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Satellite Photos of Iran's attack on US bases

I am gradually getting convinced by “The Immortal’s” theory. Either the launched missiles had no real explosives in their warheads, or the so-called published photos are forged by the U.S. following a behind-the-scene agreement between Iran and the U.S., meaning that Iran fired some missiles to the middle of no where, and U.S. provided the media with these fake photos.

  • "I'm not a military man, I cannot tell you exactly what was going on. But what I can tell you is that the target was chosen in order to show that we are capable of hitting the target where the plan to kill Soleimani was organized," he said, adding that "we are not interested, we are not looking after killing Americans within this operation."

Iran's own UN ambassador is saying that killing US personnel wasn't the intended goal, and I believe him.

I believe him too. Killing US personnel wasn't the intended goal. That's why not thousands but only from 80 to 270 US soldiers died (according to different sources).

You're right, not only would I have, but I did actually say that.

Unlike you, I'm more than willing to admit when I'm wrong. It's all a part of learning and fact checking, as well as forming theories and opinions.

I have never said I am always right.

  • In this digital age, there is no way you can hide your casualties. It's impossible.

Why impossible ? Cracking the Enigma Code of World War II was "impossible" (or so Germans thought).
How is hiding casualities harder for US than hiding tax returns is for Trump ?

Ask Snowden and Assange what happens to people that tell the truth in USA/England. Nobody in the US would dare to tell exactly how many casuallities US suffered.

Please not BBC and CNN. They are notorius liars.
I believe him too. Killing US personnel wasn't the intended goal. That's why not thousands but only from 80 to 270 US soldiers died (according to different sources).

According to propaganda from Iran.

I have never said I am always right.

You sure act like it though.

Why impossible ? Cracking the Enigma Code of World War II was "impossible" (or so Germans thought).
How is hiding casualities harder for US than hiding tax returns is for Trump ?
Everytime a soldier died in Iraq and Afghanistan, it was announced within hours by the media, even before the government and military even said anything. What makes you think they'll be able to hide 80 to 270 bodies?

See, I think you KNOW that this casualty count is propaganda, but because you're so invested in this conflict, you've made it your mission to spread it far and wide.

Ask Snowden and Assange what happens to people that tell the truth in USA/England. Nobody in the US would dare to tell exactly how many casuallities US suffered.

They leaked confidential military information. If someone did that in Iran, the Iranian government would have executed him within days. Don't pretend otherwise.

Please not BBC and CNN. They are notorius liars.
First of all, actually read the content, instead of disparaging the source.


Third, those provide actual quote from officials from both sides. I'm not looking their the article's conclusions only, I'm piece together my own opinion, by taking various sources of information.

Fourth, I have even less reason to trust Iranian sources, as they've proven to be nothing more than propaganda mouth pieces. Yet, I dont dismiss them, because even they could have valuable pieces of information.
Everytime a soldier died in Iraq and Afghanistan, it was announced within hours by the media, even before the government and military even said anything.

Every time ? How do you know that ?

What makes you think they'll be able to hide 80 to 270 bodies?

In 2003 US regime was very successfull in spreading lies that Iraq had WMD. US regime is very good when it comes to fake news, lies and false flag operations. Trump in particular is very good in hiding things (e.g. his tax returns).

They leaked confidential military information.

Was Snowden sentenced by independent court ? Is there any proof that he leaked confidential informations ? He was whistleblower. That's why he was persecuted. Snowden was lucky to escape from US oppression to China and Russia .

If someone did that in Iran, the Iranian government would have executed him within days. Don't pretend otherwise.

Do you have any proof to support your claim.
Every time ? How do you know that ?

Because there are independent organizations keeping track of casualties.

In 2003 US regime was very successfull in spreading lies that Iraq had WMD. US regime is very good when it comes to fake news, lies and false flag operations. Trump in particular is very good in hiding things (e.g. his tax returns).
You're connecting things that shouldn't be connected.

Cum hoc ergo propter hoc.

You're using a logical fallacy. Just because they lied then, doesn't mean they're lying now. And in fact, it was US MEDIA that exposed the lies.

Also, the tax returns have nothing to do with this.

Was Snowden sentenced by independent court ? Is there any proof that he leaked confidential informations ? He was whistleblower. That's why he was persecuted. Snowden was lucky to escape from US oppression to China and Russia.

Everything he liked was confidential, what in the **** are you talking about? If it was all known to the public, why would he be targeted. Are you really making this argument? Really?

By the way, I dont for one second believe you actually know what's going on with Snowden. Go watch his interviews, before spouting nonsense. I recommend watching the joe rogan one that recently came out.

Do you have any proof to support your claim.

But let me guess, this is propaganda, right?

Everything that you disagree with seems to be lies.
Because there are independent organizations keeping track of casualties.

Name those "independent organizations". Are they "independent" from being founded by US regime ?

You're using a logical fallacy. Just because they lied then, doesn't mean they're lying now.

US regime usually lies so I suppose this time they also lie.

Also, the tax returns have nothing to do with this.

Yes they do. You said that it imposible to hide casualities. How is hiding casualities harder for US regime than hiding tax returns is for Trump ?

Everything he liked was confidential, what in the **** are you talking about? If it was all known to the public, why would he be targeted. Are you really making this argument? Really?

By the way, I dont for one second believe you actually know what's going on with Snowden. Go watch his interviews, before spouting nonsense. I recommend watching the joe rogan one that recently came out.

Was Snowden sentenced by independent court or not ?


Is US founded Amnesty International one of "independent organizations" you were talking about ?
Name those "independent organizations". Are they "independent" from being founded by US regime ?

US regime usually lies so I suppose this time they also lie.

Yes they do. You said that it imposible to hide casualities. How is hiding casualities harder for US regime than hiding tax returns is for Trump ?

Was Snowden sentenced by independent court or not ?


Is US founded Amnesty International one of "independent organizations" you were talking about ?
See? I KNEW you would dismiss my sources.

No matter who I name, you're gonna call them us puppets.

You're intellectually dishonest, and everyone can see that.

You KNOW you're lying, but are pretending otherwise. You know, you're spreading misinformation, but pretending otherwise.

I've had enough. I'm done dealing with people who have no idea what they're talking about, at least for today.
See? I KNEW you would dismiss my sources.

No matter who I name, you're gonna call them us puppets.

Try harder. I am not calling all media US puppets. There are media independent from US regime. Like Global Times or PressTV or Sputnik News.

You're intellectually dishonest, and everyone can see that.

You said that there are "independent organizations keeping track of casualties."
I asked you to name those ""independent organizations". When are you going to name those ?

It is You who are dishonest and everyone can see that.
Try harder. I am not calling all media US puppets. There are media independent from US regime. Like Global Times or PressTV or Sputnik News.

Global times = Chinese government owned

PressTV = Iranian government funded

Sputnik News = Russian government funded

You're a troll.

You said that there are "independent organizations keeping track of casualties."
I asked you to name those ""independent organizations". When are you going to name those ?

From the long war journal to iCasualties, you can literally google this. It take 2 minutes.

It is You who are dishonest and everyone can see that.
Considering you're just calling all my sources as fake, and literally posting propaganda as real, without evidence might I add, we can all see you're a liar.

So, you're a troll AND a liar.

Now I'm done. Just be thankful I haven't given you a negative rating for spreading false information, and trolling.
Global times = Chinese government owned

PressTV = Iranian government funded

Sputnik News = Russian government funded

You're a troll.

You brought only pro US sources and then complained that I question credibility of this sources. You literally said:

See? I KNEW you would dismiss my sources.

No matter who I name, you're gonna call them us puppets.

You're intellectually dishonest, and everyone can see that.

So I proved there are credible sources.

See? I KNEW you would dismiss my sources.
From the long war journal to iCasualties, you can literally google this. It take 2 minutes.

Neither so called "Long War Journal" nor so called "iCasualities" have free access to US millitary bases and you failed to prove they are independent from US regime.

Considering you're just calling all my sources as fake

Where did I called your sources as fake ? Pro-US sources don't lie all the time. Sometimes they tell the truth. I simply question credibility of your sources because you only bring pro-US sources with long history of lying.

and literally posting propaganda as real, without evidence might I add, we can all see you're a liar.

So, you're a troll AND a liar.

I tell the truth. Since you are resorting to personal attacks I won't waste my time on you. Welcome to my ignore list.

Now I'm done. Just be thankful I haven't given you a negative rating for spreading false information, and trolling.

I am not spreading any false informations. If you give negative rating for no reason mods can delete this negative rating.

  • The United States used Swiss intermediaries to urge Iran not to retaliate so strongly that it would provoke President Donald Trump, The New York Times reported Saturday.
  • The Swiss embassy in Tehran has long been used by the US government as a backchannel to communicate with the Iranians, according to The Wall Street Journal.
  • After receiving the message from the US, Iran responded by striking military bases housing US forces, though leaving no American casualties, and sending a message saying there would be no further retaliation for now.
  • The Times reported that that message ultimately convinced Trump to stand down.

hitting the exact tent from 500 km with pinpoint accuracy

An images that obtained by "Intellitimes" Blog, confirm that the iranian IRGC Missiles Attack on US forces at "Al Asad Air Base" in Iraq, was targating Special tents that eas used for hiding ֳִMQ-9 Reaper drones that were assigned for QassemSoleimani "Mission to Kill" Operation.

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