead to a troll fest.
That is not my intention at all. This was just one of my points.
Very good for both countries... will also help the Saudi aero industry and diversify the weapons platform .One message which I got from this development is that kingdom may be interested in 'large numbers' since JFT is cheaper to procure they can have loads of them with the potential resources at their disposal... Saudi will be one of the most powerful airforces on the planet after this ...since they already own EF, F15 ,etc. ...
Timing and nature. Correct me if I am wrong, most exports were trainers and small arms. JF-17 for SA has only one target. Iran. Transfer of technical know how between SA and Pakistan, I believe if it happened is not public news.

Iran and Saudi Arab have been hostile to each other , since the beginning , the timing isn't something to consider here and somehow we have dealt with both countries before , I do not really think this is going to be a problem . Iran's sanctions will not be lifted overnight , the economy will not recover that easily and neither will they try to mess with Islamabad over a military sale to Riyadh . The borders erupting over an aircraft deal is too far fetched . Besides the trainers and small arms , most of the Arab countries have got their forces trained in Islamabad's territory and that really counts for something . Of course , its not something commonly known but yet it is available on the open sources intelligence - even the article has a paragraph on that .
Yes the Saudi's were 'eying' Al-Khalid tank as well a few years back, they were 'eying' The Raad APC manufactured at HIT as well. Now they are 'eying' JF-17? Well all I can say that no harm in window shopping. It just makes the shop owner (read Pakistan) happy every now and then that his product are being 'eyed' on! PAC does not how to sell and Saudi's do not buy unless there pockets are filled!! Damn ..... now I am humming that song by that long haired guy EYE TO EYE!!!
KSA can choose JF-17 in the best configuration

*Greater use of composites
*AESA radar
*A Powerful engine
*Integration of all Possible weapons

Other than this if KSA really is interested in the JF-17 and the license assembly aswell than the order would never be less than atleast 80-100 of them
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